, Praslinia

, Prionosuchus L. I. Price, 1948 †

Pristimantis Jiménez de la Espada, 1870 (473 sp.)

[uredi | uredi kôd]
  • Pristimantis aaptus (Lynch and Lescure, 1980)
  • Pristimantis abakapa Rojas-Runjaic, Salerno, Señaris, and Pauly, 2013
  • Pristimantis academicus Lehr, Moravec, and Gagliardi-Urrutia, 2010
  • Pristimantis acatallelus (Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1983)
  • Pristimantis acerus (Lynch and Duellman, 1980)
  • Pristimantis achatinus (Boulenger, 1898)
  • Pristimantis achuar Elmer and Cannatella, 2008
  • Pristimantis actinolaimus (Lynch and Rueda-Almonacid, 1998)
  • Pristimantis actites (Lynch, 1979)
  • Pristimantis acuminatus (Shreve, 1935)
  • Pristimantis acutirostris (Lynch, 1984)
  • Pristimantis adiastolus Duellman and Hedges, 2007
  • Pristimantis adnus Crawford, Ryan, and Jaramillo, 2010
  • Pristimantis aemulatus (Ruiz-Carranza, Lynch, and Ardila-Robayo, 1997)
  • Pristimantis affinis (Werner, 1899)
  • Pristimantis alalocophus (Roa-Trujillo and Ruiz-Carranza, 1991)
  • Pristimantis albericoi (Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1996)
  • Pristimantis albertus Duellman and Hedges, 2007
  • Pristimantis almendarizi Brito-M. and Pozo-Zamora, 2013
  • Pristimantis altae (Dunn, 1942)
  • Pristimantis altamazonicus (Barbour and Dunn, 1921)
  • Pristimantis altamnis Elmer and Cannatella, 2008
  • Pristimantis ameliae Barrio-Amorós, 2012
  • Pristimantis amydrotus (Duellman and Lehr, 2007)
  • Pristimantis andinognomus Lehr and Coloma, 2008
  • Pristimantis anemerus (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
  • Pristimantis angustilineatus (Lynch, 1998)
  • Pristimantis aniptopalmatus (Duellman and Hedges, 2005)
  • Pristimantis anolirex (Lynch, 1983)
  • Pristimantis anotis (Walker and Test, 1955)
  • Pristimantis apiculatus (Lynch and Burrowes, 1990)
  • Pristimantis appendiculatus (Werner, 1894)
  • Pristimantis aquilonaris Lehr, Aguilar, Siu-Ting, and Jordán, 2007
  • Pristimantis ardalonychus (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
  • Pristimantis ardyae Reyes-Puig, Reyes-Puig, and Yánez-Muñoz, 2013
  • Pristimantis atrabracus (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
  • Pristimantis atratus (Lynch, 1979)
  • Pristimantis aurantiguttatus (Ruiz-Carranza, Lynch, and Ardila-Robayo, 1997)
  • Pristimantis aureolineatus (Guayasamin, Ron, Cisneros-Heredia, Lamar, and McCracken, 2006)
  • Pristimantis aureoventris Kok, Means, and Bossuyt, 2011
  • Pristimantis auricarens (Myers and Donnelly, 2008)
  • Pristimantis avicuporum (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
  • Pristimantis avius (Myers and Donnelly, 1997)
  • Pristimantis bacchus (Lynch, 1984)
  • Pristimantis baiotis (Lynch, 1998)
  • Pristimantis balionotus (Lynch, 1979)
  • Pristimantis bambu Arteaga-Navarro and Guayasamin, 2011
  • Pristimantis baryecuus (Lynch, 1979)
  • Pristimantis batrachites (Lynch, 2003)
  • Pristimantis bearsei (Duellman, 1992)
