From the editors


Welcome to the first Bugle edition of 2016.

This month's edition features the huge number of articles and images which were promoted to featured or A-class status in December. The range of topics covered was fairly broad, though articles on warships made up a large share of the total. Thanks to AustralianRupert for pulling this month's list together.

Somewhat unusually, the book review section is an almost world war-free zone this month. It includes a review by Nick-D of a biography focused on the President of the Confederate States of America's war leadership, as well as a review by Hawkeye7 of what turned out to be one of his favourite books on military history.

TomStar81 continues his prolific contributions covering World War I. His op-ed this month discusses the imposition of conscription in Britain in early 1916 following the Army's huge number of casualties. Tom has also provided his regular timeline of the war, covering a month in which most of the fighting took place well away from the Western Front.

Lastly, the MilHist FA, A-class, GA and Peer Reviews for October–December 2015 have been tallied. Dank and Nikkimaria headed the list. You can find the names of everyone who contributed reviews here, and we thank them all for their efforts.

Your editors, Ian Rose (talk) and Nick-D (talk)

A-Class Review wrap up for 2015

Awards and honours

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About The Bugle
First published in 2006, the Bugle is the monthly newsletter of the English Wikipedia's Military history WikiProject.

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