The Proposal with a Thousand Faces is a basic framework that tends to be shared by RFA/Admin reform proposals. Specific details vary from proposal to proposal, but the same basic pattern is there.

First an initiation threshold or commencement threshold must be reached before beginning a larger process. Next, a wide community assessment is conducted. Finally, the process is closed to produce a definite outcome.

Proposals vary in their requirements for initiation (and the certification of whether those requirements have been met). Some require only a single user to initiate, others require a majority of the arbs.

The community assessment is typically conducted as a poll, poll with rationale, discussion, or some combination. Some have unstructured discussion, others have a strict poll format with discussion moved to talk.

The closure has the widest variation-- some call for success to be 25% support (aka a 75% consensus to desysop), while others require full RFA-level support for success. Some proposals require the closer(s) to consider arguments and rationale, some call for a more straightforward assessment of confidence.

Phase 1: Initiation


Initiation is an initial smaller-scale step that begins the admin status evaluation. Akin to WP:SNOWBALL or WP:NOTNOW, initiation requirement stop processes that have no useful purpose in proceeding.

Initiation Requirement


Initiation requirements usually require the signatures of some number of arbs, crats, admins, or established editors.

Example Initiation Requirement:
  • Single established editor
  • Single admin
  • 10 admins within a week
  • 100 established users

Initiation timeframe


Some initiation schemes place a timeframe or expiration period on initiation.

Initiation Certificated by


For some initiations, certification is automatic-- once the initiation requirements have been met, the process begins. Other other initiations, the initiation must be certified by an arb, crat, or admin.

  • Certification is automatic / anyone can certify
  • Certification by any arbs, crats, or admin
  • Certification by any arb or crat
  • Certification by any arb
  • Certification by majority of arbcom

Initiation Certification Criteria


Under what circumstances should the initiation be certified? What standard should be used to determine grounds for certification?

Phase 2: Assessment


During the assessment, the entire community is asked to provide feedback on Admin Status.

Assessment format


What information should the community provide during the assessment process? In what format should that information be organized?

Assessment Timeframe


How long should the assessment process run? At what point should closure be possible.

Phase 3: Closure


Closure, based on the information provided in the Assessment process, produces a final result on whether the individual will be admin.

Closer Identity


Who does the closing?

Closure Criteria


Existing Proposals and this Framework


I've tried to phrase most of the existing proposals in terms of this framework. Be aware, it's my own quick "back of the envelope" attempt to summarize and since it was not done by the proposers, it may not accurately reflect a true understand of the proposals. When in doubt, please read the actual proposal.

Status quo


Wikipedia:Requests for de-adminship (by Roux)

  • Nominator meets criteria,
  • "For actions that involve use of an administrative function (something an auto-confirmed user couldn't do) or abuse of the role of an administrator".
  • "double-check that the request has prima facie grounds"
  • Any 'crat
  • Closure Criteria: "Is there a clear consensus for desysopping?"



Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Administrator/Admin RFC draft (Beeblebrox)


Wikipedia:Community de-adminship (Uncle G)

  • "Consensus of Community"
  • Consider rationals, discussion, sockpuppetry, canvassing
  • Quorum of more than 100 participants

User:Sandstein/Reconfirmation RFA


"Straightforward reconfirmation" (JulianColton)


"Admin reconfirmation" (Jake Wartenberg)


User:Tim Smith/Administrator-initiated recall




Signatures prompt RFA + extra safeguards (Alecmconroy)

  • 30 signatures
  • Including at least 5 admins
  • Signatures expire after 7 days
  • Borderline: 50%
  • Success: 65%