  • Pristimantis bellae Reyes-Puig and Yánez-Muñoz, 2012
  • Pristimantis bellator Lehr, Aguilar, Siu-Ting, and Jordán, 2007
  • Pristimantis bellona (Lynch, 1992)
  • Pristimantis bernali (Lynch, 1986)
  • Pristimantis bicantus Guayasamin and Funk, 2009
  • Pristimantis bicolor (Rueda-Almonacid and Lynch, 1983)
  • Pristimantis bicumulus (Peters, 1863)
  • Pristimantis bipunctatus (Duellman and Hedges, 2005)
  • Pristimantis boconoensis (Rivero and Mayorga, 1973)
  • Pristimantis bogotensis (Peters, 1863)
  • Pristimantis boulengeri (Lynch, 1981)
  • Pristimantis brevifrons (Lynch, 1981)
  • Pristimantis briceni (Boulenger, 1903)
  • Pristimantis bromeliaceus (Lynch, 1979)
  • Pristimantis buccinator (Rodriguez, 1994)
  • Pristimantis buckleyi (Boulenger, 1882)
  • Pristimantis bustamante Chaparro, Motta, Gutiérrez, and Padial, 2012
  • Pristimantis cabrerai (Cochran and Goin, 1970)
  • Pristimantis cacao (Lynch, 1992)
  • Pristimantis caeruleonotus Lehr, Aguilar, Siu-Ting, and Jordán, 2007
  • Pristimantis cajamarcensis (Barbour and Noble, 1920)
  • Pristimantis calcaratus (Boulenger, 1908)
  • Pristimantis calcarulatus (Lynch, 1976)
  • Pristimantis cantitans (Myers and Donnelly, 1996)
  • Pristimantis capitonis (Lynch, 1998)
  • Pristimantis caprifer (Lynch, 1977)
  • Pristimantis carlosceroni Valencia, Bejarano-Muñoz, and Yánez-Muñoz, 2013
  • Pristimantis carlossanchezi (Arroyo, 2007)
  • Pristimantis carmelitae (Ruthven, 1922)
  • Pristimantis carranguerorum (Lynch, 1994)
  • Pristimantis carvalhoi (Lutz, 1952)
  • Pristimantis caryophyllaceus (Barbour, 1928)
  • Pristimantis celator (Lynch, 1976)
  • Pristimantis cerasinus (Cope, 1875)
  • Pristimantis ceuthospilus (Duellman and Wild, 1993)
  • Pristimantis chalceus (Peters, 1873)
  • Pristimantis charlottevillensis (Kaiser, Dwyer, Feichtinger, and Schmid, 1995)
  • Pristimantis chiastonotus (Lynch and Hoogmoed, 1977)
  • Pristimantis chimu Lehr, 2007
  • Pristimantis chloronotus (Lynch, 1969)
  • Pristimantis chrysops (Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1996)
  • Pristimantis citriogaster (Duellman, 1992)
  • Pristimantis colodactylus (Lynch, 1979)
  • Pristimantis colomai (Lynch and Duellman, 1997)
  • Pristimantis colonensis (Mueses-Cisneros, 2007)
  • Pristimantis colostichos (La Marca and Smith, 1982)
  • Pristimantis condor (Lynch and Duellman, 1980)
  • Pristimantis conservatio Barrio-Amorós, Heinicke, and Hedges, 2013
  • Pristimantis conspicillatus (Günther, 1858)
  • Pristimantis cordovae (Lehr and Duellman, 2007)
  • Pristimantis corniger (Lynch and Suárez-Mayorga, 2003)
  • Pristimantis coronatus Lehr and Duellman, 2007
  • Pristimantis corrugatus (Duellman, Lehr, and Venegas, 2006)
  • Pristimantis cosnipatae (Duellman, 1978)
  • Pristimantis cremnobates (Lynch and Duellman, 1980)
  • Pristimantis crenunguis (Lynch, 1976)
  • Pristimantis cristinae (Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1985)
  • Pristimantis croceoinguinis (Lynch, 1968)
