This Month in World War I

Western Eastern Italian
Caucasian Middle Eastern Balkan
African Naval Air
Politics Asian and Pacific Gallipoli
Dates Events
October 7 – December 4 Serbia is invaded by Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Bulgaria. Details
October 14 – November 9 Morava Offensive, a phase of the Central Powers Invasion of Serbia, Bulgarians break through Serbian lines.
October 14 – November 15 Ovche Pole Offensive, a phase of the Central Powers invasion of Serbia, Bulgarians break through Serbian lines.
November 10 – December 2 Fourth Battle of the Isonzo.
November 10 – December 4 Kosovo Offensive, a phase of the Central Powers invasion of Serbia, Serbians pushed into Albania. Details
November 22–25 Battle of Ctesiphon, in present-day Iraq. Details
November 27 The Serbian army collapses. It will retreat to the Adriatic Sea and be evacuated by the Italian and French Navies. Details
About The Bugle
First published in 2006, the Bugle is the monthly newsletter of the English Wikipedia's Military history WikiProject.

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