History of the Latter Day Saint movement[edit]

Hi; Re the reversion of edits in this article, I'm not knowledgeable on the subject, but the sentence structure doesn't make much sense in either version. Perhaps you could clean it up if you understand the intent. Thanks, (talk) 00:17, 15 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks. Cheers, (talk) 14:17, 15 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]

General Authority Assignments[edit]

Thanks for updating Elder Zivic's assignment. However, I looked on LDS.org and failed to find any mention there of his assignment. I see two other seventies (though I can't remember who) that are listed as Assistant Executive Directors of the Temple Department, but under Zivic's LDS.org biography, that assignment is not listed. Is it possible that this was a previous assignment that he has now been released from? As soon as LDS.org has an updated list of assignments, I guess we'll know for sure. Please respond on my talk page, as I don't habitually check other users' talk page for a response. Thanks. --Jgstokes-We can disagree without being disagreeable (talk) 00:55, 25 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Hi! I do recall that LDS.org's bio on Elder Zivic does not list the Temple Department assignment. Actually, as I recall, it does not list anything subsequent to his previous service in an area presidency. I obtained the information from other directories I reviewed. There are actually 4 assistants at the present time to William Walker, in his role as Executive Director. Hope that helps some. Thanks for the question to ensure we're on track. ChristensenMJ (talk) 01:24, 25 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
On the list we have, I see Elder Choi, Elder Zivic, and Elder Gibbons listed as Assistant Executive Directors of the Temple Department. So now my question is, who is the 4th person you spoke of? Also, on the list that you are taking this information from, does it contain any other assignments of general authorities that we can put on that page? Again, please respond on my talk page. Thanks. --Jgstokes-We can disagree without being disagreeable (talk) 14:15, 25 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
It is Elder Baxter and I have updated that portion of the table/info box. Thanks! ChristensenMJ (talk) 14:40, 25 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
It seems you forgot to respond to the second question of my last post, so I'll ask it again: On the list that you got the information from about the Temple Department Assistant Executive Directors, does it list any other assignments for seventies that we don't have on the WP list? Any additional information you can contribute would be appreciated. Again, please respond on my talk page. Thanks. --Jgstokes-We can disagree without being disagreeable (talk) 22:53, 25 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
I didn't forget, but I don't believe there is anything else that we would add, so I probably just skipped over the inquiry. :) There are some items that need to be officially announced before they are included as well. Thanks! ChristensenMJ (talk) 01:54, 26 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
There are other changes, but we'll have to wait until they're officially announced? I really wish you hadn't said that. My curiosity is piqued. I won't ask what these changes are, much as I want to. You're probably not at liberty to say. One question I can ask: Where are you getting all this information? Do you by any chance have access to the CDOL? What Church position do you hold that allows you to be privy to this information? These are questions I feel I can ask. In the meantime, for the sake of my sanity, any additional information you feel you can give me, even if we have to wait until it's officially announced to list it here, would be appreciated. If you can tell me anything, I promise that I won't make it public. However, if you can't give me any more details until it's official, I understand completely. I am copying my comments here to my talk page, where I hope you will respond to this post as you have the past ones. --Jgstokes-We can disagree without being disagreeable (talk) 23:40, 26 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Ha ha - OK, sorry to have piqued the interest! Nothing major, but always need to ensure the proper order is followed when updating info. Yep, there are a few good opportunities to see updates in what goes on across the church. Yes, I know, not a great answer! :) ChristensenMJ (talk) 03:10, 27 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Reworded and copied from Talk: List of general authorities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: I notice that you claim that Elder Ringwood, formerly the First Counselor in the Asia North Area, is now the President, replacing Presiding Bishop Stevenson, and that Elder Yamashita, formerly unassigned, is the new First Counselor. I will be the first to admit that when it comes to inside information about general authorities, you have always been right. But I think that since changes in Area Presidencies have always been sourced in the past that this change needs to be sourced as well. I will leave it up to you to provide that source at your convenience. Exciting news! Do you have any insight as to who will replace Bishop Causse as First Counselor in the Europe Area? You can respond to this message either on my talk page, or the talk page listed above. Thanks for all your great work! --Jgstokes-We can disagree without being disagreeable (talk) 08:39, 28 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Hi. When LDS.org was finally updated to reflect the new Presiding Bishopric, the changes in the Asia North Area were also included in being updated. This is the primary change that I referred to earlier in our conversation, awaiting something more "official" from the Church, either through a notice in the Church News, or in this case, from LDS.org. Nothing specific has been identified in the Europe Area yet. ChristensenMJ (talk) 03:24, 29 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Edit summary[edit]

Can you explain this edit summary to me?—Kww(talk) 12:05, 6 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

If you look at the edit history, you will see that you reverted a group of three edits. Two of those edits were perfectly valid edits correcting various spelling problems throughout the article, and one was one that you disagreed with. Why did you revert all three instead of just the one? I'm not going to take a strong stance on the content change: I think the description of Smith is puffery, but I agree that the change suffered from poor writing.—Kww(talk) 20:16, 6 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Good catch[edit]

At resurrection, you reverted[1] what appears to be a content vandal, adding false information etc. We ran into a rather prolific vandal at Wikipedia:WikiProject Film/Vandalism by 201.19.*.*. Is it possible this editor has done other similar vandalism, perhaps using other IPs? -Stevertigo (t | c) 03:14, 18 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]


Are you sure you didn't get the diff backwards here? That unreferenced section was added today, and the IP was reverting. (Also, adding the section seemed more POV-y than deleting it.) ~Adjwilley (talk) 01:53, 26 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Just looked over it more closely, and you are right. Don't know what I was thinking. I'll revert it at once, if it has not already been reverted. --Jgstokes-We can disagree without being disagreeable (talk) 01:57, 26 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]
No problem. Thanks. ~Adjwilley (talk) 01:57, 26 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]
You are most welcome. Thanks for calling me on my mistake. I'll be more careful in future. --Jgstokes-We can disagree without being disagreeable (talk) 01:59, 26 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Emeritus General Authorities[edit]

I think we have the listing updated and reflected in the table correctly now. Thanks for your efforts in getting the ball rolling there!! ChristensenMJ (talk) 21:53, 8 October 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Walter F. González[edit]

No need to apologize! I appreciated the newsroom update that you included - I was only going by this link - http://www.ldschurchnews.com/articles/62978/South-America-South-Area-presidency-changes.html - which says "has" been released. There are a ton of other changes that would need to be addressed and modified, given the known timing in January. ChristensenMJ (talk) 01:10, 27 November 2012 (UTC)[reply]

I will rely upon you to make the other changes, since I don't know what they would be. Thanks. --Jgstokes-We can disagree without being disagreeable (talk) 01:34, 27 November 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Boyd K. Packer[edit]

Just look at http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Boyd_K._Packer&oldid=525503774 and at http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Boyd_K._Packer&oldid=526717565 -- (talk) 13:14, 7 December 2012 (UTC)[reply]