The Wikipedia elite, like curren, have never heard of Slashdot, but they are sure it is "awesomely cool". Actually, it is awesomely cool, perhaps not as awesomely cool as Wiki is, at least to people like Curren, but - as those like Curren have forgotten, it is the *people* that count. So if you go around "dissing" people, patronizing them, or being condescending, you show me that power corrupts. Wiki could learn a thing or two from Slashdot, such as the comment rating system. I don't know too much about Wiki, and how one maintains the elite, magical, wizardlike status of an "editor", able to be "the decider", and bully people (did I say power corrupts?), such as the WikiPedia Vs. Bouml has shown, but here is another example of the heavy handedness of wikipedia that will eventually destroy it - and the best part of it is - it's available at slashdot!