Hexabathynella , Hexabdella , Hexablemma , Hexabothriidae , Hexabothrium , Hexabranchidae , Hexabranchus , Hexacantherophora , Hexacanthopora , Hexacapsulidae Schulman, 1959 , Hexacentrus , Hexachaeta , Hexachaetoniella , Hexachaetus Chaudoir, 1871 , Hexachernes , Hexacinia , Hexacladia , Hexacladium , Hexacladus , Hexacladus , Hexacnemus , Hexacola , Hexacolinus , Hexacolus , Hexacona , Hexacontium , Hexacontium , Hexaconularia , Hexacoptus , Hexacorallia , Hexacorbula , Hexacosta , Hexacraspis , Hexacrobylidae , Hexacromyum , Hexacromyum , Hexacromyum , Hexactinella , Hexactinellida , Hexactinosida , Hexacylloepus , Hexacyrtis , Hexadactilia , Hexadella , Hexadesmus , Hexadoras , Hexadoras , Hexagenia , Hexagenia Walsh, 1863 , Hexagenites Scudder, 1880 † , Hexagenitidae Lameere, 1917 , Hexaglandula , Hexagonalia , Hexagonaloides , Hexagonella , Hexagonella , Hexagonella , Hexagonellidae , Hexagonellidae , Hexagonellina , Hexagonia , Hexagonia Kirby, 1825 , Hexagoniini G. Horn, 1881 , Hexagrammia , Hexagrammidae , Hexagrammos , Hexalaughlia , Hexalectris , Hexalithus , Hexalithus , Hexalobus , Hexaloncharium , Hexaloncharium , Hexalonche , Hexalonche , Hexalonchidae , Hexamela , Hexameritia , Hexamerocerata , Hexameropsis Tashernova & Sinitshenkova, 1974 , Hexamita , Hexamitaceae , Hexamitidae , Hexamitocera , Hexamitodera , Hexamitophyceae , Hexamitoptera , Hexamphiastrea , Hexanchidae , Hexanchiformes , Hexanchus , Hexancistra , Hexancistra , Hexancistra , Hexanematichthys , Hexangitrema , Hexangulaconularia , Hexangulaconulariidae , Hexapanopeus , Hexapathes , Hexapetalum , Hexaphilia , Hexaphyllus , Hexapinus , Hexaplatarthrus Jeannel, 1955 , Hexaplax , Hexapleomera , Hexaplex , Hexapodibius , Hexapodichnus , Hexapodichnus , Hexapodidae , Hexapodorhabdus , Hexapodorhabdus , Hexaporites , Hexaporobrachia , Hexaporobrachia , Hexaporobrachiidae , Hexaporobrachiidae , Hexaprotodon , Hexapterella , Hexaptilona , Hexapus , Hexapyle , Hexapyle , Hexapyle , Hexapylocapsa , Hexapylocapsidae , Hexapylomella , Hexapylomella , Hexapylomellidae , Hexapylomellidae , Hexapyramis , Hexapyramis , Hexapyramis , Hexaresta , Hexarrhopala , Hexarthra , Hexarthridae , Hexasaturnalinae , Hexasaturnalis , Hexasmilia , Hexasmiliopsis , Hexasphaera , Hexasphaera , Hexaspiron , Hexaspyris , Hexastylarium , Hexastylarium , Hexastylidae , Hexastylis , Hexastylus , Hexastylus , Hexataenius , Hexathele , Hexathelidae , Hexatmetus , Hexatoma , Hexatricha , Hexatrygon , Hexatrygonidae , Hexatylus , Hexelasma , Hexelasma , Hexencyrtus , Hexepeolus , Hexeretmis , Hexeria , Hexeris , Hexerites , Hexeurytoma , Hexianella , Hexianella , Hexinlusaurus , Hexismia , Hexisopodidae , Hexisopus , Hexites , Hexocera , Hexocycnidolon , Hexodon , Hexolobodon , Hexommulocymus , Hexomyza , Hexoplon , Hexoppia , Hexorthodes , Hexostoma , Hexostomatidae , Hexura , Hexurella , Hexymus ,

Hexabathynella Schminke, 1972

[uredi | uredi kôd]

Animalia > Arthropoda > Malacostraca > Bathynellacea > Parabathynellidae Hexabdella , Hexablemma , Hexabothriidae , Hexabothrium , Hexabranchidae , Hexabranchus , Hexacantherophora , Hexacentrus , Hexachaeta ,


[uredi | uredi kôd]

Animalia > Arthropoda > Arachnida > Sarcoptiformes > Plateremaeoidea > Licnodamaeidae Hexachaetus Chaudoir, 1871 , Hexachernes , Hexacinia , Hexacladia , Hexacladium , Hexacnemus , Hexacola , Hexacolinus , Hexacolus , Hexacona , Hexacontium , Hexacoptus ,


[uredi | uredi kôd]

AnthozoaCnidaria Hexacraspis , Hexacrobylidae , Hexacromyum ,

Hexactinella Carter, 1885

[uredi | uredi kôd]
  1. Hexactinella acanthacea Reiswig & Kelly, 2011
  2. Hexactinella aurea Reiswig & Kelly, 2011
  3. Hexactinella carolinensis Reiswig, Dohrmann, Pomponi & Wörheide, 2008
  4. Hexactinella divergens Tabachnick, 1990
  5. Hexactinella grimaldii Topsent, 1890
  6. Hexactinella labyrinthica Wilson, 1904
  7. Hexactinella lata (Schulze, 1886)
  8. Hexactinella lingua Ijima, 1927
  9. Hexactinella monticularis Lendenfeld, 1915
  10. Hexactinella rugosa Ijima, 1927
  11. Hexactinella simplex Reiswig & Kelly, 2011
  12. Hexactinella spongiosa Ijima, 1927
  13. Hexactinella ventilabrum Carter, 1885
  14. Hexactinella vermiculosa Ijima, 1927

Animalia → Porifera → Hexactinellida → Hexactinosida → Tretodictyidae

Razred Hexactinellida Schmidt, 1870; (staklače)

