This guide describes the structure of the perennial sources list, and explains how to maintain the list as new discussions appear on the reliable sources noticeboard. Any editor is welcome to update the list using this guide.


The list is structured as a table with multiple templates. Most edits to the list require a basic understanding of how to build tables and transclude templates using wikitext.

Since the perennial sources list uses wikitext extensively, it is currently impractical to edit the list with the VisualEditor. If you normally use the VisualEditor, please switch to "Source editing" mode before editing the list.

A project-level RfC is required for the following:

RfCs should be registered at Wikipedia:Reliable sources/Noticeboard using ((rfc|prop)).


Several templates are used throughout the list. Some of these templates are located on subpages of the list, and they should be transcluded into the list with a leading slash character (/) as a shortcut.

Shortcut Template Description
((/Last)) Wikipedia:Reliable sources/Perennial sources/Last "Last" discussion table cell
((/Shortcut)) Wikipedia:Reliable sources/Perennial sources/Shortcut Shortcut box
((/Status)) Wikipedia:Reliable sources/Perennial sources/Status "Status" table cell
((/Uses)) Wikipedia:Reliable sources/Perennial sources/Uses "Uses" table cell
((rsnl)) Template:RSN link Link to a discussion or request for comment at the reliable sources noticeboard or its archives
((sbll)) Template:SBL link Link to a request at MediaWiki talk:Spam-blacklist or its archives

The list uses a CSS style sheet located at Wikipedia:Reliable sources/Perennial sources/styles.css.



|- class="s-nc" id="Example_Source"
| [[Example Source]]
| ((/Status|nc))
| ((rsnl|100|Reliable sources noticeboard discussion title|1)) ((rsnl|200|Second discussion|2))
| ((/Last|2015))
| Description of source and summary of past discussions.
| ((/Uses||
Source Status
Discussions Uses
List Last Summary
Example Source No consensus 1 2 Stale discussions


Description of source and summary of past discussions. 1 HTTPS links HTTP links
2 HTTPS links HTTP links


|- class="s-b" id="Blacklisted_Source"
| ''[[Blacklisted Source]]'' ((small|([[BS]], ''[[Nickname]]''))) ((/Shortcut|WP:BS))
| ((/Status|gu|b=y))
| ((sbll|January 2017|Blacklisted Source|2017)) ((rsnl|100|RfC: Blacklisted Source|2020|rfc=y|active=y))
+8((efn|See also these discussions of ''Blacklisted Source'':
((rsnl|1|Discussion 1|1))
((rsnl|2|Discussion 2|2))
((rsnl|10|Discussion 3|3))
((rsnl|11|Discussion 4|4))
((rsnl|12|Discussion 5|5))
((rsnl|20|Discussion 6|6|active=y))
[[Talk:Example Source#Discussion A|A]]
''[[Wikipedia:Example#Discussion B|B]]''
| ((/Last|2020|inprogress=y))
| Description of source and summary of past discussions. 
| ((/Uses||||
Source Status
Discussions Uses
List Last Summary
Blacklisted Source (BS, Nickname)
Blacklisted Generally unreliable Spam blacklist request 2017 Request for comment 2020


Discussion in progress


Description of source and summary of past discussions.
1 HTTPS links HTTP links
2 HTTPS links HTTP links
3 HTTPS links HTTP links
4 HTTPS links HTTP links


  1. ^ See also these discussions of Blacklisted Source: 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B



The "Source" column of the table displays up to four items:

  1. Name: The name of the source, linked to the corresponding article. Italicize the name if the article does the same.
    • Sources that do not have a corresponding article or redirect should generally be excluded from the list.
  2. Aspects: (optional) When there are multiple entries covering different aspects of the same source, list the aspects inside parentheses after the name. Examples of aspects include:
    • Media on which a source is published (e.g. website, print)
    • Topics covered by the source (e.g. politics, science)
    • Authors published in the source (e.g. staff, contributors)
  3. Aliases: (optional) If the source is also referred to by at least one alias, list the prominent aliases within parentheses inside a ((small)) template. Aliases can include:
    • Commonly used abbreviations
    • Nicknames, former names, and alternative names
    • Names of closely associated publications and companies (including parent companies and subsidiaries)
  4. Shortcut: (optional) A shortcut to the list entry, displayed with the ((/Shortcut)) template


The status of a source is indicated in two ways:

  1. The table row uses a CSS class value that displays a background color.
  2. The ((/Status)) template is set to a value, which shows an icon in the "Status" column.
Status Row class value ((/Status)) value Background color Icon
Generally reliable s-gr gr
No consensus s-nc nc
Generally unreliable s-gu gu
Deprecated s-d d
Blacklisted s-b One of the above

and one of the above

To represent a blacklisted source in the "Status" column, set the ((/Status)) template's b parameter to y. The b parameter is independent from the template's value. For example, a blacklisted generally unreliable source is indicated with ((/Status|gu|b=y)), while a blacklisted deprecated source is indicated with ((/Status|d|b=y)). A blacklisted source has a gray background color, and shows both the "X" icon and the icon corresponding to the source's reliability.

