Argon ice

A small chunk of rapidly melting argon ice (liquid argon flowing off). The method of ice production can be found on the image page.
Edit 1 by Fir0002 - noise reduction
This image shows an extremely rare phenomenon, that of a noble gas in a state other than gas. I am aware of no other images of liquid or solid noble gasses anywhere else on the web, let alone free images. This image is kind of a test, in that it has pretty bad qualities to it like purple fringing and overexposure. However, I think it may have a chance at passing because it is so unique. This image, the best of a lot that I took, was EXTREMELY difficult to capture, I had a total of no more than 5 seconds from the time the ice was removed from its cryogenic liquid nitrogen bath to get the shot before it completely melted and vaporized. I think this is probably nearly the best result one can hope for when imaging such an exotic phenomenon. If anyone wants to take a crack at fixing its faults in photoshop I'd be more than thankful. (I feel I should also note that while the ice may look a bit blurred, this is the maximum sharpness achievable due to the fact that the whole thing is (unavoidably) continuously cloaked in the haze of condensing droplets of air and water vapor.) --Deglr6328 05:45, 1 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Articles this image appears in
phase transition, argon

Not promoted Image:Argon ice 1.jpg --The Sunshine Man 15:27, 8 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]