This will be the first official Wikipedia event in the Evansville area. Previously, the nearest Wikipedia events have been in St. Louis, which is a ridiculous distance for an Evansvillian to drive for a hot dog and a hangout with strangers. It will be held on 30 June 2012 from 12 p.m. central daylight time to 4 p.m at the West Branch Library. The library's auditorium in the basement has been graciously reserved for us. Get directions.

What is this?[edit]

Think of it as an opportunity to meet people and have fun. You don't have to know anyone to come. The idea is to meet people once you arrive! This is a great opportunity to meet other editors from Evansville and maybe even a few non-editing fans of Wikipedia (non-editors are welcome, too!).

Currently the game plan is this:

Interested in coming?[edit]

Interested in helping?[edit]

We'll need to make sure the location is finalized, the event gets advertised (via Wikipedia, Facebook), and also figure out who can bring/prepare the food.