  • Pristimantis crucifer (Boulenger, 1899)
  • Pristimantis cruciocularis (Lehr, Lundberg, Aguilar, and von May, 2006)
  • Pristimantis cruentus (Peters, 1873)
  • Pristimantis cryophilius (Lynch, 1979)
  • Pristimantis cryptomelas (Lynch, 1979)
  • Pristimantis cuentasi (Lynch, 2003)
  • Pristimantis culatensis (La Marca, 2007)
  • Pristimantis cuneirostris (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
  • Pristimantis curtipes (Boulenger, 1882)
  • Pristimantis danae (Duellman, 1978)
  • Pristimantis degener (Lynch and Duellman, 1997)
  • Pristimantis deinops (Lynch, 1996)
  • Pristimantis delicatus (Ruthven, 1917)
  • Pristimantis delius (Duellman and Mendelson, 1995)
  • Pristimantis dendrobatoides Means and Savage, 2007
  • Pristimantis devillei (Boulenger, 1880)
  • Pristimantis deyi Lehr, Gregory, and Catenazzi, 2013
  • Pristimantis diadematus (Jiménez de la Espada, 1875)
  • Pristimantis diaphonus (Lynch, 1986)
  • Pristimantis diogenes (Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1996)
  • Pristimantis dissimulatus (Lynch and Duellman, 1997)
  • Pristimantis divnae Lehr and von May, 2009
  • Pristimantis dorsopictus (Rivero and Serna, 1988)
  • Pristimantis douglasi (Lynch, 1996)
  • Pristimantis duellmani (Lynch, 1980)
  • Pristimantis duende (Lynch, 2001)
  • Pristimantis dundeei (Heyer and Muñoz, 1999)
  • Pristimantis educatoris Ryan, Lips, and Giermakowski, 2010
  • Pristimantis elegans (Peters, 1863)
  • Pristimantis epacrus (Lynch and Suárez-Mayorga, 2000)
  • Pristimantis eremitus (Lynch, 1980)
  • Pristimantis eriphus (Lynch and Duellman, 1980)
  • Pristimantis ernesti (Flores, 1987)
  • Pristimantis erythropleura (Boulenger, 1896)
  • Pristimantis esmeraldas (Guayasamin, 2004)
  • Pristimantis espedeus Fouquet, Martinez, Courtois, Dewynter, Pineau, Gaucher, Blanc, Marty, and Kok, 2013
  • Pristimantis eugeniae (Lynch and Duellman, 1997)
  • Pristimantis euphronides (Schwartz, 1967)
  • Pristimantis eurydactylus (Hedges and Schlüter, 1992)
  • Pristimantis exoristus (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
  • Pristimantis factiosus (Lynch and Rueda-Almonacid, 1998)
  • Pristimantis fallax (Lynch and Rueda-Almonacid, 1999)
  • Pristimantis farisorum Mueses-Cisneros, Perdomo-Castillo, and Cepeda-Quilindo, 2013
  • Pristimantis fasciatus Barrio-Amorós, Rojas-Runjaic, and Infante-Rivero, 2008
  • Pristimantis fenestratus (Steindachner, 1864)
  • Pristimantis festae (Peracca, 1904)
  • Pristimantis fetosus (Lynch and Rueda-Almonacid, 1998)
  • Pristimantis flabellidiscus (La Marca, 2007)
  • Pristimantis flavobracatus (Lehr, Lundberg, Aguilar, and von May, 2006)
  • Pristimantis floridus (Lynch and Duellman, 1997)
  • Pristimantis frater (Werner, 1899)
  • Pristimantis gagliardoi Bustamante and Mendelson, 2008
  • Pristimantis gaigei (Dunn, 1931)
  • Pristimantis galdi Jiménez de la Espada, 1870
  • Pristimantis ganonotus (Duellman and Lynch, 1988)
