This page is an archive of the discussion about the proposed deletion of the article below. This page is no longer live. Further comments should be made on the article's talk page rather than here so that this page is preserved as an historic record.
The result of the debate was delete. —Xezbeth 18:31, Apr 24, 2005 (UTC)


Neologism of utterly minor use (fewer than 60 non-dictionary, non-Wikipedia hits) --jpgordon∇∆∇∆ 00:19, 17 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Let me review these points one at a time:
(1) "exalts nation and sometimes race above the individual": The Jewish nation is exalted above others only in the fanatical imagination of Jew-haters who incorrectly assume that the claim of "chosen-ness" indicates a claim of superiority. Such a claim has never been made by any Jewish scholar (and Jewhaters everywhere, despite their ignorance and unmitigated stupidity, will immediately admit the preponderance of scholars among Jews...), nor is there anything in mainstream Jewish literature to indicate that the notion of chosen-ness has anything to do with national or "racial" superiority. Second point in this vein, only non-Jews would ever be so ignorant or foolish (or almost inconceivably idiotic) as to assert that there is anything even remotely "racial" about being Jewish.
(2) "uses violence and modern techniques of propaganda and censorship to forcibly suppress political opposition": While this may be characteristic of the current government of Israel, its forcible suppression of political opposition by "violen[t] and modern techniques of propaganda and censorship" is employed exclusively against Jews who oppose its policies. For the naysayers in the crowd, let me make clear: Fascism suppresses discontent from within. Oppression of the putative Palestian "national" dissent is irrelevant in this context, and takes on the same status (perhaps, although only in the grossest misinterpretation of international law) as Kurdish dissent in Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Iran. ... I can't help noticing however, that there are no articles on Syrian fascism, Turkish fascism, Iraqi fascism, Armenian fascism, Azerbaijani fascism or Iranian fascism--articles for which, in every case, there is much greater encyclopedic foundation. This leads me to the almost inescapable conclusion that whoever created this article holds Israel and Jews to impossibly higher moral and legal standards than those to which they hold Christians and Muslims, indeed, that they are trying to prey upon an obscene sort of lexical intellectual dishonesty in order to spread their own personal views and hatred against Jews beyond the limited scope to which they are presently privy.
(3) "engages in severe economic and social regimentation": Nothing about Jews as a whole, nor about Judaism as a religion, lifestyle or worldview, nor even about Jewish predominance in Israel (which I assume is the source of the major gripe of the miniminded person who created this article) can even remotely be described as fomenting, supporting or promoting "severe economic and social regimentation". Judaism as a religion tirelessly condemns social stratification, on whatever basis. Israel is the only country that is even remotely democratic (with the marginal exception of Turkey) in not only the Middle East, but throughout what the Muslims like to think of nostalgically (and through the perpetuation of historical ignorance) as "darussalam". In any case, the perception among so many Jewhaters that Jews are "rich" and that it's as a result of "Jewish greed", let me spell it out for you: YOU ARE WRONG. While perhaps prominent Jews are rich, or while more rich people are Jews than non-Jews, the vast majority of Jews are, like me, POVERTY STRICKEN, depending on the charity of the so-called "rich Jews" to get by from day to day. Also, if you study charitable donations, you'll find that Jews are far more generous in their donations, as a proportion of the population, than non-Jews, not only to Jewish charities, but (sometimes to the gross detriment of Jewish-oriented charitable organizations) to non-Jewish charities. Let me be as POV about this as possible: YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT.
(4) "engages in corporatism": The only portions of the Jewish population with any power to do so that could ever be accused of "engaging in corporatism" are the socialists who founded the kibutzim...and the extent of their interests in engaging in such corporatism were limited to their individual kibutzim. That said, a number of Jews, some of them quite noteworthy or even famous, have wished to do such things on a grand scale...but they have done so not as Jews, but as socialists who happened to be Jews. With such a tenuous relationship, I fail to see how the article can stand on supposed merits all its own without the existence of articles on Sinofascism, Russofascism, Germofascism, Francofascism, Norgefascism, Danofascism, Svecofascism, Spanofascism, Italofascism, Wallacofascism, Bulgarofascism, Magyarifascism, Czechofascism, and any number of other -fascisms.
(5)"implements totalitarianism": This is almost ludicrous. Anyone who knows anything about the situation in Israel, beyond the unceasing propaganda spewed by CNN and the ISM and their ilk, knows that the only totalitarianism implemented by Jews, is in Israel, and there, it is implemented against Jews. This is, of course, the one point on which Judeofascism has a leg to stand as a legitimate term...but ironically, the people who like to fondle the term like a starving kitten in need of attention think it means totalitarianism against non-Jews...which is the exact opposite of what is required to give the term "Judeofascism" any legitimate currency. Small minds, of course, are wont to latch onto any small crust of legitimacy, no matter how moldy, in this case, their arguements are truly rotten—displaying in full view that their actual agenda is Jewhatred, not any legitimate gripe against Jews...and in so doing, they undermine every legitimate criticism of Israel and Israeli policy wrt the so-called "Palestinians".
That said, I think someone should nominate Islamofascism for deletion as well, a debate into which I'll happily insert my 2 agorot.
Tomer TALK 07:31, Apr 18, 2005 (UTC)
This page is now preserved as an archive of the debate and, like some other VfD subpages, is no longer 'live'. Subsequent comments on the issue, the deletion, or the decision-making process should be placed on the relevant 'live' pages. Please do not edit this page.