Mirrors and forks of Wikipedia are publications that mirror (copy exactly) or fork (copy, but change parts of the material of) Wikipedia. Many correctly follow the licensing terms; however, many others fail – accidentally or intentionally – to place the notice required by these terms. Such pages are listed in subpages grouped alphabetically – see section § How to list new mirrors below. If you find such links, please add them here. In August 2024,[update] the subpages listed a total of 730 mirrors and forks of Wikipedia.
List new mirrors in the appropriate alphabetical section:
Also include them on the CC BY-SA Compliance (most sites) or GFDL compliance pages (if they say they comply with that license).
Use this form to add new ones:===name===
((Wikipedia mirror
| name = <name of the webpage> (not url)
| url = URL
|description = its scope, what features it has, differences with WP, innovations, etc.
| sample = URL
| rating = "High", "Medium", or "Low/None" compliance with CC BY-SA (matches Wikipedia:CC BY-SA Compliance) (compare against GFDL if they choose that license).
| compliance = Describe details of compliance or lack thereof. List violations here.
| contact = E-mails, phone numbers, contact form URLs, etc. of admin and ISP.
| action = Actions taken (if any) to attempt to make the website comply.
If a mirror link is permanently offline, it should be copied to the archive page. A site is permanently offline if the domain has expired or the domain has been transferred to a new owner.
Wikipedia's main license, the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (CC BY-SA), requires that any derivative of works from Wikipedia must be released under that same license, must state that it is released under that license, and must acknowledge the contributors (which can be accomplished with a link back to that article on Wikipedia).
As of 2024, most Wikipedia text is also dual-licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL). However, this will gradually change as CC BY-SA text is imported. Thus, it is not safe for most reusers to use the GFDL. Pages identified to use imported CC content are included at Category:Articles with imported Creative Commons licensed text. The GFDL can still be used indefinitely for pages without CC BY-SA only content. Generally, the GFDL imposes requirements that are similar to the CC BY-SA but more stringent.
For details about Wikipedia's interpretation of the CC BY-SA and GFDL, see Wikipedia:Copyrights. However, always remember that only the CC BY-SA and GFDL themselves are legally binding.
Note that all notices and/or links must be visible to all users who can see the content. Thus, CSS and JavaScript-only links and/or notices are not acceptable if the Wikipedia article is plain HTML.
The license does not apply to materials in the public domain or that is used under fair use. Also, material can be used under other terms if and only if all contributors have approved them.
The websites listed on the "compliance" pages below use content original to Wikipedia as a source for at least some of their content. Wikipedia itself is not included.
In some instances, it is clear that two pieces of text (one on Wikipedia, and one elsewhere) are copies of each other, but not clear which piece is the original and which is the copy. "Compliant" sites that copy Wikipedia text note that they have done so, but not all of our re-users are compliant.
In such cases, check the talk page to see if there is a note regarding any "backwards-copying". If not, try to identify any possible problems with the text. Does the website have a record of unattributed copying of articles (use the list below)? Did the content show up on Wikipedia all in one piece, inserted by a single editor? If you don't see good evidence that Wikipedia had it first, file an investigation request by following the instructions for listing at the Copyright Problems page.
If you confirm with certainty that the content originated from Wikipedia, please consider adding ((backwardscopy)) to the article's talk page with an explanation of how you know.
If you do contact a website about infringement relating to work originally submitted to Wikipedia, please note it on the relevant subpage listed above. Doing this will help coordinate activities in helping other websites become compliant with our licence, without webmasters feeling harassed by lots of angry non-compliance notices.
You may want to consider using a disposable e-mail address for this; since many of the websites listed here are built for advertising purposes, spamming is a possibility. Also, if the owner is planning to shut down the webpage, or remove the Wikipedia content as a whole, suggest to them that they use robots.txt or meta tags so we can remove and prevent future search engine indexing and caching for those websites. Also, if the owner is reachable, suggest that they update their Wiki with the latest database dumps to keep up with recent changes.
This is not an official guideline but a tool you can use for dealing with infringement. Continue the series below as long as the site is non-compliant. Note that you must choose only pages for which you hold (partial) copyright. These steps only work for dealing with infringement on websites in the United States.
Some mirrors load a page from the Wikimedia servers directly every time someone requests a page from them. They alter the text in some way, such as framing it with ads, then send it on to the reader. This is called remote loading, and it is an unacceptable use of Wikimedia server resources. Even remote loading websites with little legitimate traffic can generate significant load on our servers, due to search engine web crawlers.
If you suspect a website is remote loading Wikipedia content, you can report it at meta:Live mirrors.
The appropriate way to run a mirror is to download a dump of the compressed 'pages-article' file and the images from http://download.wikimedia.org/, and then use a modified instance of MediaWiki to generate the required HTML, along with above mentioned copyrights information. Please use Articles, templates, image descriptions, and primary meta-pages (pages-articles.xml.bz2
) for mirroring purposes.
A separate list of sites that utilise Wikipedia content is maintained at the OpenFacts site: Copies of Wikipedia content. This list consists primarily of complete copies of all Wikipedia articles. It is intended to show readers where they can get Wikipedia content when Wikipedia itself is down.
Other online encyclopedias (some are forks of, or are based on Wikipedia, the rest are competitors or colleagues)