People whose first language is other than English are both welcome and encouraged to edit the English Wikipedia. While in order to edit here you need some competence in English, as all our articles are written in English (that's what English Wikipedia means), for many of our valued contributors English is not their first language.

The reasons they choose to edit here rather than in a Wikipedia written in their mother tongue are probably as numerous as they are. This is the largest Wikipedia and likely to remain so for a while at least. It reaches more people and contains more articles for Wikilink targets. And for many languages there is no Wikipedia as yet, so the choice may be limited. And even if there is a Wikipedia in their language and they are active in it, many people choose to be active in several languages.

The contributions of all these people are special and valuable. They come from cultures that are still likely to be under-represented here even with their contributions, and they bring encyclopedic information that would be similarly under-represented if we restricted our editors to those above a particular level of competence in English. Their presence here in significant numbers is something the other Wikipedias can only envy at this stage.

The standard of English in their contributions varies enormously (as it does for native speakers as well).

But for other readers, non-standard English is an annoyance. Some hints and suggestions in dealing with this:

See also[edit]