Placing the ((New page)) template on a page will display the following:

As mentioned in the above text, the creator has created the page in good faith and is aware of Wikipedia's inclusion guidelines. Therefore, once all is said and done, the article will probably meet these guidelines.

Length of time for the new page tag[edit]

This tag has been designed to be used temporarily, preferably for not more than an hour without an edit, though there is no specific amount of time under this guideline. It is all a matter of judgment.

This tag should not under any circumstances be used for biographies of living persons.

Editors may vary how long they take to complete editing. This tag was designed to be very temporary as a way of notifying new page patrollers and others that multiple edits are required to complete the page's editing to meet Wikipedia's standards, and the creator is still in the process of the initial creation during his/her current Wikipedia session, and has not put creation of the page aside. If it appears the editor has probably abandoned his/her Wikipedia session but is planning to complete the page at a much later time or date, it is best not to delete the page but to userfy it to the creator's userspace.

When to delete[edit]

The page should not be deleted, but should be userfied if the impression is the page's topic is valid for a Wikipedia article and/or the editor will probably continue.

The page may be marked for deletion using any appropriate method of the deletion process if any of the following conditions are met:

When NOT to delete[edit]

More time should be allowed and the page not be deleted when: