From what I read from the article subject's site is that the purpose of his work is to, "invade your mind and destroy logic". Oh, I am sorry, I should not have made this post on the VfD page since the article is going to get vaporized! 20:26, 3 Mar 2005 (UTC)
Uh, what the heck are you talking about? The page history is visible to anyone who cares to check it. Do you have any reason to suggest some problem with any logged in user being unable to vote? Wondering, -- Infrogmation 20:53, 3 Mar 2005 (UTC)
OH MY GOD! This VfD is corrupt! Gmonkia, are you telling us that there has been someone who has been trying to VOTE and cannot get in!!! This VfD is NOT WORKING!!! It is corrupt! If there is a, "Placeboism" and if this party is being blocked from Voting then this VfD is corrupted!!!! After all, they allowed an imposter to case a vote! This is not fair! 21:10, 3 Mar 2005 (UTC)
Android79, if a new user is not a, "sock puppet" then they have the same rights as anyone, correct? 21:11, 3 Mar 2005 (UTC)
People have the right to Vote! If a NEW USER comes in here to VOTE and they are not a, "sock puppet" then they can VOTE! OH MY GOD!!!!! Are we being told that VOTES ARE BEING TURNED AWAY???!!!! 21:14, 3 Mar 2005 (UTC)
Gmonkai, I think this VOTE for Deletion page goes on for another four days. I recommend that you tell this user, Placeboism, to keep trying or if they are having any problems to contact Infrogmation! WE MUST MAKE SURE VOTES ARE COUNTED, either way! However, I think that this is VfD is still corrupt because NOTHING was done to address the imposter issue. Gmonkai, if this user, Placeboism, has already signed up and really has been trying to VOTE (like you said) and if his VOTE is NOT BEING REGISTERED then this WHOLE VfD must be stopped until an INVESTIGATION is under way. For the benefit of justice, integrity and the entire process. 21:25, 3 Mar 2005 (UTC)
You do realize that the 'impostor' will probably also be considered a sock puppet, right? Android79 21:28, Mar 3, 2005 (UTC)
CORRUPTION!!!! This VfD is not working!!! Gmonkai, we must insist that an INVESTIGATION is under way! I had a feeling this VfD was bogus. Here is a new user trying to cast a VOTE and is UNABLE to GET IN!!!! 21:36, 3 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Further,I have never heard this term "sock puppet" before today..but in my brief membership..the longterm members seem to exhibit a surpassing knowledge of this term...I enter all endeavours with an open mind...I would not have registered without at least an interest in learning what this site is about...My entries already exhibit that I am actively studying them...but there are people who I know,and they are artists,and in common they do have familarity with Keith Wigdor's art...I know these people and like them...and you Alai,and others are attempting to dismissively speak of them as 1)vandals,2)site policy violators,3)that they don't exist(some chenanigan that only longterm sitemembers seem to have evolved some deep knowledge about)...I know these people Alai...Their geographic distribution in and of itself absolutely refutes your "sock puppet" suggestion...and because I know for certitude that they are honest and of good repute...I resent the other two suggestions...By a stretch-and beyond the enclave of your longterm friends and cronies...can you with any honesty say that impugning people that don't have a voice...and impeding their right to vote...when they are exactly the people you have claimed you'd like to hear a line of action that is less than dictatorial?..Let them have a voice...don't dismiss them without knowing or hearing them...or if otherwise stop playing a charade of having an objective to formulate a cooperatively and fair encyclopedia.gmonkai.

Dear Gmonkai, it reminds me of the Moscow Trials! So sad that Votes are being turned away with no evidence provided that they are, "sock puppets". So anyone that is a new user who comes in here to make a Legitimate Vote will be called a, "sock puppet" and they will be turned away and blocked! I already notified comrades to keep trying and we will see what happens! 00:23, 4 Mar 2005 (UTC)
watch as anyone who tries to make a legitimate vote as a new user gets unfairly blocked! The only Votes that you will see in here from now on will be DELETION VOTES because of the unfairness! New users are being blocked because they are unfairly being labeled as, "sock puppets"! My message to any new user that comes in here, Wait 24 hours and try again, there are four days. Keep trying! 00:28, 4 Mar 2005 (UTC) 01:38, 4 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Are Votes Being Turned Away???


