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Course name
ENGLI-1102-107 Research, Writing, and the Production of Knowledge
College of DuPage
Prof. Timothy Henningsen
Wikipedia Expert
Brianda (Wiki Ed)
Course dates
2024-01-23 00:00:00 UTC – 2024-05-31 23:59:59 UTC
Approximate number of student editors

Course Catalog Description: Builds upon the rhetoric, reading, and writing concepts introduced in English Composition I by having students compose inquiry-driven research projects. In their research process, students find and select the most appropriate sources to address research questions that are intended for a discourse community. Students integrate sources meaningfully for support and present their findings via the forms of media and genre that suit the project’s objectives. Repeatable for credit: No. Prerequisite: ENGLI 1101 English Composition 1 with a grade of "C" or better, or equivalent.

Section Overview: This class will teach the basics of discourse, persuasive writing, and research methods through a rigorous inquiry of one of the world's most popular websites: Wikipedia. According to its own entry, Wikipedia is a user-driven, free-access, free-content encyclopedia, supported and hosted by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation, and constitutes the Internet’s "largest and most popular general reference work."

And yet, many academics frown upon the use of Wikipedia, while some even go so far as to ban students from using it. Why? This class will pursue that debate and many more related to research, writing, and the production of knowledge. Course assignments involve 4 major research-based projects: (1) an analysis essay, (2) an annotated bibliography, (3) a reflection essay, and (4) a Wikipedia article written and edited by you. In order to successfully produce each project, we will have to explore a variety of conventions related to writing, as well as some theoretical ideas related to epistemology. We will familiarize ourselves with the policies and procedures set forth by Wikipedia’s community of contributors. We will evaluate print and digital texts by conducting research in the library and online. We will hone your skills in academic research, argumentative writing, and discourse analysis. We will practice summarizing, paraphrasing, quoting, analyzing, and synthesizing the views of other writers. Ultimately, you will begin to apprehend the fundamental role of rhetoric (i.e., persuasion) within the world of online and academic discourse, while also learning about knowledge creation, bias, credibility, objectivity, and community writing in the digital world. In sum, through classroom discussions, writing assignments, and your own online inquiries, this class promises to make you a better writer, reader, researcher, and thinker.

COURSE OBJECTIVES :: Upon successful completion of the course the student should be able to do the following:

Practice writing as a process involving inquiry, research, feedback, and revision

Analyze a rhetorical situation within a discourse community

Identify an issue relevant to a discourse community, a research question, a research plan, and digital and/or print media and genre(s) in which to present research findings to an audience

Assess the feasibility of the research inquiry

Build a body of research in the various stages of the research process

Evaluate the credibility of a variety of sources

Analyze arguments presented in sources

Develop research-supported arguments that address an issue relevant to a discourse community

Incorporate responses from instructor(s) and peers as part of the revision and editing process

Create researched print and/or digital texts that respond to rhetorical situations

Use suitable methods of citation

Student Assigned Reviewing
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