Round 7 will be similar to the previous round: 20 questions will be posted, all at once. The first nine questions correctly answered are worth one point each for the poster of the first correct answer. The next five questions answered are worth two points. The next five questions to be answered are worth three points, and the last one is worth four. (Note: it's the order in which questions are answered correctly that determines the number of points awarded for a question, not the numbering below!) In case of a tie, there will be a tie-breaker, to be answered only by those tied. Hopefully the questions are difficult (or mean, if you like :-) enough to let the contest last for a few days...

This round was prepared by: Grue

The Questions

These are the questions for round 7. If you have found the answer to one of them, use the "Answer this question" links below the questions. You have to specify where on Wikipedia you found the answer, and I would like to know too how you found that location.

There can be more than one individual to answer a question, as the first may be wrong. Remember to place your timestamp to ensure your place. When all questions are answered, the winners will be posted in chronological order (that is if their answers are right). The individual with the most correct answers will be contacted and asked to assist in the next task line-up.


Note: please remember:

Question 1

Easy one

This illustrator was the first to draw Tharg.

Answer this question

This question was (predictably) the first to be answered correctly. 1 point to Circeus.

Question 2

What's your name, what's your number?

His name is an exception from the rule and his number is 22. Who is he?

Answer this question

Question 3

We're more than just a tour date, we're more than just a song

This hardcore punk band is known for child-friendly lyrics and supports ethical treatment of animals.

Answer this question

This question was eleventh to be answered correctly. 2 points to Maycontainpeanuts.

Question 4

Inherently funny words

Each question in the list provides two letters. When you find the answers to all of them, combine the letters and find the result (integer).

  1. ?? Joe, by Marvel
  2. 22 °C
  3. High ground
  4. Lots of sines and cosines
  5. Salty element symbol
  6. surgical procedure on eyes

Answer this question

This question was 14th to be answered correctly. 2 points to Eugene van der Pijll.

Question 5

Den of Evil

He played M&Ms and ended up insane.

Answer this question

This question was the 17th to be answered correctly. 3 points to JimCollaborator.

Question 6

Wikipedia is taken over

Which four articles were featured in "Did You Know..." at April 1, 2005?

Answer this question

This question was second to be answered correctly. 1 point to Circeus.

Question 7

Ugly red links

This disambiguation page links to 6 articles, 5 of them are red links, and the only article that exists is about municipality with area 26.2 km2. It contains "ß" in the title.

Answer this question

This question was fifth to be answered correctly. 1 point to Fiveless

Question 8

Anime smileys attack

In which movie "" is encountered?

Answer this question

This question was ninth to be answered correctly. 1 point to ALoan

Question 9

How do they say it?

Find the article which title ends with "hgnooloo".

Answer this question

This question was the 13th to be answered correctly. Alterego gets 2 points.

Question 10

Finite recursion

It could be either first or second and causes a "disease" that is related to something controlled by something located under something, which has the same name as the defunct game company that made Sanxion, Delta and Quedex.

Answer this question

Question 11

New Pages Aren't Cashed by Google

Find a dreadlocked musician from Israel whose song Mi-Maamakim received wide airplay.

Answer this question

...but they're cached by Yahoo. It was the third question to be answered correctly. 1 point to Fiveless

Question 12

Obligatory picture question

Where do you find this WW1 memorial?


Answer this question

This question was the 16th to be answered correctly. 3 points to AllyUnion.

Question 13

There are not that many things that get divided into 31 quarters...

This quarter of one of the most disputed articles in Wikipedia comes with a nice picture of a pier.

Answer this question

This question was 15th to be answered correctly. 3 points to Eugene van der Pijll.

Question 14

Chain letter

Answer all of these questions:

  1. Wrote 124 letters during Roman era
  2. Was a contemporary of (1)
  3. A country where (2) was born
  4. First cosmonaut of (3) was born in that city
  5. Is almost an anagram to (4)
  6. This party's name means (5)

Answer this question

This question was the tenth to be answered correctly. 2 points to ALoan.

Question 15


This quasi-sport, popular (among other places) in Tasmania, went through VfD procedure and survived after the article was expanded.

Answer this question

It was the eighth question to be answered correctly. 1 point to Zoicon5.

Question 16

A year in the history

Texas got invaded, New Zealand government changes its location and Mozart's wife dies! When did it all happen?

Answer this question

This question was sixth to be answered correctly. 1 point to Radagast.

Question 17

A wittily-titled question number 17

  1. Line between day and night
  2. Number 9 of Montreal Canadiens
  3. Creatures in animation set in Hawaii
  4. A town in Germany

Find an article that deals with all of these.

Answer this question

This article was 18th to be answered correctly. 3 points to Zoicon5.

Question 18

Oh no! The tentacles!

This Japanese warlord who conquered most of Japan is portrayed as Demon King in video games and anime.

Answer this question

This question was the seventh to be answered correctly. 1 point to Eugene van der Pijll.

Question 19

The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young

... is a final boss in a well-known computer game. The first boss in that computer game also has connection to Cthulhu mythos: a group of monstrosities are called similarly. Who is the largest and most evil in that group?

Answer this question

This question was the fourth to be answered correctly. 1 point to Fiveless.

Question 20

Pop Rocks and Coke

This word could refer either to rock bubble or microprocessor.

Answer this question

This question was the 12th to be answered correctly. 2 points to Alterego.

Current score