The first law of Wikipedia is
Don't annoy other editors.

On collaboration

Wikipedia is an encyclopedia collaboratively built by volunteers.

As such, folks will contribute however they see fit, and we accept these contributions as long as they can reasonably be construed as being helpful, or at least not harmful. To support the goals of being a volunteer built encyclopedia, we've developed the five pillars and many, many policies / guidelines / protocols / essays. Many of these are descriptive, documenting after the fact trends and protocols that have evolved over time. As such, there's often a lag between current practice and what's documented; to truly grok Wikipedia requires time and observation.

The term community is often used to describe the volunteer work force -- it's a bit of a misnomer because Wikipedia is so large no editor participates everywhere and certainly not all the time. This results in wide variation in how individual situations are handled; editors who expect consistent uniformity will be frequently frustrated, whereas those that are flexible and tolerant will find the place more to their liking.

What this means for the individual editor is that you can do your own thing and your efforts and passions will be at least tolerated, at best appreciated, as long as you don't interfere with others doing their thing. It's also vitally important to understand that "being right" isn't as important as it might seem. (See verifiability for the reasoning behind that.) At the end of the day, consensus is paramount, which means politics. This is not a negative; politics is how humans moved beyond beating each other with clubs to come to agreement.



I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time.
— Blaise Pascal

For when the One Great Scorer comes. To write against your name, He marks-not that you won or lost- But how you played the game.
— Grantland Rice

Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice!
— Barry Goldwater

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
— Chicken Little