2nd Month Report
Institution Resident's Name Residency Period Period Covered Date of Report
University of Oxford User:MartinPoulter 24 October 2016-23 October 2017 1 December-31 December 2016 5 January 2017

Projects delivered[edit]

Strategic Goal 1

Increase the quality and quantity of coverage of subjects that are currently underrepresented on Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia projects, with a particular focus on cultural content




To publicise the #1Lib1Ref campaign, I wrote a short item on "Getting Citations into Wikipedia" for Outline (Bodleian Libraries newsletter) and booked a room for two lunchtime drop-in sessions in January.

Forthcoming 26 January: Short presentation for communications and public engagement staff in Medicine (a pitch to gauge interest in a larger event).

Meetings relating to:

Activities delivered in the past month with stats:

Three members of the Hillforts Study group have created accounts on Commons and started uploading images in a test of the upload documentation:

Strategic Goal 2

Support the development of open knowledge in the UK, by increasing the understanding and recognition of the value of open knowledge and advocating for change at an organisational, sectoral and public policy level



The following training events are scheduled for Hilary (Spring) term, hosted by Academic IT Services

Two more lunchtime workshops relating to Wikidata have been proposed for the Trinity (Summer) term, but the dates have not yet been fixed.

I've also enquired with Bodleian Staff Development about doing a general Wikimedia workshop for staff in the Bodleian.

Activities delivered in the past month with stats:

None to report

Strategic Goal 3

To support the use of the Wikimedia projects as important tools for education and learning in the UK


The university's Academic IT Services blog hosted a guest post on "Learners as creators: student work on Wikipedia", appealing for tutors to consider Wikipedia educational assignments.


Activities in December

None to report