[uredi | uredi kôd]

Animalia → Porifera → Hexactinellida

Red Hexactinosida Schrammen, 1912

[uredi | uredi kôd]

Animalia → Porifera → Hexactinellida

Porodica Hexactinosida incertae sedis

[uredi | uredi kôd]

Animalia → Porifera → Hexactinellida → Hexactinosida Hexacylloepus , Hexacyrtis , Hexadactilia , Hexadella , Hexadesmus , Hexagenia ,


[uredi | uredi kôd]
  1. Hexaglandula ariusus
  2. Hexaglandula corynosoma
  3. Hexaglandula inermis
  4. Hexaglandula karachiensis
  5. Hexaglandula mutabilis
  6. Hexaglandula paucihamatus

→Polymorphidae →PolymorphidaPalaeacanthocephalaAcanthocephalaAnimalia

Hexagonalia , Hexagonaloides , Hexagonella , Hexagonella , Hexagonellidae , Hexagonia , Hexagonia Kirby, 1825 , Hexagoniini G. Horn, 1881 , Hexagrammia , Hexagrammidae ,


[uredi | uredi kôd]
  1. Hexagrammos agrammus
  2. Hexagrammos decagrammus
  3. Hexagrammos lagocephalus
  4. Hexagrammos octogrammus
  5. Hexagrammos otakii
  6. Hexagrammos stelleri

Hexalaughlia , Hexalectris , Hexalobus , Hexalonche , Hexamela , Hexameritia , Hexamerocerata , Hexamita , Hexamitaceae , Hexamitidae , Hexamitocera , Hexamitodera , Hexamitophyceae , Hexamitoptera , Hexanchidae , Hexanchiformes ,


[uredi | uredi kôd]


[uredi | uredi kôd]

Hexangitrema , Hexapanopeus , Hexapathes , Hexaphilia , Hexaphyllus , Hexapinus , Hexaplatarthrus Jeannel, 1955 , Hexaplax , Hexapleomera , Hexaplex ,

Nadrazred Hexapoda Latreille, 1825

[uredi | uredi kôd]
  1. Entognatha [1]
  2. Insecta [1]

Animalia → Arthropoda

Hexapodibius Pilato, 1969

[uredi | uredi kôd]

Animalia > Tardigrada > Eutardigrada > Parachela > Calohypsibiidae > Hexapodidae ,

Hexaprotodon Falconer and Cautley, 1836

[uredi | uredi kôd]
  1. Hexaprotodon bruneti Boisserie and White 2004
  2. Hexaprotodon coryndoni Geze 1985
  3. Hexaprotodon crusafonti Aguire 1963
  4. Hexaprotodon dulu Boisserie 2004
  5. Hexaprotodon garyam Boisserie et al. 2005
  6. Hexaprotodon hipponensis Gaudry 1867
  7. Hexaprotodon imaguncula Hopwood 1926
  8. Hexaprotodon iravticus Falconer and Cautley 1847
  9. Hexaprotodon liberiensis (Morton, 1849)
  10. Hexaprotodon liberiensis heslopi (Corbet, 1969)
  11. Hexaprotodon liberiensis liberiensis (Morton, 1849)
  12. Hexaprotodon madagascariensis (Guldberg, 1883)
  13. Hexaprotodon mingoz Boisserie et al. 2003
  14. Hexaprotodon namadicus Falconer and Cautley 1847
  15. Hexaprotodon palaeindicus Falconer and Cautley 1847
  16. Hexaprotodon pantanellii Joleaud 1920
  17. Hexaprotodon primaevus Crusafont et al. 1964
  18. Hexaprotodon sahabiensis Gaziry 1987
  19. Hexaprotodon shungurensis Geze 1985
  20. Hexaprotodon siculus Hooijer 1946
  21. Hexaprotodon sivalensis Falconer and Cautley 1836

Animalia → Chordata → Mammalia → Artiodactyla → Hippopotamidae Hexapterella , Hexaptilona , Hexapus , Hexapyle ,

Hexaresta Hering, 1941

[uredi | uredi kôd]

Animalia > Arthropoda > Insecta > Diptera > Tephritidae

Hexarrhopala Gahan, 1890

[uredi | uredi kôd]

Animalia > Arthropoda > Insecta > Coleoptera > Cerambycidae

Hexarthra Schmarda, 1854

[uredi | uredi kôd]
  • Hexarthra brandorffi Koste, 1977
  • Hexarthra bulgarica (Wiszniewski, 1933)
  • Hexarthra bulgarica bulgarica (Wiszniewski, 1933)
  • Hexarthra bulgarica canadensis Dumont, Coussement & Anderson, 1978
  • Hexarthra bulgarica nepalensis Dumont, Coussement & Anderson, 1978
  • Hexarthra fennica (Levander, 1892)
  • Hexarthra insulana
  • Hexarthra intermedia (Wiszniewski, 1929)
  • Hexarthra intermedia brasiliensis (Hauer, 1953)
  • Hexarthra intermedia intermedia (Wiszniewski, 1929)
  • Hexarthra jenkinae (de Beauchamp, 1932)
  • Hexarthra libica
  • Hexarthra longicornicula Turner, 1987
  • Hexarthra mira (Hudson, 1871)
  • Hexarthra mollis (Bartoš, 1948)
  • Hexarthra oxyuris (Sernov, 1903)
  • Hexarthra polychaeta Bennetch, 1981
  • Hexarthra polyodonta (Hauer, 1957)
  • Hexarthra polyodonta jasperina Dumont, Coussement & Anderson, 1978
  • Hexarthra polyodonta polyodonta (Hauer, 1957)
  • Hexarthra polyodonta soaplakeiensis Koste, 1977
  • Hexarthra propinqua (Bartoš, 1948)
  • Hexarthra reducens (Bartoš, 1948)

Hexarthridae →Flosculariaceae →Eurotatoria →RotiferaAnimalia Hexarthridae ,


[uredi | uredi kôd]
  1. Hexaspiron nigericum


Hexasterias Ehrenberg

[uredi | uredi kôd]
sinonim: Hexasterias problematica Cleve, 1900 = Polyasterias problematica (Cleve) Meunier, 1910

