This subpage contains a running log of Project-related news, notices, achievements and alerts. The 'Current notices' section below appears on the main page, and is intended to provide a "quick-look" facility to highlight key items or updates to WP:MESO participants.

Current notices[edit]

(Current Project-related notices, main activities, issues, milestones and other news (for example, recent discoveries in the field) may be listed here (in brief) for ready visibility. This bulleted listing appears on the main Project page. Most recent at the top. Provide a link to any ongoing discussions. The listing should be kept relatively brief. Once a notice is no longer current or recent, if required it can be moved to the historical sections, below.).

Noticeboard shared by WP:MESO and WP:AZTEC
Current collaboration target(s): Mesoamerica
Southern Maya area
Classic Maya collapse
Zapotec languages
Moctezuma II (GA drive)

Historical notices[edit]