For the latest developments on similar features, please see Meta:Article validation feature and Meta:Reviewed article version.

A stabilised article is an article which displays an older, consensus approved, stable version to readers. A separate development version is maintained for editing. Not all articles can be stabilised. A stabilised article should be demoted to a non-stabilised article if any of the criteria are broken, and may be demoted at any time on the judgement of any administrator.

Care is taken to avoid creating forks by discouraging edits to the stable version and prohibiting edits to the stable version which are not matched in the development version. The encouragement for new users to edit is preserved with a visible but tasteful notice, and attribution is preserved by referencing the new history location.

This policy explains the rationale for stabilisation, describes which articles may be stabilised, and defines the procedure for stabilising and destabilising articles.


Some day Wikipedia will have a sophisticated set of processes for article review and quality assurance. [1] It is believed that sophisticated processes will be required because for some subject areas correctly vetting content is a complicated set of problems. Because Wikipedia's practice of permitting promiscuous editing is relatively unprecedented in the world of reference works it is very difficult to determine which of the infinite possible review solutions will best fit our needs. It would be unrealistic to expect any of these solutions to get all the details right in the first pass, and since practically all pre-existing proposed solutions are tightly connected to software changes, we can expect the development of these review processes to be fairly slow.

This is unfortunate because the low stability of our articles reduces the usefulness of Wikipedia to our readers, and creates an undue burden on our editors because it creates urgency behind every repair.

The majority of articles are not controversial and do not require a sophisticated process. In these cases it is often easy to achieve true consensus on a version which is acceptable to all. As a result it is possible for Wikipedia to achieve a substantial stability improvement for some articles while at the same time gaining experience with this important aspect of article validation. This is possible without any changes to the software and without any major behavioural changes.

Candidates for stabilisation[edit]

Stabilising an article[edit]

If stabilisation is desired and an article meets the criteria:

To view the complete history of this article and its list of editors see [[ArticleName/development]] (Based on revision Insert the revision number here).

Care of the stabilised version[edit]

The stable version should be synchronised to a recent development version at intervals which fit the natural pace of editing on the article, but no stabilised article should go more than three months without a synchronisation. The new stable version should be selected by 'suggestion and lack of objection' or other similar lightweight consensus processes, but must include a single largely uninvolved administrator at a minimum.

Direct editing of the stabilised version is highly discouraged. If there is any pressing requirement for a change it is recommended to destabilise the article, but if the change is sufficiently trivial any editing admin may make the change to both versions at his or her discretion. If there is complaint over such changes the article should be destabilised. If the stable version has been edited without the changes being reflected in the development version it has become a fork and should be deleted, and the article should be destabilised.

Destabilising an article[edit]

If consensus can not be achieved to select future stable versions after a reasonable complaint about the current stable version, or if there is any other cause to destabilise, an article may easily be destabilised. When in doubt, destabilise.

Development page