Podrazred Hexasterophora Schulze, 1886

[uredi | uredi kôd]

Animalia → Porifera → Hexactinellida

  1. Hexastylis arifolia
  2. Hexastylis contracta
  3. Hexastylis heterophylla
  4. Hexastylis lewisii
  5. Hexastylis minor
  6. Hexastylis naniflora
  7. Hexastylis rhombiformis
  8. Hexastylis shuttleworthii
  9. Hexastylis speciosa
  10. Hexastylis virginica

Aristolochiaceae →Aristolochiales →MagnoliopsidaMagnoliophytaPlantae

Hexastylus , Hexataenius ,

Hexathele Ausserer, 1871

[uredi | uredi kôd]
  1. Hexathele cantuaria Forster, 1968
  2. Hexathele cavernicola Forster, 1968
  3. Hexathele exemplar Parrott, 1960
  4. Hexathele hochstetteri Ausserer, 1871 tipična vrsta
  5. Hexathele huka Forster, 1968
  6. Hexathele huttoni Hogg, 1908
  7. Hexathele kohua Forster, 1968
  8. Hexathele maitaia Forster, 1968
  9. Hexathele nigra Forster, 1968
  10. Hexathele otira Forster, 1968
  11. Hexathele para Forster, 1968
  12. Hexathele petriei Goyen, 1887
  13. Hexathele pukea Forster, 1968
  14. Hexathele putuna Forster, 1968
  15. Hexathele ramsayi Forster, 1968
  16. Hexathele rupicola Forster, 1968
  17. Hexathele taumara Forster, 1968
  18. Hexathele waipa Forster, 1968
  19. Hexathele waita Forster, 1968
  20. Hexathele wiltoni Forster, 1968

Animalia → Arthropoda → Arachnida → Araneae → Hexathelidae

Porodica Hexathelidae Simon, 1892

[uredi | uredi kôd]
  1. Atrax O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1877
  2. Bymainiella Raven, 1978
  3. Hadronyche L. Koch, 1873
  4. Hexathele Ausserer, 1871
  5. Illawarra Gray, 2010
  6. Macrothele Ausserer, 1871
  7. Mediothele Raven & Platnick, 1978
  8. Paraembolides Raven, 1980
  9. Plesiothele Raven, 1978
  10. Porrhothele Simon, 1892
  11. Scotinoecus Simon, 1892
  12. Teranodes Raven, 1985

Animalia → Arthropoda → Arachnida → Araneae

Hexathelinae Simon, 1892

[uredi | uredi kôd]

Animalia > Arthropoda > Arachnida > Araneae > Hexathelidae

Hexatmetus Marshall, 1927

[uredi | uredi kôd]

Animalia > Arthropoda > Insecta > Coleoptera > Curculionoidea > Nanophyidae ili Brentidae