Whats the deal? 02:13, 4 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Well the page movement editing has succinctly altered coherency and flow...but to Alai's last...if you had any interest(such as you initially feigned)to objective and critical appraisal of this artist's work...a good initial step would be to allow those familar with his work entrance to express their views...Otherwise it's kind of a silly enclave of long established wikipedians has decided to put this article on trial as regards this artist's "notability"...any aware of this notability are barred entrance or voice...I began to delineate on a familarity with both a corpus of images and influential philosophies behind these images...I could expand much...and again,I have not met this artist in person...further it seems at the first presentation of a witness to this critical view..the door slammed lest others come and prove to you that this artist is notable among large international circles of artisans and his work influential...See one neutral and knowledgable member enter who can refute all your misspeculations a in your zeal to ridicule what you admittedly do not have a basis for knowledge about...and slam the door lest the tide that would have proved you wrong pour in...What I don't get is why you make pretenses of being anything but autocratic...and now clearly defined arguments are being shuffled...because the farce is so obvious.gmonkai.

Gmonkai, what kills me is the misery that they put us all through. Why didn't they delete the article the moment one of their Administrator's created it? This article was on Wikipedia for months. Now anything you say is labeled as a, "personal attack" if you object to the way this whole VfD evolved in the first place. Gmonkai, let me ask you. If an encyclopedia service went out of their way to create an article on you, then ASK you to use an artwork created by you to display on their website, (plus you giving permission for them to use it) then they decide to DELETE the article, what would you do? 02:39, 4 Mar 2005 (UTC)

In the meantime, a cleanup is needed here on Wikipedia


I need to start a VfD on articles here on Wikipedia as well. 14:52, 4 Mar 2005 (UTC)

I'll help you, User#24.--Keith-Wigdor 15:59, 4 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Well,the impostor has a sense of humor,for sure-lol!As pointed out before,seems to me the only ones knowledgeable in sock puppets are these longtime users...Am I to expect an alterego g-monkai will some day emerge?Whoever you are really Keith-Wigdor(and definitely not the genuine artist) do truly give newcomers a nasty introduction to what underhanded tactics are all about...And in all seriousness,is there truly an appropriate place for your antics on a site purporting to be serious about encyclopedic editing?Were I a site monitor,you would be the first thing I would fish out,and then bar admission to all your aka's,whatever the real one is included...I laugh as I would at a good joke,coming from a felon on his way to meet a just punishment,but in truth you are giving the spirit of this site a tarnishing.Why don't you withdraw your entries and your false vote?Are you truly starting from such a position of insecurity that you need to cheat like this?gmonkai.

What are you talking about? I'm Keith Wigdor. Gemalial, WHY SHOULD I CHANGE MY USERNAME? I picked Keith Wigdor, and it should be my right. I'd be curious to know how long this "gmonkey" user has been in existence, and how he has the nerve to talk about "tarnishing" this encyclopedia? I hope some administrators look into your IP octet, Gmonkai. Some people here think I am an impostor, but I must assert here that I AM KEITH WIGDOR SURREALIST. This is very UNFAIR and I think I deserve better treatment than this. VIVA SURREALISM!!!!!! VIVA WIGDOR!!!!!--Keith-Wigdor 22:43, 4 Mar 2005 (UTC)

And your possessive insinuations about art enline pages,accompanying your vote;infer no intent of duplicity?...These same pages have the actual artist Keith Wigdor's complaints about you being an impostor...and again in the above statement,you are making no distinctions between the genuine "Keith Wigdor" and your site aka "Keith-Wigdor"...whether or not this is a sock puppet aka for a longstanding member,or your only ID here-still you are operating with a duplicity that should be an embarassment to any serious Wikipedians.gmonkai.

I have nothing more to say to you, Gmonkai. I am an artist of the 21st century. VIVA WIGDOR!!!!!--Keith-Wigdor 23:48, 4 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Hey everyone, I know that I'm a first-time wiki editor, so I don't feel entitled to vote, but at least I wanted to show some support towards my big brother, Keith. What I wanted to ask the wiki-administrators was whether or not wikipedia has a paid-inclusion program. What I mean is that I'd like to pay you some money in order for Keith to keep his article going. I can understand why people reading this page might think that this just more sock-puppet antics, but if you check my IP address, you'll see that I'm sending this from Boston. KEITH WIGDOR IS THE GREATEST!!!!!! --Nancy-Wigdor 18:09, 6 Mar 2005 (UTC)

The user, "Nancy-Wigdor" is a prankster


The user, "Nancy-Wigdor" is a prankster and is abusing the Wikipedia service. I already spoke with the artist and he wants these people to stop harrassing him online by abusing Wikipedia.Classicjupiter2 20:10, 6 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Keith Wigdor's website (March 6 entry) denies the identiy of the supposed sister "Nancy Wigdor", so the above post was likely some type of trolling. -- Infrogmation 22:02, 6 Mar 2005 (UTC)