This Course
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Course name
Communication, Language, and Gender - COMM 281
Loyola University Chicago
Joanna Chromik
Wikipedia Expert
Ian (Wiki Ed)
Course dates
2024-01-16 00:00:00 UTC – 2024-04-25 23:59:59 UTC
Approximate number of student editors

This course explores the role of communication practices in the production, reinforcement and transformation of gendered identities. Students will learn how gender expectations within cultural contexts are created. They will also learn some of the ways that deeply-rooted assumptions limit social change and guide communication. This course is also a service-learning course. The goal is that students are able to acquire some sort of "archival" or secondary source from the non-profits that they are working with (perhaps annual reports etc.) in order to update each organization's Wikipedia page.

Student Assigned Reviewing
Rmartinez777 Housing Opportunities for Women (HOW)
SineadBuckley2 Nourishing Hope
Sineadbane Young Chicago Authors Young Chicago Authors
Margaretconway1702 Refugee FORA
Usahanbing Family Matters (organization) Housing Opportunities for Women (HOW)
AKlipin Nourishing Hope Young Chicago Authors
Amorriss Refugee FORA Family Matters (organization)
Allanahpollard Refugee FORA Nourishing Hope
ViduushiPrasad Young Chicago Authors Housing Opportunities for Women (HOW)
Gmbretsch Housing Opportunities for Women (HOW) Family Matters (organization)
Raearutherford Nourishing Hope Refugee FORA
Bellaalterio Family Matters (organization), Young Chicago Authors
Annaleah7 Family Matters (organization) Refugee FORA