Hexatoma Latreille, 1809

[uredi | uredi kôd]
  • Hexatoma abdominalis (Alexander, 1923)
  • Hexatoma absona Alexander, 1949
  • Hexatoma acrostacta (Wiedemann, 1821)
  • Hexatoma acunai (Alexander, 1928)
  • Hexatoma aegle Alexander, 1953
  • Hexatoma aequinigra Alexander, 1934
  • Hexatoma aetherea (Alexander, 1916)
  • Hexatoma aglaia Alexander, 1946
  • Hexatoma agni Alexander, 1963
  • Hexatoma aitkeni Alexander, 1966
  • Hexatoma albifrons (Edwards, 1928)
  • Hexatoma albihirta (Alexander, 1912)
  • Hexatoma albiprivata (Edwards, 1932)
  • Hexatoma albipunctata (van der Wulp, 1880)
  • Hexatoma albitarsis (Osten Sacken, 1869)
  • Hexatoma alboguttata (Matsumura, 1916)
  • Hexatoma albomedia (Edwards, 1932)
  • Hexatoma albonotata (Loew, 1852)
  • Hexatoma albovittata (Edwards, 1928)
  • Hexatoma amazonicola (Alexander, 1920)
  • Hexatoma ambrosia Alexander, 1938
  • Hexatoma anamalaiana Alexander, 1949
  • Hexatoma andicola (Alexander, 1923)
  • Hexatoma angustipennis (Enderlein, 1912)
  • Hexatoma angustissima (Alexander, 1927)
  • Hexatoma antennata (Alexander, 1930)
  • Hexatoma aperta (Alexander, 1920)
  • Hexatoma apoensis Alexander, 1961
  • Hexatoma arcuaria Alexander, 1974
  • Hexatoma arcuata Alexander, 1951
  • Hexatoma argentina (Alexander, 1919)
  • Hexatoma argyrocephala Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma arrogans (Alexander, 1927)
  • Hexatoma artifex Alexander, 1961
  • Hexatoma assamensis (Edwards, 1921)
  • Hexatoma aterrima (Brunetti, 1912)
  • Hexatoma aterrima (Walker, 1856)
  • Hexatoma atra (Doleschall, 1859)
  • Hexatoma atricornis Alexander, 1934
  • Hexatoma atripes Alexander, 1934
  • Hexatoma atrisoma Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma atroantica Alexander, 1957
  • Hexatoma atrodorsalis (Alexander, 1927)
  • Hexatoma atromarginata (Edwards, 1926)
  • Hexatoma atrosignata Alexander, 1942
  • Hexatoma aurantia (Brunetti, 1918)
  • Hexatoma aurantionota Alexander, 1939
  • Hexatoma aurata (Doane, 1900)
  • Hexatoma austera (Doane, 1900)
  • Hexatoma australiensis (Alexander, 1920)
  • Hexatoma azrael Alexander, 1943
  • Hexatoma azurea Alexander, 1938
  • Hexatoma badia (Brunetti, 1911)
  • Hexatoma baluchistanica Alexander, 1957
  • Hexatoma basilaris (Wiedemann, 1821)
  • Hexatoma batesi (Alexander, 1921)
  • Hexatoma bazini (Edwards, 1926)
  • Hexatoma beameri Alexander, 1956
  • Hexatoma beebeana Alexander, 1950
  • Hexatoma bengalensis Alexander, 1933
  • Hexatoma bequaertiana Alexander, 1938
  • Hexatoma bevisi Alexander, 1956
  • Hexatoma bicolor (Meigen, 1818)
  • Hexatoma bifascipennis (Edwards, 1932)
  • Hexatoma bifenestrata Alexander, 1938
  • Hexatoma biflava (Edwards, 1928)
  • Hexatoma biflavocincta Alexander, 1971
  • Hexatoma bifurcata Alexander, 1947
  • Hexatoma biguttipennis (Edwards, 1932)
  • Hexatoma bituberculata (Macquart, 1838)
  • Hexatoma boettcheri (Edwards, 1926)
  • Hexatoma borneana (Edwards, 1921)
  • Hexatoma brachycera (Osten Sacken, 1877)
  • Hexatoma braconides (Enderlein, 1912)
  • Hexatoma brevifurca Alexander, 1956
  • Hexatoma brevioricornis Alexander, 1941
  • Hexatoma brevipila (Alexander, 1918)
  • Hexatoma brevistigma Alexander, 1953
  • Hexatoma breviuscula (Alexander, 1929)
  • Hexatoma bruneri (Alexander, 1928)
  • Hexatoma brunettii (Edwards, 1921)
  • Hexatoma brunneipes (Williston, 1900)
  • Hexatoma cabralensis Alexander, 1945
  • Hexatoma caesarea (Alexander, 1931)
  • Hexatoma caesia Savchenko, 1979
  • Hexatoma californica (Osten Sacken, 1877)
  • Hexatoma caliginosa (Brunetti, 1918)
  • Hexatoma caminaria (Wiedemann, 1828)
  • Hexatoma candidipes (Alexander, 1923)
  • Hexatoma canescens Alexander, 1949
  • Hexatoma caninota Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma cantonensis Alexander, 1938
  • Hexatoma capensis (Alexander, 1921)
  • Hexatoma captiosa Alexander, 1946
  • Hexatoma carbonipes (Alexander, 1929)
  • Hexatoma carinivertex Alexander, 1949
  • Hexatoma carrerai Alexander, 1942
  • Hexatoma celebesiana Alexander, 1944
  • Hexatoma celestia Alexander, 1938
  • Hexatoma celestissima Alexander, 1949
  • Hexatoma cerberus Alexander, 1953
  • Hexatoma ceroxantha Alexander, 1971
  • Hexatoma chalybeicincta (Alexander, 1922)
  • Hexatoma chalybeiventris Alexander, 1949
  • Hexatoma chaseni (Edwards, 1932)
  • Hexatoma chirothecata (Scopoli, 1763)
  • Hexatoma chrysomela (Edwards, 1921)
  • Hexatoma chrysoptera (Walker, 1856)
  • Hexatoma chrysopteroides (Alexander, 1922)
  • Hexatoma cimicoides (Scopoli, 1763)
  • Hexatoma cincta (Brunetti, 1918)
  • Hexatoma cinerea (Alexander, 1912)
  • Hexatoma cinereicauda (Edwards, 1926)
  • Hexatoma cinereithorax (Alexander, 1925)
  • Hexatoma cingulata (de Meijere, 1911)
  • Hexatoma cisatlantica Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma citrina Alexander, 1965
  • Hexatoma cleopatra Alexander, 1933
  • Hexatoma coheri Alexander, 1957
  • Hexatoma columbiana (Alexander, 1919)
  • Hexatoma combinata (Walker, 1856)
  • Hexatoma commoda Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma commutabilis Alexander, 1970
  • Hexatoma conjuncta (Alexander, 1914)
  • Hexatoma constricta Alexander, 1934
  • Hexatoma coomani Alexander, 1941
  • Hexatoma cornigera (Alexander, 1914)
  • Hexatoma coroicoensis Alexander, 1962
  • Hexatoma cramptoni (Alexander, 1928)
  • Hexatoma crassipes (Bezzi, 1916)
  • Hexatoma crystalloptera (Osten Sacken, 1888)
  • Hexatoma ctenophoroides (Edwards, 1911)
  • Hexatoma cubensis (Alexander, 1926)
  • Hexatoma cybele (Alexander, 1927)
  • Hexatoma davidi (Alexander, 1923)
  • Hexatoma dayana Alexander, 1959
  • Hexatoma decorata (Brunetti, 1918)
  • Hexatoma denotata (Edwards, 1926)
  • Hexatoma dharma Alexander, 1955
  • Hexatoma diana (Macquart, 1834)
  • Hexatoma dichroa (Walker, 1856)
  • Hexatoma diengensis (Alexander, 1931)
  • Hexatoma dignitosa (Alexander, 1932)
