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There are multiple ways to contact members of the Ultraviolet Team. While it is preferred to use the talk page, any of the below methods may be used to contact members. Please note that certain methods, such as IRC and Discord, may take some time to receive a response. If you have a confidential issue with Ultraviolet, then please refrain from using the below methods and instead email ultraviolet.issue@toolforge.org (redwarn.issue@toolforge.org for RedWarn). You can contact team members via the following methods:

If you wish to report a bug you have experienced, please collect screenshots and logs using the instructions at Wikipedia:Ultraviolet/Documentation/Troubleshooting.

If you're unable to contact any Ultraviolet team member, this may be due to a rare event where none of them are available. In most cases, a team member should be able to respond within 24 hours.

General communications about RedWarn on Libera should be on #redwarn connect instead. You will be removed from #redwarn-team if you do not have any immediate concerns.