From the editors


Welcome to the fifth Bugle for 2022!

Somewhat unusually, none of the five new A-class articles in the article news section cover the world wars. Instead, they're on a very interesting and diverse range of topics: an American Civil War battle, a Carthaginian general, a major European war, a Royal Navy officer and a Brazilian military government. Of the five new featured articles, one involves World War II, the others cover medieval times and the American Civil War. The section also includes two images that were promoted to featured picture status in April, both being nominated by the prolific Adam Cuerden.

Hawkeye7 has contributed two reviews for the regular book review section. The first is on a key economic summit during World War II that played an important role in the post-war recovery and the second is on the American space program during the 1980s. The section also features a round-up of some recent reviews published elsewhere: that by Ian W. Toll of an apparently rather under-cooked work by renowned historian Paul Kennedy (the flaws include an over-reliance on Wikipedia, interestingly enough) is particularly worth reading.

Your editors, Ian Rose (talk) and Nick-D (talk)

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First published in 2006, the Bugle is the monthly newsletter of the English Wikipedia's Military history WikiProject.

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