  • Pristimantis gentryi (Lynch and Duellman, 1997)
  • Pristimantis ginesi (Rivero, 1964)
  • Pristimantis gladiator (Lynch, 1976)
  • Pristimantis glandulosus (Boulenger, 1880)
  • Pristimantis gracilis (Lynch, 1986)
  • Pristimantis grandiceps (Lynch, 1984)
  • Pristimantis gryllus Barrio-Amorós, Guayasamin, and Hedges, 2012
  • Pristimantis guaiquinimensis (Schlüter and Rödder, 2007)
  • Pristimantis gualacenio Urgilés, Sánchez-Nivicela, Nieves, and Yánez-Muñoz, 2014
  • Pristimantis gutturalis (Hoogmoed, Lynch, and Lescure, 1977)
  • Pristimantis hamiotae (Flores, 1994)
  • Pristimantis hectus (Lynch and Burrowes, 1990)
  • Pristimantis helvolus (Lynch and Rueda-Almonacid, 1998)
  • Pristimantis hernandezi (Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1983)
  • Pristimantis huicundo (Guayasamin, Almeida-Reinoso, and Nogales-Sornosa, 2004)
  • Pristimantis hybotragus (Lynch, 1992)
  • Pristimantis ignicolor (Lynch and Duellman, 1980)
  • Pristimantis illotus (Lynch and Duellman, 1997)
  • Pristimantis imitatrix (Duellman, 1978)
  • Pristimantis imthurni Kok, 2013
  • Pristimantis incanus (Lynch and Duellman, 1980)
  • Pristimantis incertus (Lutz, 1927)
  • Pristimantis incomptus (Lynch and Duellman, 1980)
  • Pristimantis infraguttatus (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
  • Pristimantis inguinalis (Parker, 1940)
  • Pristimantis insignitus (Ruthven, 1917)
  • Pristimantis inusitatus (Lynch and Duellman, 1980)
  • Pristimantis ixalus (Lynch, 2003)
  • Pristimantis jabonensis (La Marca, 2007)
  • Pristimantis jaimei (Lynch, 1992)
  • Pristimantis jamescameroni Kok, 2013
  • Pristimantis jester Means and Savage, 2007
  • Pristimantis johannesdei (Rivero and Serna, 1988)
  • Pristimantis jorgevelosai (Lynch, 1994)
  • Pristimantis juanchoi (Lynch, 1996)
  • Pristimantis jubatus (García and Lynch, 2006)
  • Pristimantis kareliae (La Marca, 2005)
  • Pristimantis katoptroides (Flores, 1988)
  • Pristimantis kelephus (Lynch, 1998)
  • Pristimantis kichwarum Elmer and Cannatella, 2008
  • Pristimantis kirklandi (Flores, 1985)
  • Pristimantis koehleri Padial and De la Riva, 2009
  • Pristimantis labiosus (Lynch, Ruiz-Carranza, and Ardila-Robayo, 1994)
  • Pristimantis lacrimosus (Jiménez de la Espada, 1875)
  • Pristimantis lancinii (Donoso-Barros, 1965)
  • Pristimantis lanthanites (Lynch, 1975)
  • Pristimantis lasalleorum (Lynch, 1995)
  • Pristimantis lassoalcalai Barrio-Amorós, Rojas-Runjaic, and Barros, 2010
  • Pristimantis latericius Batallas-R. and Brito-M., 2014
  • Pristimantis laticlavius (Lynch and Burrowes, 1990)
  • Pristimantis latidiscus (Boulenger, 1898)
  • Pristimantis lemur (Lynch and Rueda-Almonacid, 1998)
  • Pristimantis lentiginosus (Rivero, 1984)
  • Pristimantis leoni (Lynch, 1976)
  • Pristimantis leptolophus (Lynch, 1980)
  • Pristimantis leucopus (Lynch, 1976)
  • Pristimantis leucorrhinus Boano, Mazzotti, and Sindaco, 2008
  • Pristimantis librarius (Flores and Vigle, 1994)
