3rd Month Report
Institution Resident's Name Residency Period Period Covered Date of Report
University of Oxford User:MartinPoulter 24 October 2016-23 October 2017 1 January-31 January 2017 9 February 2017

Projects delivered


Strategic Goal 1


Increase the quality and quantity of coverage of subjects that are currently underrepresented on Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia projects, with a particular focus on cultural content



We have appointed a Wikidata Assistant to help with preparing data dumps for import into Wikidata and Wikipedia. Cory Salveson is an internet researcher with a background in databases and open data. He will be working about 5 hours per week on a casual basis.



The first two data batches have been received:

  1. an initial batch of 1,600 Electronic Enlightenment records for people who already have Wikipedia articles (most of the people in the EE database do not)
  2. Data on more than 8,000 doctoral theses, about half of which are available open access

These need considerable clean-up before they can be imported into Wikidata

I met with the head of Digital Bodleian. Asked for guidance on what Bodleian material should be digitised next, I asked for more from non-Western cultures.


Meeting about the Lexicon of Greek Personal Names

Meeting with the team behind Early Modern Letters Online and Cabinet: Digital Transformation of Teaching through Objects

Meeting about the Curzon Collection, a set of political cartoons whose scans have already been uploaded to Commons.

Activities delivered in the past month with stats:


Two lunchtime drop-in sessions for #1Lib1Ref were attended by a total of six librarians, two of whom created new accounts on the spot. A seventh person made an edit and reported it on Twitter. The discussions resulted in an invitation to speak to a group of science librarians.

Strategic Goal 2


Support the development of open knowledge in the UK, by increasing the understanding and recognition of the value of open knowledge and advocating for change at an organisational, sectoral and public policy level



The Oxford Museums Partnership has hosted a guest blog post arguing for Wikidata's central role and urging cultural institutions to share data and images.



The university has a new GLAM strategy and a newly-appointed GLAM Programme Manager. We met to discuss the role of Wikimedia platforms in connecting GLAM holdings to research and educational outcomes. It was very positive, and as a next step we will jointly write a short proposal for a pilot project to share collection data from a museum.


I have arranged to present at a meeting of the Digital Humanities Working Group; a group of leading researchers.

A Masterclass has been accepted for the Oxford Digital Humanities Summer School, which will take place in July. This will be a one-hour session on "Wikipedia's sister projects as platforms for Digital Humanities".

A workshop on Working with the Open Culture Movement has been added to the Bodleian Staff Development calendar for May.

Activities delivered in the past month with stats:



Strategic Goal 3


To support the use of the Wikimedia projects as important tools for education and learning in the UK






I gave a half-hour talk/ discussion session for communications staff in the university's hospitals; around 16 attendees. I stressed the potential of Wikipedia for medical education, and my availability to give presentations or training to medical staff. So far, this has resulted in an invitation to speak at the Department of Psychiatry.

Activities in the last month


The Wikipedia Training for Trainers two-hour workshop was attended by seven IT trainers, although none had edited Wikipedia before. Whether they become Wikipedia trainers depends on whether they use spare time to learn to edit, which a couple are likelly to do. I am now seeking to repeat the workshop with another batch of staff.

Media (videos, infographics, photos from events)


Slides from the Training for Trainers event, improved in light of post-event feedback. An editable version of these slides can be downloaded from Google Docs.

Wikidata queries


Press about the residency
