Expansion depth limit refers to the expansion, or processing, of nested templates and nested if-else structures, which for years, have been limited to 40 levels deep inside the MediaWiki NewPP preprocessor. Although some editors have requested for years that the low limit of 40 levels to be increased to 60, or 80, total levels, meanwhile, editors must beware nesting the use of large templates, infoboxes, or deep if-else-else-else logic.

Ways to reduce the nesting[edit]

There are several methods to reduce the nesting of templates and if-else logic:

  • ((large template | word=xx | len=((strlen_short|xx)) ))
In general, the length of a word, or other tedious calculations should be performed as parameters to be passed into the larger templates which usually have deeply nested subtemplates or if-else logic.

See also[edit]

[ This essay is a quick draft to be expanded later. ]