  • Pristimantis lichenoides (Lynch and Rueda-Almonacid, 1997)
  • Pristimantis lindae (Duellman, 1978)
  • Pristimantis lirellus (Dwyer, 1995)
  • Pristimantis lividus (Lynch and Duellman, 1980)
  • Pristimantis llojsintuta (Köhler and Lötters, 1999)
  • Pristimantis loujosti Yánez-Muñoz, Cisneros-Heredia, and Reyes-Puig, 2011
  • Pristimantis loustes (Lynch, 1979)
  • Pristimantis lucasi Duellman and Chaparro, 2008
  • Pristimantis lucidosignatus Rödder and Schmitz, 2009
  • Pristimantis luscombei (Duellman and Mendelson, 1995)
  • Pristimantis luteolateralis (Lynch, 1976)
  • Pristimantis lutitus (Lynch, 1984)
  • Pristimantis lymani (Barbour and Noble, 1920)
  • Pristimantis lynchi (Duellman and Simmons, 1977)
  • Pristimantis lythrodes (Lynch and Lescure, 1980)
  • Pristimantis maculosus (Lynch, 1991)
  • Pristimantis malkini (Lynch, 1980)
  • Pristimantis marahuaka (Fuentes-Ramos and Barrio-Amorós, 2004)
  • Pristimantis mariaelenae Venegas and Duellman, 2012
  • Pristimantis marmoratus (Boulenger, 1900)
  • Pristimantis mars (Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1996)
  • Pristimantis martiae (Lynch, 1974)
  • Pristimantis matidiktyo Ortega-Andrade and Valencia, 2012
  • Pristimantis mazar Guayasamin and Arteaga-Navarro, 2013
  • Pristimantis medemi (Lynch, 1994)
  • Pristimantis megalops (Ruthven, 1917)
  • Pristimantis melanogaster (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
  • Pristimantis melanoproctus (Rivero, 1984)
  • Pristimantis memorans (Myers and Donnelly, 1997)
  • Pristimantis mendax (Duellman, 1978)
  • Pristimantis meridionalis (Lehr and Duellman, 2007)
  • Pristimantis merostictus (Lynch, 1984)
  • Pristimantis metabates (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
  • Pristimantis mindo Arteaga-Navarro, Yáñez-Muñoz, and Guayasamin, 2013
  • Pristimantis minimus Terán-Valdez and Guayasamin, 2010
  • Pristimantis minutulus Duellman and Hedges, 2007
  • Pristimantis miyatai (Lynch, 1984)
  • Pristimantis mnionaetes (Lynch, 1998)
  • Pristimantis modipeplus (Lynch, 1981)
  • Pristimantis molybrignus (Lynch, 1986)
  • Pristimantis mondolfii (Rivero, 1984)
  • Pristimantis moro (Savage, 1965)
  • Pristimantis muchimuk Barrio-Amorós, Mesa, Brewer-Carías, and McDiarmid, 2010
  • Pristimantis munozi Rojas-Runjaic, Delgado C., and Guayasamin, 2014
  • Pristimantis muricatus (Lynch and Miyata, 1980)
  • Pristimantis muscosus (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
  • Pristimantis museosus (Ibáñez, Jaramillo, and Arosemena, 1994)
  • Pristimantis myersi (Goin and Cochran, 1963)
  • Pristimantis myops (Lynch, 1998)
  • Pristimantis nebulosus (Henle, 1992)
  • Pristimantis nephophilus (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
  • Pristimantis nervicus (Lynch, 1994)
  • Pristimantis nicefori (Cochran and Goin, 1970)
  • Pristimantis nigrogriseus (Andersson, 1945)
  • Pristimantis nyctophylax (Lynch, 1976)
  • Pristimantis obmutescens (Lynch, 1980)
  • Pristimantis ocellatus (Lynch and Burrowes, 1990)
