What is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist.

Sir Salman Rushdie (born Ahmed Salman Rushdie, Urdu: أحمد سلمان رشدی, Hindi: अह्मद सलमान रश्डी on 19 June 1947) is an Indian-born British novelist and essayist. Most of his work is set on the Indian subcontinent.

See also:
Midnight's Children (1981)
The Satanic Verses (1988)
The Ground Beneath Her Feet (1999)


Meaning is a shaky edifice we build out of scraps, dogmas, childhood injuries, newspaper articles, chance remarks, old films, small victories, people hated, people loved; perhaps it is because of our sense of what is the case is constructed from such inadequate materials that we defend it so fiercely, even to the death.
I do not envy people who think they have a complete explanation of the world, for the simple reason that they are obviously wrong.
The only people who see the whole picture are the ones who step outside the frame.


Midnight's Children (1981)

I am the sum total of everything that went before me, of all I have been seen done, of everything done-to-me. I am everyone everything whose being-in-the-world affected was affected by mine. I am anything that happens after I've gone which would not have happened if I had not come.
These are just a few sample quotes; for more quotes from this work see Midnight's Children

The Satanic Verses (1988)

Main article: The Satanic Verses

Address at Columbia University (1991)

Too many people had spent too long demonizing or totemizing me to listen seriously to what I had to say.
Excerpts From Rushdie's Address: 1,000 Days 'Trapped Inside a Metaphor' The New York Times (12 December 1991)
Free speech is the whole thing, the whole ball game. Free speech is life itself.

Salon interview (1996)

Nothing really improves us. Whatever improves one person will disimprove another.
"The Salon Interview: Salman Rushdie: When life becomes a bad novel"


The Hindu interview (2012)

Interviewed by Mukund Padmanabhan (published 6 October 2012; revised 18 October 2016).

The Guardian interview (2021)

Interviewed in "Salman Rushdie: 'I am stupidly optimistic – it got me through those bad years'" by Hadley Freeman (published 15 May 2021).

The New Yorker interview (2023)

Interviewed in "The Defiance of Salman Rushdie" by David Remnick (published 6 February 2023).


Quotes about Rushdie

Rushdie shows us with what fantasy our sort of history must now be written — if, that is, we are to penetrate it, and perhaps even save it. ~ Malcolm Bradbury
In alphabetical order by author or source.
I never called for the death of Salman Rushdie; nor backed the Fatwa issued by the Ayatollah Khomeini — and still don't. … I foolishly made light of certain provocative questions. … Certainly I regret giving those sorts of responses now. ~ Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam)
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Salman Rushdie