  • Hexatoma dileuca (Edwards, 1928)
  • Hexatoma diploneura Alexander, 1934
  • Hexatoma disjuncta Alexander, 1938
  • Hexatoma disparilis (Edwards, 1932)
  • Hexatoma domingensis (Alexander, 1916)
  • Hexatoma dorothea Alexander, 1956
  • Hexatoma ducalis (Edwards, 1932)
  • Hexatoma dysantes Alexander, 1951
  • Hexatoma elevata Alexander, 1945
  • Hexatoma elongatissima (Brunetti, 1912)
  • Hexatoma enavata Alexander, 1938
  • Hexatoma eos Alexander, 1949
  • Hexatoma eriophora (Williston, 1893)
  • Hexatoma erythraea (Osten Sacken, 1886)
  • Hexatoma esmeralda Alexander, 1952
  • Hexatoma euryxantha Alexander, 1971
  • Hexatoma evanescens (Alexander, 1921)
  • Hexatoma exquisita (Alexander, 1914)
  • Hexatoma farriana Alexander, 1964
  • Hexatoma fasciata (Guerin-Meneville, 1831)
  • Hexatoma fenestrata (Brunetti, 1911)
  • Hexatoma ferax Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma ferruginosa (van der Wulp, 1885)
  • Hexatoma flammeinota (Alexander, 1930)
  • Hexatoma flammeipennis Alexander, 1942
  • Hexatoma flaviceps (Wiedemann, 1828)
  • Hexatoma flavicosta (Edwards, 1921)
  • Hexatoma flavida (Williston, 1900)
  • Hexatoma flavidibasis (Alexander, 1929)
  • Hexatoma flavimarginata (Yang, 1999)
  • Hexatoma flavipes (Brunetti, 1912)
  • Hexatoma flavitarsis (Edwards, 1928)
  • Hexatoma flavocincta (Alexander, 1920)
  • Hexatoma flavohirta Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma fracida Alexander, 1949
  • Hexatoma fuliginosa (Osten Sacken, 1860)
  • Hexatoma fultonensis (Alexander, 1912)
  • Hexatoma fulvibasis (Alexander, 1923)
  • Hexatoma fulvithorax Alexander, 1967
  • Hexatoma fulvoapicalis Alexander, 1957
  • Hexatoma fulvomedia Alexander, 1956
  • Hexatoma fumidipennis (Alexander, 1927)
  • Hexatoma furtiva Alexander, 1961
  • Hexatoma fusca (Edwards, 1911)
  • Hexatoma fuscinervis (Edwards, 1912)
  • Hexatoma fuscipennis (Curtis, 1836)
  • Hexatoma gaedii (Meigen, 1830)
  • Hexatoma gamma (Enderlein, 1912)
  • Hexatoma gaspensis (Alexander, 1931)
  • Hexatoma geminata (Alexander, 1923)
  • Hexatoma gibbosa (Doane, 1900)
  • Hexatoma gifuensis Alexander, 1933
  • Hexatoma glabricornis Alexander, 1969
  • Hexatoma glabrivittata (Alexander, 1929)
  • Hexatoma globiceps (Alexander, 1920)
  • Hexatoma glomerosa Alexander, 1960
  • Hexatoma gnava Alexander, 1961
  • Hexatoma gomesiana Alexander, 1945
  • Hexatoma goyazensis Alexander, 1940
  • Hexatoma gracilis (Osten Sacken, 1886)
  • Hexatoma grahami (Alexander, 1927)
  • Hexatoma gravelyi (Brunetti, 1918)
  • Hexatoma greenii (Brunetti, 1911)
  • Hexatoma gressittiana Alexander, 1943
  • Hexatoma grisea (Riedel, 1914)
  • Hexatoma griseicollis (Edwards, 1926)
  • Hexatoma haemorrhoa (Osten Sacken, 1886)
  • Hexatoma haiasana (Savchenko, 1972)
  • Hexatoma halteralis (Edwards, 1932)
  • Hexatoma hargreavesi Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma hartmani Hynes, 1986
  • Hexatoma helophila (Alexander, 1921)
  • Hexatoma hemicera (Alexander, 1933)
  • Hexatoma hendersoni (Edwards, 1928)
  • Hexatoma hilpa (Walker, 1848)
  • Hexatoma hilpoides (Alexander, 1923)
  • Hexatoma hirtithorax Alexander, 1936
  • Hexatoma hoffmanni Alexander, 1938
  • Hexatoma homochroa Alexander, 1963
  • Hexatoma humberti (Osten Sacken, 1888)
  • Hexatoma humilis (Alexander, 1921)
  • Hexatoma imperator Alexander, 1953
  • Hexatoma indecora Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma indra Alexander, 1955
  • Hexatoma infixa (Walker, 1856)
  • Hexatoma insidiosa Alexander, 1938
  • Hexatoma interlineata Alexander, 1934
  • Hexatoma intermedia (Alexander, 1927)
  • Hexatoma interstitialis Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma intrita Alexander, 1943
  • Hexatoma iriomotensis Alexander, 1935
  • Hexatoma ishigakiensis Alexander, 1935
  • Hexatoma issikii (Alexander, 1928)
  • Hexatoma jacobsoni (Alexander, 1927)
  • Hexatoma japonica Alexander, 1922
  • Hexatoma javensis (Doleschall, 1857)
  • Hexatoma jocularis Alexander, 1948
  • Hexatoma jozana (Alexander, 1924)
  • Hexatoma juliana Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma jurata Alexander, 1936
  • Hexatoma juxta Alexander, 1938
  • Hexatoma kaieturensis (Alexander, 1914)
  • Hexatoma kala Alexander, 1962
  • Hexatoma kamiyai (Alexander, 1932)
  • Hexatoma kariyai Alexander, 1933
  • Hexatoma karma Alexander, 1962
  • Hexatoma karnyi (Edwards, 1925)
  • Hexatoma kelloggi (Alexander, 1932)
  • Hexatoma kempi (Brunetti, 1918)
  • Hexatoma khasiensis Alexander, 1962
  • Hexatoma kiangsiana Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma kiangsuana Alexander, 1938
  • Hexatoma kinnara Alexander, 1963
  • Hexatoma klapperichiana Alexander, 1957
  • Hexatoma klossi (Edwards, 1919)
  • Hexatoma kolthoffi Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma laddeyi Alexander, 1942
  • Hexatoma laetipes Alexander, 1955
  • Hexatoma lamonganensis (Alexander, 1931)
  • Hexatoma lanigera Alexander, 1933
  • Hexatoma larutensis (Edwards, 1932)
  • Hexatoma laticostata Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma latigrisea Alexander, 1971
  • Hexatoma latissima (Alexander, 1922)
  • Hexatoma lativentris (Bezzi, 1916)
  • Hexatoma leonensis (Alexander, 1920)
  • Hexatoma lessepsi (Osten Sacken, 1886)
  • Hexatoma leucotela (Walker, 1856)
  • Hexatoma licens Alexander, 1942
  • Hexatoma longeantennata (Lackschewitz, 1964)
  • Hexatoma longicornis (Walker, 1848)
  • Hexatoma longifurca (Alexander, 1920)
  • Hexatoma longipennis (Alexander, 1923)
  • Hexatoma longiradius Alexander, 1938
  • Hexatoma longisector Alexander, 1961
  • Hexatoma longistyla (Alexander, 1913)
  • Hexatoma lopesi Alexander, 1942
  • Hexatoma lunata (Westwood, 1881)
  • Hexatoma lunigera (Walker, 1856)
  • Hexatoma luteicolor Alexander, 1968
  • Hexatoma luteicostalis Alexander, 1933
  • Hexatoma luteitarsis Alexander, 1964
