I'm a Christian belonging to True Jesus Church (abbreviated TJC; we call ourselves TJCers). The issue with the clandestinity of Christian churches in China being the reason for the deletion of the original article is not at all necessary. There are many Christian churches in China that have their own websites. There is no need for the clandestinity in China as long as it is a legally registered religious group. TJC is a legally registered religion.

There are restrictions of religious activities in China, but religion is allowed. Restriction is imposed on religoius groups in China because the Chinese government fears that any social group becoming too large and powerful may threaten the government. Therefore although religion is allowed, there are restrictions to ensure that any religious group or activity in China will not grow into a group so large that its activities may be powerful enough to threat the government. Legal religious activities are ALWAYS restricted to the local church, and any activity that involves two or more local churches is illegal. Any teachings or concept delivered in sermons that may threat the obedience of the people to the Chinese government is forbidden. Other than these, local religious activity is allowed, and religions are legal. Clandestinity on the internet is not at all necessary for any legally registered religion in China. The suggestion on the deletion of the article because of the need of clandestinity of Chinese Christian groups is based on the lack of knowledge and understanding of what's really going on in China.

TJC originated in China, but it is found all over the world in over 40 countries. Religious activity is partially restricted in China, so the main base for TJC is in fact situated in Taiwan, where religion is completely free. TJC in Taiwan being the globally most influential church (and the leader) in the entire TJC system means that clandestinity is absolutely unnecessary on the internet.

For proof, please see below for TJC website in China: http://www.tjccn.com/

The General Assembly of TJC in Taiwan: http://www.tjc.org.tw/

International Assembly of TJC (global website): http://tjc.org/

Please reconsider, as the reason for the deletion of the article is baseless.