  • Pristimantis ockendeni (Boulenger, 1912)
  • Pristimantis ocreatus (Lynch, 1981)
  • Pristimantis olivaceus (Köhler, Morales, Lötters, Reichle, and Aparicio, 1998)
  • Pristimantis onorei Rödder and Schmitz, 2009
  • Pristimantis orcesi (Lynch, 1972)
  • Pristimantis orcus Lehr, Catenazzi, and Rodríguez, 2009
  • Pristimantis orestes (Lynch, 1979)
  • Pristimantis ornatissimus (Despax, 1911)
  • Pristimantis ornatus (Lehr, Lundberg, Aguilar, and von May, 2006)
  • Pristimantis orpacobates (Lynch, Ruiz-Carranza, and Ardila-Robayo, 1994)
  • Pristimantis orphnolaimus (Lynch, 1970)
  • Pristimantis ortizi (Guayasamin, Almeida-Reinoso, and Nogales-Sornosa, 2004)
  • Pristimantis padiali Moravec, Lehr, Perez-Peña, Lopez, Gagliardi-Urrutia, and Arista-Tuanama, 2010
  • Pristimantis padrecarlosi (Mueses-Cisneros, 2006)
  • Pristimantis paisa (Lynch and Ardila-Robayo, 1999)
  • Pristimantis palmeri (Boulenger, 1912)
  • Pristimantis paramerus (Rivero, 1984)
  • Pristimantis pardalinus (Lehr, Lundberg, Aguilar, and von May, 2006)
  • Pristimantis pardalis (Barbour, 1928)
  • Pristimantis parectatus (Lynch and Rueda-Almonacid, 1998)
  • Pristimantis parvillus (Lynch, 1976)
  • Pristimantis pastazensis (Andersson, 1945)
  • Pristimantis pataikos (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
  • Pristimantis paulodutrai (Bokermann, 1975)
  • Pristimantis paululus (Lynch, 1974)
  • Pristimantis pecki (Duellman and Lynch, 1988)
  • Pristimantis pedimontanus (La Marca, 2004)
  • Pristimantis penelopus (Lynch and Rueda-Almonacid, 1999)
  • Pristimantis peraticus (Lynch, 1980)
  • Pristimantis percnopterus (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
  • Pristimantis percultus (Lynch, 1979)
  • Pristimantis permixtus (Lynch, Ruiz-Carranza, and Ardila-Robayo, 1994)
  • Pristimantis peruvianus (Melin, 1941)
  • Pristimantis petersi (Lynch and Duellman, 1980)
  • Pristimantis petrobardus (Duellman, 1991)
  • Pristimantis phalaroinguinis (Duellman and Lehr, 2007)
  • Pristimantis phalarus (Lynch, 1998)
  • Pristimantis pharangobates (Duellman, 1978)
  • Pristimantis philipi (Lynch and Duellman, 1995)
  • Pristimantis phoxocephalus (Lynch, 1979)
  • Pristimantis phragmipleuron (Rivero and Serna, 1988)
  • Pristimantis piceus (Lynch, Ruiz-Carranza, and Ardila-Robayo, 1996)
  • Pristimantis pinguis (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
  • Pristimantis pirrensis (Ibáñez and Crawford, 2004)
  • Pristimantis platychilus (Lynch, 1996)
  • Pristimantis platydactylus (Boulenger, 1903)
  • Pristimantis pleurostriatus (Rivero, 1984)
  • Pristimantis polemistes (Lynch and Ardila-Robayo, 2004)
  • Pristimantis polychrus (Ruiz-Carranza, Lynch, and Ardila-Robayo, 1997)
  • Pristimantis prolatus (Lynch and Duellman, 1980)
  • Pristimantis prolixodiscus (Lynch, 1978)
  • Pristimantis proserpens (Lynch, 1979)
  • Pristimantis pruinatus (Myers and Donnelly, 1996)
  • Pristimantis pseudoacuminatus (Shreve, 1935)
