Migrant Mother

Dorothea Lange's photograph Migrant Mother became one of the defining images of the Great Depression.

Migrant Mother, Dorothea Lange's 1936 photograph of Florence Owens Thompson and children became the most famous image of the Great Depression in the United States. Its one of the classic photographs of the 20th century, and is now an icon of resiliance in the face of adversity. Its focus seems to be a little off, but its still a great image. -- Solipsist 07:43, 3 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Well you can check the status on the Library of Congress website, but User:MarkSweep has done a nice job of expanding the details on the image description page on the Commons. More interestingly, Florence Owens Thompson was apparently not too happy with being portrayed as destitute, and after this photograph was published on the front page of the San Francisco News she tried to get further publication stopped, only to be told she couldn't because the image was public domain. -- Solipsist 11:21, 5 Feb 2005 (UTC)