  • Hexatoma luxuriosa Alexander, 1936
  • Hexatoma lygropis (Alexander, 1920)
  • Hexatoma macquarti (Enderlein, 1912)
  • Hexatoma macrocera (Alexander, 1914)
  • Hexatoma madagascariensis Alexander, 1933
  • Hexatoma madrasensis Alexander, 1961
  • Hexatoma maesta (Edwards, 1926)
  • Hexatoma magistra Alexander, 1942
  • Hexatoma magnifica (Alexander, 1914)
  • Hexatoma malangensis Alexander, 1934
  • Hexatoma maldonadoi Alexander, 1953
  • Hexatoma malevolens Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma manabiana Alexander, 1942
  • Hexatoma mansueta (Osten Sacken, 1882)
  • Hexatoma margaritae Alexander, 1954
  • Hexatoma mariposa Alexander, 1943
  • Hexatoma masakii Alexander, 1934
  • Hexatoma mediocornis Alexander, 1943
  • Hexatoma mediofila Alexander, 1933
  • Hexatoma megacera (Osten Sacken, 1860)
  • Hexatoma melanacra (Wiedemann, 1828)
  • Hexatoma melanolitha (Alexander, 1927)
  • Hexatoma melanonota Alexander, 1968
  • Hexatoma meleagris (Osten Sacken, 1888)
  • Hexatoma melina (Alexander, 1922)
  • Hexatoma mesopyrrha (Wiedemann, 1828)
  • Hexatoma mesoxantha (Osten Sacken, 1886)
  • Hexatoma metallica (Schiner, 1868)
  • Hexatoma microcera Alexander, 1926
  • Hexatoma microstoma Edwards, 1928
  • Hexatoma mikirensis Alexander, 1963
  • Hexatoma mindanaoensis (Alexander, 1922)
  • Hexatoma minensis Alexander, 1934
  • Hexatoma miranda Alexander, 1938
  • Hexatoma mitra Alexander, 1962
  • Hexatoma monoleuca Alexander, 1938
  • Hexatoma monroviae (Alexander, 1930)
  • Hexatoma moriokana (Matsumura, 1916)
  • Hexatoma morosa (Osten Sacken, 1881)
  • Hexatoma morula (Alexander, 1923)
  • Hexatoma muiri (Alexander, 1923)
  • Hexatoma multicolor Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma multiguttula Alexander, 1939
  • Hexatoma murudensis (Edwards, 1926)
  • Hexatoma mutica (Edwards, 1928)
  • Hexatoma myrtea (Alexander, 1922)
  • Hexatoma neognava Alexander, 1971
  • Hexatoma neopaenulata Alexander, 1957
  • Hexatoma neosaga Alexander, 1947
  • Hexatoma nepalensis (Westwood, 1836)
  • Hexatoma nigerrima (Brunetti, 1912)
  • Hexatoma nigra Latreille, 1809
  • Hexatoma nigricans (Edwards, 1927)
  • Hexatoma nigrina (Riedel, 1913)
  • Hexatoma nigripennis (van der Wulp, 1904)
  • Hexatoma nigroantica Alexander, 1957
  • Hexatoma nigrochalybea (Alexander, 1922)
  • Hexatoma nigrocoxata Alexander, 1957
  • Hexatoma nigronotata (Alexander, 1931)
  • Hexatoma nigrotrochanterata (Alexander, 1932)
  • Hexatoma nimbipennis Alexander, 1938
  • Hexatoma nipponensis (Alexander, 1918)
  • Hexatoma nitidiventris (Edwards, 1926)
  • Hexatoma nitidula (Edwards, 1928)
  • Hexatoma novella Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma nubeculosa (Burmeister, 1829)
  • Hexatoma nudivena Alexander, 1933
  • Hexatoma nyasicola (Alexander, 1920)
  • Hexatoma obliqua (Alexander, 1923)
  • Hexatoma obscura (Meigen, 1818)
  • Hexatoma obscuripennis (Edwards, 1912)
  • Hexatoma obsoleta (Williston, 1900)
  • Hexatoma ocellifera (Alexander, 1915)
  • Hexatoma ochripleuris (Edwards, 1927)
  • Hexatoma ogloblini Alexander, 1935
  • Hexatoma ohausiana (Enderlein, 1912)
  • Hexatoma omanensis Hancock, 1997
  • Hexatoma omeiana Alexander, 1933
  • Hexatoma optabilis (Walker, 1856)
  • Hexatoma opulenta Alexander, 1951
  • Hexatoma orbiculata (Edwards, 1926)
  • Hexatoma ornata (Enderlein, 1912)
  • Hexatoma ornaticornis Alexander, 1939
  • Hexatoma pachyrrhina (Osten Sacken, 1888)
  • Hexatoma pachyrrhinoides (Edwards, 1927)
  • Hexatoma pacifica Alexander, 1956
  • Hexatoma paenulata (Enderlein, 1912)
  • Hexatoma paenulatoides Alexander, 1949
  • Hexatoma pallidipes (Alexander, 1926)
  • Hexatoma palomarensis Alexander, 1947
  • Hexatoma pannosa (Enderlein, 1912)
  • Hexatoma paragnava Alexander, 1973
  • Hexatoma patens Alexander, 1938
  • Hexatoma pendleburyi (Edwards, 1928)
  • Hexatoma pennata Alexander, 1962
  • Hexatoma perdecora (Alexander, 1914)
  • Hexatoma perelongata Alexander, 1969
  • Hexatoma perenensis (Alexander, 1923)
  • Hexatoma perennis (Osten Sacken, 1882)
  • Hexatoma perexigua Alexander, 1942
  • Hexatoma perfestiva Alexander, 1951
  • Hexatoma perhirsuta Alexander, 1973
  • Hexatoma perlaeta (Alexander, 1922)
  • Hexatoma perlongata Alexander, 1961
  • Hexatoma perlunata Alexander, 1938
  • Hexatoma pernigrina Alexander, 1938
  • Hexatoma perornata Alexander, 1938
  • Hexatoma perproducta Alexander, 1958
  • Hexatoma perpulchra (Alexander, 1914)
  • Hexatoma perrara Alexander, 1936
  • Hexatoma peruviana (Alexander, 1914)
  • Hexatoma perversa Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma pervia Alexander, 1966
  • Hexatoma phaeton Alexander, 1961
  • Hexatoma piatrix Alexander, 1942
  • Hexatoma pieli Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma pieliana Alexander, 1940
  • Hexatoma platysoma (Alexander, 1930)
  • Hexatoma plaumanni Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma plecioides (Walker, 1856)
  • Hexatoma pleskei Alexander, 1933
  • Hexatoma plumbeicolor Alexander, 1942
  • Hexatoma plumbeinota Alexander, 1940
  • Hexatoma plumbicincta (Brunetti, 1911)
  • Hexatoma plumbolutea (Edwards, 1921)
  • Hexatoma plutonis Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma politovertex Alexander, 1950
  • Hexatoma posticata Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma praelata (Alexander, 1923)
  • Hexatoma preposita Alexander, 1956
  • Hexatoma pretiosa (Osten Sacken, 1886)
  • Hexatoma prolixa Alexander, 1961
  • Hexatoma prolixicornis Alexander, 1943
  • Hexatoma propinquua Alexander, 1936
  • Hexatoma pterotricha Alexander, 1940
  • Hexatoma pulchripes (Alexander, 1922)
  • Hexatoma pulchrithorax (Brunetti, 1918)
  • Hexatoma pullatipes Alexander, 1951
  • Hexatoma punctigera (Edwards, 1928)
  • Hexatoma purpurata Alexander, 1949
  • Hexatoma pusilla (Alexander, 1920)
  • Hexatoma pusilloides Alexander, 1955
