Feedback from (2 October 2011)

Was the Wizard helpful to guide you in creating an article ?
Was it easy to understand ?
Was it complete enough, with enough details ?
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Feedback from (4 October 2011)

Was the Wizard helpful to guide you in creating an article ?
Was it easy to understand ?
Was it complete enough, with enough details ?
How can we make it better?
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dracula eats kids

Was the Wizard helpful to guide you in creating an article ?
Was it easy to understand ?
Was it complete enough, with enough details ?
How can we make it better?
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Feedback from (1 November 2011)

Mit Ghamr, Ad Daqahliyah, Egypt

Was the Wizard helpful to guide you in creating an article ?
Was it easy to understand ?
Was it complete enough, with enough details ?
How can we make it better?
Other comments?

Feedback from (6 November 2011)

Was the Wizard helpful to guide you in creating an article ?


Was it easy to understand ?


Was it complete enough, with enough details ?


How can we make it better?

Make clong in wiki

Other comments?

make the word clong on wiki

Feedback from (14 November 2011)

Was the Wizard helpful to guide you in creating an article ?


Was it easy to understand ?
Was it complete enough, with enough details ?
How can we make it better?
Other comments?