Schhuoy (talk) 03:25, 7 October 2013 (UTC )My final topic selection: Feminine beauty ideals.

Schhuoy (talk) 17:31, 11 October 2013 (UTC) Doing Gender and Soft and Hard Masculinity[reply]

Schhuoy (talk) 02:02, 17 October 2013 (UTC) I was reading the "Doing Gender" part. I like how it explains what "Doing Gender" is about. They gave out the history where the information came from. I think it would be nice if the discussion talk more about examples.. Like what females and male are suppose to do, look, and act. (Workplace, mass media, and such).[reply]

Schhuoy (talk) 02:16, 25 October 2013 (UTC) add one sentences to feminine beauty ideal with a ciatation[reply]

Schhuoy (talk) 02:34, 4 November 2013 (UTC) 10 Annotated Bibliographies[reply]

Baker-Sperry, L. & Grauerholz, L., “The pervasiveness and persistence of the feminine beauty ideal in children’s fairy tales.” Gender & Society, 15(5), pp.711-726. Copyright © 2003. Published by Sage Publications In this journal, it explains how children especially young girls learn about physical appearances. Feminine beauty ideal is often described in fairytale stories often for female than for male. There is also study included in the journal that presents of how the words such as beautiful, pretty, and fairest is seen repeatedly in fairy tales stories. Children, especially young girls are exposes to the idea about feminine beauty ideal and that it is heavily looked upon in society. This will make many girls believe that they have to be beautiful, pretty, and such in order to be accepted in society. This journal would make a great reference because of the study about feminine beauty and children.

Body Image. (n.d.). - The Media Lies. Retrieved October 26, 2013, from In this article, it explains how media affects the way young woman sees their own self. There was a study that shows that the more amount of exposure of images a person sees, the more it can change our perspective on things. This article talks about media and how they are powerful yet presents many lies to their audience. It creates a fantasy of what we hope for but it could be hard for some people to achieve. Advertising is a powerful media to help persuade females to buy cosmetic products, clothing, and other kind of things that can help make them feel beautiful. Furthermore, the article talks about how the model’s body is always airbrush and Photoshop to look very beautiful but overall, everything seems unrealistic yet it was intended to look, as it was real.

Dittmar, H., Halliwell, E., & Ive, S. (2006). Does Barbie Make Girls Want to Be Thin? The Effect of Experimental Exposure to Images of Dolls on the Body Image of 5-to 8-Year-Old Girls. Developmental Psychology, 42(2), 283-292. This article explains the impact of Barbie in young girls’ life. The way that Barbie is thin and beautiful, would it make girls want to be the same as Barbie? This article provides information about Barbie’s history and includes a study that explains how the images of Barbie can affect young girls from the age of 5-8. In the study, there was a group of 5-8 year old females who had to look at images (picture book) and then they were ask to pick an image of what they think their body looks like and how body they wish to have when they become adults. The result is that after the young girls are expose to the images of Barbie, they tend to choose a body figure just like her. This article would be good to use since I wanted to talk about toys (specially Barbie dolls) and how it does have an affect on girl’s self esteem and mind.

EVANS, P. C. (2003). Do Racial Minorities Respond in the Same Way to Mainstream Beauty Standards? Social Comparison Processes in Asian, Black, and White Women. Self and Identity, 2, 153-167. This article explains the different respond from an Asian, Black, and White Women about the mainstream of Beauty Standards. There was a study that shows how woman from different race see oneself from society’s perspective. With Black woman, they tend to be not affected compare to Asians and White. Asian believes that White are seen as more physically attractive and tend to follow cultural norms in order to be accepted. The article also explains how social comparison to one another can lead to negative outlook on oneself.

Groesz, L. M., Levine, M. P., & Murnen, S. K. (2002). The Effect of Experimental Presentation of Thin Media Images on Body Satisfaction: A Meta-Analytic Review. Int J Eat Disord, 31, 1À16. This article talks about how media affects female’s perspective on thinness. It also includes a study about media and how it is connected to body images. In the research that was done, many girls who were expose to images of thin women developed dissatisfaction about their own body. In one study, it described how female teenagers believe the ideal body image would be 5’7, 100 lbs., size 5, with long blond hair and blue eyes. Young girls at the age of 5 starts to become more aware of her own surrounding and by the time they get to middle school, that is when they start puberty, in which their body changes. Some girls may become insecure about how the way they look. This article would be good because it talks about how body images are important to feminine beauty ideals. Woman are highly expose to the idea of how being thin is seen as beautiful compare to being thick.