  • Hexatoma pyrrhochroma (Walker, 1856)
  • Hexatoma pyrrhomesa (Edwards, 1919)
  • Hexatoma pyrrhopyga Alexander, 1933
  • Hexatoma quadriatrata Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma quadriaurantia Alexander, 1950
  • Hexatoma rama Alexander, 1955
  • Hexatoma regina Alexander, 1941
  • Hexatoma retrograda Alexander, 1953
  • Hexatoma reverentia Alexander, 1949
  • Hexatoma robinsoni (Edwards, 1921)
  • Hexatoma roraimella Alexander, 1935
  • Hexatoma rossiana Alexander, 1961
  • Hexatoma rubrescens (Walker, 1856)
  • Hexatoma rubriceps (Edwards, 1916)
  • Hexatoma rubrinota (Alexander, 1918)
  • Hexatoma rudra Alexander, 1963
  • Hexatoma ruficauda (Edwards, 1931)
  • Hexatoma ruficornis (Macquart, 1838)
  • Hexatoma rufipennis (Alexander, 1925)
  • Hexatoma rufiventris (Brunetti, 1918)
  • Hexatoma rufoantica Alexander, 1965
  • Hexatoma rupununi Alexander, 1945
  • Hexatoma sachalinensis (Alexander, 1924)
  • Hexatoma saga Alexander, 1940
  • Hexatoma salakensis (Edwards, 1925)
  • Hexatoma sanctaemartae (Alexander, 1919)
  • Hexatoma saturata (Alexander, 1919)
  • Hexatoma sauteriana (Enderlein, 1912)
  • Hexatoma scalator Alexander, 1938
  • Hexatoma schauseana Alexander, 1967
  • Hexatoma schildeana Alexander, 1967
  • Hexatoma schineri (Alexander, 1922)
  • Hexatoma schmidiana Alexander, 1957
  • Hexatoma schnusei (Kuntze, 1913)
  • Hexatoma sculleni Alexander, 1943
  • Hexatoma sculleniana Alexander, 1965
  • Hexatoma scutellata (Edwards, 1911)
  • Hexatoma seimundi (Edwards, 1928)
  • Hexatoma selene (Osten Sacken, 1881)
  • Hexatoma semilimpida (Brunetti, 1911)
  • Hexatoma semilunata Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma semirufa (Alexander, 1927)
  • Hexatoma serena Alexander, 1961
  • Hexatoma serendib Alexander, 1958
  • Hexatoma seticornis Alexander, 1949
  • Hexatoma setifera (Alexander, 1931)
  • Hexatoma setigera Alexander, 1962
  • Hexatoma setivena Alexander, 1975
  • Hexatoma setosivena Alexander, 1978
  • Hexatoma shawanoensis Alexander, 1959
  • Hexatoma shirakii (Edwards, 1921)
  • Hexatoma simalurensis (de Meijere, 1916)
  • Hexatoma simplex (Loew, 1865)
  • Hexatoma sincera Alexander, 1942
  • Hexatoma sinensis (Edwards, 1921)
  • Hexatoma solor Alexander, 1943
  • Hexatoma spatulata (Alexander, 1925)
  • Hexatoma speciosa (Alexander, 1914)
  • Hexatoma spinosa (Osten Sacken, 1860)
  • Hexatoma stackelbergi Alexander, 1933
  • Hexatoma stolida Alexander, 1934
  • Hexatoma stricklandi Alexander, 1953
  • Hexatoma subaurantia Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma subcandidipes Alexander, 1979
  • Hexatoma suberecta Alexander, 1949
  • Hexatoma subgracilis Alexander, 1939
  • Hexatoma sublima (Alexander, 1914)
  • Hexatoma sublunigera Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma submorosa (Alexander, 1923)
  • Hexatoma subnitens (Edwards, 1927)
  • Hexatoma subocellata Alexander, 1964
  • Hexatoma subpaenulata (Edwards, 1926)
  • Hexatoma subpusilla Alexander, 1933
  • Hexatoma subrectangularis (Alexander, 1924)
  • Hexatoma subsaga Alexander, 1942
  • Hexatoma substolida Alexander, 1939
  • Hexatoma sumatrensis (Macquart, 1850)
  • Hexatoma superba Savchenko, 1976
  • Hexatoma susainathani Alexander, 1949
  • Hexatoma sycophanta Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma tacita Alexander, 1951
  • Hexatoma taenioptera (Wiedemann, 1828)
  • Hexatoma tahanensis (Edwards, 1928)
  • Hexatoma tenebrosa (Walker, 1856)
  • Hexatoma tenuis (Brunetti, 1912)
  • Hexatoma terebrella Alexander, 1960
  • Hexatoma terebrina Alexander, 1960
  • Hexatoma terryi (Alexander, 1923)
  • Hexatoma testacea (Brunetti, 1912)
  • Hexatoma thaiensis Alexander, 1953
  • Hexatoma thaiicola Alexander, 1957
  • Hexatoma tholopa (Alexander, 1931)
  • Hexatoma tibetana Alexander, 1933
  • Hexatoma timorensis Alexander, 1936
  • Hexatoma tinkhami Alexander, 1938
  • Hexatoma toi Alexander, 1938
  • Hexatoma tonkinensis Alexander, 1941
  • Hexatoma townsendi (Alexander, 1914)
  • Hexatoma toxopei Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma tranquilla (Alexander, 1922)
  • Hexatoma trialbosignata Alexander, 1942
  • Hexatoma triangularis (Brunetti, 1912)
  • Hexatoma trichoneura Alexander, 1956
  • Hexatoma tricolor (Edwards, 1932)
  • Hexatoma trifasciata (von Roder, 1885)
  • Hexatoma triflava Alexander, 1963
  • Hexatoma trimaculata (Edwards, 1921)
  • Hexatoma triphragma Alexander, 1936
  • Hexatoma tripunctipennis (Brunetti, 1918)
  • Hexatoma tristis (Alexander, 1914)
  • Hexatoma tuberculata Alexander, 1936
  • Hexatoma tuberculifera (Edwards, 1911)
  • Hexatoma tumidiscapa (Alexander, 1920)
  • Hexatoma umbripennis (Edwards, 1921)
  • Hexatoma unicolor (de Meijere, 1914)
  • Hexatoma uniflava Alexander, 1969
  • Hexatoma unimaculata (Edwards, 1931)
  • Hexatoma urania Alexander, 1949
  • Hexatoma ussuriensis Alexander, 1934
  • Hexatoma vamana Alexander, 1961
  • Hexatoma variegata Alexander, 1936
  • Hexatoma velveta Alexander, 1956
  • Hexatoma venavitta Alexander, 1940
  • Hexatoma verticalis (Wiedemann, 1828)
  • Hexatoma vidua Alexander, 1937
  • Hexatoma villosa (Edwards, 1932)
  • Hexatoma virgulativentris (Enderlein, 1912)
  • Hexatoma viridivittata Alexander, 1938
  • Hexatoma vittata (Meigen, 1830)
  • Hexatoma vittinervis Alexander, 1936
  • Hexatoma vittipennis (Alexander, 1922)
  • Hexatoma vittula (Alexander, 1932)
  • Hexatoma vulcan Alexander, 1960
  • Hexatoma vulpes Alexander, 1961
  • Hexatoma walayarensis Alexander, 1951
  • Hexatoma weberi Alexander, 1951
  • Hexatoma wiedemanni Alexander, 1933
  • Hexatoma williamsoni (Alexander, 1923)
  • Hexatoma willistoni (Alexander, 1913)
  • Hexatoma wilsonii (Osten Sacken, 1869)
  • Hexatoma xanthopoda Alexander, 1971
  • Hexatoma xanthopyga (de Meijere, 1914)
  • Hexatoma yerburyi (Edwards, 1921)
  • Hexatoma zonata (Osten Sacken, 1886)

