Recently, there have been several cases in which various Wikipedia articles have been nominated for deletion multiple times. Some Wikipedia users have expressed concern that the repeated nomination of articles for deletion is disruptive and/or shows a lack of concern for community consensus. Current deletion policy states that repeated AFD attempts may under some circumstances be considered disruptive, but does not give any specific guidance regarding latency between listings. This proposal is an attempt to provide such guidance.

Repeated AFD Attempts


An article may survive an AFD nomination by either a consensus to Keep, or by a No Consensus vote. (This does not take into account redirects, merges, and other intermediate sanctions.)

Logical Representation (Pseudocode)


void AFD (char *Title, result_t AFDLastResult, int DaysSinceLastAttempt)
  if (
      ((AFDLastResult == KEEP)         && (DaysSinceLastAttempt < 365)) ||
      ((AFDLastResult == NO_CONSENSUS) && (DaysSinceLastAttempt < 90)) 
     /* Warn user not to nominate article */
     printf ("Please do not nominate this article for deletion.\n");
     /* Nominate article for deletion, if desired */
     InvokeArticleForDeletion (Title);