We want to do a thorough analysis of the Pune pilot program to derive learnings and trends across schools, batches, classes etc. For this we'll be conducting an in depth qualitative and quantitative analysis. This analysis will not only help us assess the level of success or failure of the pilot but will also help us pave the way forward. This page outlines the broad structure of how this analysis can be conducted. We encourage discussion of this plan on the talk page, especially around the questions of how best to gauge the impact this program had on the Wikipedia community and what other points we are missing in our analysis.

Step 1: Identify data points to be analyzed[edit]

Classroom performance
Impact on the community

Note: in this case, we want to compare Pune pilot students to normal Wikipedia newbies; we know newbies always impact community workload, but we want to determine how different the Pune pilot students were than traditional Wikipedia newbies.

Programmatic results
Cultural differences

Step 2: Collect and analyze data[edit]


Step 3: Evaluate data[edit]

We will use the results of all of these analyses to determine the plan of action for our next India Education Program pilot, which will be launched in mid-2012.