Animalia > Arthropoda > Insecta > Diptera > Tipuloidea > Limoniidae


[uredi | uredi kôd]

Animalia > Arthropoda > Insecta > Coleoptera > Cerambycidae

Hexatrygon Heemstra & Smith, 1980

[uredi | uredi kôd]


Animalia > Chordata > Elasmobranchii > Rajiformes

Hexatylus Goodey, 1926

[uredi | uredi kôd]

Animalia > Nematoda > Secernentea > Tylenchida > Neotylenchidae

Hexelasma Hoek, 1913

[uredi | uredi kôd]

Animalia → Arthropoda → Maxillopoda → Sessilia → Tetraclitoidea → Bathylasmatidae

Hexencyrtus , Hexepeolus , Hexeretmis , Hexeria , Hexeris , Hexerites , Hexeurytoma

Hexisopodidae , Hexisopus

Hexocera , Hexocycnidolon , Hexodon , Hexolobodon , Hexommulocymus , Hexomyza , Hexoplon , Hexoppia , Hexorthodes , Hexostoma , Hexostomatidae ,

  1. Hexocera
  2. Hexocycnidolon
  3. Hexolobodon
  4. Hexommulocymus
  5. Hexoplon
  6. Hexoppia
  7. Hexostoma


[uredi | uredi kôd]

Animalia > Arthropoda > Arachnida > Araneae > Mecicobothriidae

Hexurella Gertsch & Platnick, 1979

[uredi | uredi kôd]

Animalia > Arthropoda > Arachnida > Araneae > Mecicobothriidae

Hexymus Pascoe, 1871

[uredi | uredi kôd]

Animalia > Arthropoda > Insecta > Coleoptera > Curculionoidea > Curculionidae


[uredi | uredi kôd]
  1. a b [1] ASF superclass Hexapoda


[uredi | uredi kôd]

Popis taksona:He