Cordless Larry's PPI Assessment Page


Cordless Larry - Wikipedia expert

Assessment 1, part 1


The purpose of this evaluation in not to gauge variability in article quality, but to look at the metric itself. How consistent is this assessment tool? and Is there a difference in scores between subject area expert assessment and Wikipedian article assessment?

Permanent residence (United States) (1 July 2010)


Great Society (1 July 2010)


Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 (1 July 2010)


Drug policy of the United States (1 July 2010)


Missouri Plan (1 July 2010)


State school (1 July 2010)


Assessment 1, part 2


Assessment request 2, please use article version from 1 October 2010. There are a couple of rereviews, hopefully those will go fast for you. This set will tie up the first assessment, which tests the quantitative metric and compares Wikipedian assessment to expert assessment. Sorry the article titles don't link to the correct article version, I will do this in the future.

Monetary policy of the United States (1 October 2010)


Homeland Security Act (1 October 2010)


Asylum in the United States (1 October 2010)


National Partnership for Reinventing Government (1 October 2010)


Operation Green Sweep (1 October 2010)


Great Society (1 October 2010)


Missouri Plan (1 October 2010)
