This song is a parody of Smells Like Nirvana by "Weird Al" Yankovic, which is a parody of Smells like Teen Spirit by Nirvana, but the topic is closer to Smells Like Nirvana. The cookie part is a parody of the marble part.

What is this all,

all about

I just can't figure it all out

I heard this site

a wiki

If I am smart, is it for me


I'm frustrated
Yet I don't know
What I'm changing
Just playing now
Got a warning
Don't do it again
Never before seen


I registered

made an account

A stubby page, a camera mount

It's hard to bleak gy gouns out (It's hard to speak my sounds out)

gith sall bese cookies id my bouth (With all these cookies in my mouth)


Something else now
You better try
What's so bad now
It's the right time!
Go and join us!
Yes it is free
Try to edit
Run before me


(gargling tune)

I tried Twinkle, easy now

But what some vandals, oh just how?

New userpage

Where is my line

oh just forget it



Just improve us
Share your knowledge
They'll improve it
We'll be college
Get smarter
Or be a writer
Make them learn more
Make them brighter

Make them brighter

Yada brotter

yada yodder

yada yada


yada yadaa ......*cough*