Feminist Fatale » Doll parts: Barbie, beauty and resistance. (n.d.). Feminist Fatale. Retrieved October 26, 2013, from This article explains how Barbie affects young girls’ self- esteem. Barbie is seen as a beauty cultural icon, in which she sets the beauty standard in how society believe a woman should look like. Although she presents a positive outlook, she even has a negative affect as well. The way she looks (especially her body) is impossible for girls to have but it gives girls an image of how they should look when they become adults. First of all, Barbie is a kind of role model for girls to look up for. She is very thin, tall, fashionable, and last but not least beautiful. She does not age but stays the same over the years. Young girls would have the idea of wanting to look like her when they grow up.

Heubeck, E. (n.d.). Girls and Body Image: Media's Effect, How Parents Can Help. WebMD. Retrieved October 26, 2013, from In this article, Elizabeth Heubeck explains how media affects many girls’ self-esteem. There was a recent study about TV programs that focus on beauty having an impact on many girls, in which the youngest age is 5 years old. Furthermore, many females spent a lot of time looking at mass media, the more they are expose to media. The images that they see is very powerful because girls tend to become immune to the beauty ideas and understand that this is what society think a beautiful woman is suppose to look like. Because of that, girls would develop low self-esteem. More to the article, it explains how parents should get involved because of how they (especially the mother) are one of the biggest influences in a girls’ life.

Mazur, A. (1986). US trends in feminine beauty and overadaptation. Journal of Sex Research, 22(3), 281-303. This article includes an explanation about feminine beauty ideal and the body images of woman throughout the history and now. It explains how physically appearance is heavenly seen mostly on woman because of how they are for the male gaze. Furthermore, the body image of woman keeps changing throughout the years. First it was good seeing a woman thick with an hourglass but in today’s society, being thin is the new trend. Females tend to go on a diet or even develop a eating disorder in order to look thin like the models they see on media. This article is great to use because it explains the beauty over the years and how woman are seen from the past and now. Furthermore, it includes a discussion about why feminine beauty ideal is so important to everyone.

Mondini, S., Favaro, A., & Santonastaso, P. (June 01, 1996). Eating Disorders and the Ideal of Feminine Beauty in Italian Newspapers and Magazines. European Eating Disorders Review, 4, 2, 112-120. In this article, it connects feminine beauty ideal to eating disorder. In media such as advertisements, the female model tends to have a very thin body, which leads to girl wishing they had the same body as the model. This is where eating disorder comes into play. There was a study about how often feminine beauty ideals and eating disorder are shown in Italian newspaper and magazine. Even so, with American newspaper and magazine, they portray the same factors. This article would be good for my Wikipedia article since it talks about feminine beauty ideal and how that is link to eating disorder.

Serdar, Kasey. "The Myriad: Undergraduate Academic Journal." Westminster College: A Private Comprehensive Liberal Arts College in Salt Lake City, UT, Offering Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees in Liberal Arts and Professional Programs, including Business, Nursing, Education and Communication. N.p., Spring 2005. Web. 16 Oct. 2013. Kasey's article discusses how mass media impacts female's self-esteem. Furthermore, she explains how females see themselves, in body image wise. Starting from a young age, female tends to be more dissatisfied with their body than male after being expose to mass media Mass media is a powerful tool, in which children become expose to images and also come to an understanding of how they should be acting and looking. Every advertisement, majority of the women is seen as being skinny, with nice skin, body, hair and etc. Furthermore, in this article, it explains a lot about the study of how mass media impact females’ perspective on body images and beauty. It also talk about how in advertisements, it presents unrealistic images of what the “perfect” beautiful woman should look like. It is dangerous yet people become immune to the idea.

Schhuoy (talk) 04:08, 7 November 2013 (UTC) Nov. 7, 13 homework: Since I’m working on the feminine beauty ideals wiki page, in which I am just adding 2 new content to it. Just by looking at the wiki page, there is the introduction about feminine beauty ideals and the facts about it. Furthermore, there is a section about Fairy tales stories, which gives good information about how beauty is, portray in stories. Along with that, there is section about the response on fairy tale stories. In this section, it explains what children learn from listening or reading about fairy tales. For example the feminine beauty ideals looks in a good and bad way. Besides that, I would like to add a section about mass media impact because it is definitely a powerful tool to teach young girls about feminine beauty ideals. Furthermore, I will be discussing the consequence about mass media.[reply]

02:55, 21 November 2013 (UTC)Check out "feminine beauty ideals" and the sections: Mass media impacts and Conseqences: made by me

ref name=baker-sperry[edit]

A reference problem[edit]

Hi! Some users have been working hard on Category:Pages with broken reference names.

Here you added a new reference ref name=baker-sperry but didn't define it. This has been showing as an error at the bottom of the article. "Cite error: The named reference REFNAME was invoked but never defined (see the help page)." Can you take a look and work out what you were trying to do? Thanks -- Frze > talk 06:23, 25 October 2013 (UTC) Please ping me[reply]


17:15, 25 October 2013 (UTC)@Frze:: I am having a hard time... I tried correcting it... But I'm not sure if I did it right..