
Hello, I'm Isarra. I'm an Uncyclopedia admin (I think, unless they deopped me again) with considerable experience caballing, unnecessarily escalating situations, and generally getting involved with all the wrong things. I do not edit content, I have no idea what constitutes a reliable source anymore as most of the things we used to think were reliable 'Wikipedia-grade' sources seem to have completely forgotten how to fact check, and the net total of my contributions in the past six months appear to have consisted entirely of weird uploads, commenting on other people's patches on gerrit and forgetting to get anyone to actually review my own, and prodding other people to do things for me on IRC. I would like to say that this is at least some part of why, if you are using Timeless, you may not have seen any of the changes I've promised actually deployed to the project even if they were implemented at some point, but sadly the truth is more some combination of 'I fell down the stairs a few weeks ago' and something about a pineapple, which I'm not going to get into.
I am running for a seat on the English Wikipedia Arbitration Committee not on a platform of pie as I have previous years, but simply because of the ever-present lack of discussion of baseball in the deliberations of the cases themselves. I don't commit to trying to address this, only to bringing it up now, and then proceeding to completely ignore everything I said here and just do nothing at all if, by some insane fluke, I am elected.
Don't ask me about pie. I have nothing to say on the matter.