This is a list of Scouting related resources available to individual editors. By sharing their list of references on this page, editors are agreeing to reply to requests for citations or verification. These references should never be copied into an article without the editor actually reading the source material and establishing that the reference supports the article content— doing so could be considered unethical.

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This section is transcluded from User:Bduke/Scouting bibliography. Requests for citations or verification may be made at User talk:Bduke

Personal library[edit]

Online references[edit]

This is a list of Scouting related resources available online.


This is a list of Scouting related bibliographies:

Academic research papers[edit]

The Boy Scouts and the `Girl Question', Sam Pryke, Liverpool Hope University College, Sexualities, Vol. 4, No. 2, 191-210 (2001). doi:10.1177/136346001004002005. © 2001 SAGE Publications.

See also[edit]