

Best practices[edit]

The visible name (name appearing after the pipe) should be the same as the exact title of the article (name appearing before the pipe) followed by the scientific name:
[[Groundhog|Groundhog (''M. monax'')]]
[[Groundhog|Woodchuck (''M. monax'')]]

[[Eastern gray squirrel|Eastern gray squirrel (''S. carolinensis'')]]
[[Eastern gray squirrel|Eastern grey squirrel (''S. carolinensis'')]]


Most templates utilize ((Navbox with collapsible groups)) while some of the smaller Orders utilize ((Navbox)). Many incorporate ((Navbox|subgroup)) into the template.

Mammal species template series[edit]

Each template attempts to represent all known extant species in that particular Order (per MSW3), as grouped below by infraclass.