A source's status should be consistent with its summary of discussions.

List of discussions

The discussions in the "List" column determine the contents of the source's summary and the value of the source's status.

Ordering discussions

Discussions on the source are linked from the "List" column in the following order:

  1. Major discussions: List major discussions in chronological order.
    • Uninterrupted requests for comment on the reliable sources noticeboard and its archives
      • Use ((rsnl)) to link to these RfCs. Set the rfc parameter to y, and the link text to the year on which the RfC was closed. Set the active parameter to y if the RfC is active. For example:
        • An RfC located in archive 1 of the noticeboard that was titled "Example discussion" and closed in 2007 would be represented with ((rsnl|1|Example discussion|2007)).
        • An active RfC titled "Example discussion" in the year 2024 would be represented with ((rsnl||Example discussion|2024|rfc=y|active=y)).
      • Interrupted RfCs (i.e. RfCs that were withdrawn or closed as invalid) are not considered major discussions, but they can still be linked as ordinary noticeboard discussions.
      • RfCs held in other locations are not considered major discussions, but they can still be linked as ordinary non-noticeboard discussions.
    • Successful blacklisting discussions
      • Use ((sbll)) to link to successful blacklisting discussions held at MediaWiki talk:Spam-blacklist or its archives. Set the link text to the year on which the source was blacklisted. For example:
        • A discussion titled "Example discussion" located in the October 2007 archive of MediaWiki talk:Spam-blacklist would be represented with ((sbll|October 2007|Example discussion|2007)).
      • Unsuccessful blacklisting discussions are not considered major discussions, but they can still be linked as ordinary discussions.
  2. Ordinary noticeboard discussions: List discussions located on the reliable sources noticeboard or its archives in chronological order.
    • Use ((rsnl)) to link to these discussions. Set the link text to the discussion's cardinal numeral, and set the active parameter to y if the discussion is active. For example:
      • A discussion located in archive 1 of the noticeboard that was titled "Example discussion" and is the second ordinary noticeboard discussion in the list would be represented with ((rsnl|1|Example discussion|2)).
      • An active discussion titled "Example discussion" that is the third ordinary noticeboard discussion in the list would be represented with ((rsnl||Example discussion|3)).
    • Discussions outside of the reliable sources noticeboard are not listed here, but they can still be listed as ordinary non-noticeboard discussions.
  3. Ordinary non-noticeboard discussions: List essential discussions located outside of the reliable sources noticeboard and its archives in chronological order.
    • Use a section link for these discussions. Set the link text to the letter of the alphabet that corresponds to the discussion's cardinal numeral. Italicize the link if the discussion is active. For example:
      • A discussion titled "Example discussion" located on Talk:Example that is the first ordinary non-noticeboard discussion in the list would be represented with [[Talk:Example#Example discussion|A]].
      • An active discussion titled "Example discussion" located on Talk:Example that is the second ordinary noticeboard discussion in the list would be represented with ''[[Talk:Example#Example discussion|B]]''.
    • Keep discussions in this category to a minimum.

Do not link to a discussion more than once in the same source entry.

Condensing discussions

When there are 4 or more rows of discussions listed in a "Status" table cell, use ((efn)) to condense the ordinary discussions into an explanatory footnote. In front of the footnote marker, indicate the total number of discussions linked in the footnote.

Last discussion

In the "Last" column, use ((/Last)) to specify the year of the last comment in the most recent discussion listed in the "Status" column. If the discussion is currently active, set the inprogress parameter to y. For example:

Summary of discussions

The "Summary" column describes the consensus within all non-active discussions indexed in the list of discussions. The amount of weight assigned to each discussion depends on the following:

The summary of the source should explain the following:

The summary may include other guidance on how to appropriately use the source, as long as the information is derived from non-active discussions in the list of discussions.

Qualify the strength of statements in the summary. For example, the phrases "most editors", "some editors", and "a few editors" can be used to communicate a statement's level of support.


Apply the ((/Uses)) template in the "Uses" column to list the official domain names used by the source for publication. If a source does not have a domain name, use an em dash (—) to indicate this.

Patrolling the noticeboard[edit]

To keep the list up-to-date, volunteers patrol the reliable sources noticeboard on a regular basis. As new discussions are started and old discussions are archived, the list should reflect the most current information.

Noticeboard maintenance

The reliable sources noticeboard should be regularly checked to ensure that everything is running smoothly.

Deprecating a source

Deprecating a source involves several steps:

  1. Close the RfC with a closing statement indicating that there is consensus to deprecate the source. If there is consensus in the discussion to specifically refrain from one of the standard deprecation measures (auto-revert or edit filter), note this in the closing statement and skip the associated step.
  2. Auto-revert: Create a discussion for the source under User talk:XLinkBot/RevertList § Proposed additions. Use SBHandler to add the domains associated with the source to User:XLinkBot/RevertList and User:XLinkBot/RevertReferencesList.
  3. Edit filter: Add the domain to Special:AbuseFilter/869 in line 3, which starts with deprecated =:. This requires the edit filter manager permission, which administrators can assign to themselves.
  4. Create or update the entry for the source in:

See also[edit]