  • Pristimantis pteridophilus (Lynch and Duellman, 1997)
  • Pristimantis ptochus (Lynch, 1998)
  • Pristimantis pugnax (Lynch, 1973)
  • Pristimantis pulvinatus (Rivero, 1968)
  • Pristimantis pycnodermis (Lynch, 1979)
  • Pristimantis pyrrhomerus (Lynch, 1976)
  • Pristimantis quantus (Lynch, 1998)
  • Pristimantis quaquaversus (Lynch, 1974)
  • Pristimantis quicato Ospina-Sarria, Méndez-Narváez, Burbano-Yandi, and Bolívar-García, 2011
  • Pristimantis quinquagesimus (Lynch and Trueb, 1980)
  • Pristimantis racemus (Lynch, 1980)
  • Pristimantis ramagii (Boulenger, 1888)
  • Pristimantis reclusas (Lynch, 2003)
  • Pristimantis reichlei Padial and De la Riva, 2009
  • Pristimantis renjiforum (Lynch, 2000)
  • Pristimantis repens (Lynch, 1984)
  • Pristimantis restrepoi (Lynch, 1996)
  • Pristimantis reticulatus (Walker and Test, 1955)
  • Pristimantis rhabdocnemus (Duellman and Hedges, 2005)
  • Pristimantis rhabdolaemus (Duellman, 1978)
  • Pristimantis rhigophilus (La Marca, 2007)
  • Pristimantis rhodoplichus (Duellman and Wild, 1993)
  • Pristimantis rhodostichus (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
  • Pristimantis ridens (Cope, 1866)
  • Pristimantis rivasi Barrio-Amorós, Rojas-Runjaic, and Barros, 2010
  • Pristimantis riveroi (Lynch and La Marca, 1993)
  • Pristimantis riveti (Despax, 1911)
  • Pristimantis romanorum Yánez-Muñoz, Meza-Ramos, Cisneros-Heredia, and Reyes-Puig, 2011
  • Pristimantis rosadoi (Flores, 1988)
  • Pristimantis roseus (Boulenger, 1918)
  • Pristimantis royi (Morales, 2007)
  • Pristimantis rozei (Rivero, 1961)
  • Pristimantis rubicundus (Jiménez de la Espada, 1875)
  • Pristimantis ruedai (Ruiz-Carranza, Lynch, and Ardila-Robayo, 1997)
  • Pristimantis rufioculis (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
  • Pristimantis rufoviridis Valencia, Yánez-Muñoz, Betancourt-Yépez, Terán-Valdez, and Guayasamin, 2011
  • Pristimantis ruidus (Lynch, 1979)
  • Pristimantis ruthveni (Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1985)
  • Pristimantis sagittulus (Lehr, Aguilar, and Duellman, 2004)
  • Pristimantis salaputium (Duellman, 1978)
  • Pristimantis saltissimus Means and Savage, 2007
  • Pristimantis samaipatae (Köhler and Jungfer, 1995)
  • Pristimantis sanctaemartae (Ruthven, 1917)
  • Pristimantis sanguineus (Lynch, 1998)
  • Pristimantis sarisarinama Barrio-Amorós and Brewer-Carias, 2008
  • Pristimantis satagius (Lynch, 1995)
  • Pristimantis savagei (Pyburn and Lynch, 1981)
  • Pristimantis schultei (Duellman, 1990)
  • Pristimantis scitulus (Duellman, 1978)
  • Pristimantis scoloblepharus (Lynch, 1991)
  • Pristimantis scolodiscus (Lynch and Burrowes, 1990)
  • Pristimantis scopaeus (Lynch, Ruiz-Carranza, and Ardila-Robayo, 1996)
  • Pristimantis seorsus Lehr, 2007
  • Pristimantis serendipitus (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
  • Pristimantis shrevei (Schwartz, 1967)
  • Pristimantis signifer (Ruiz-Carranza, Lynch, and Ardila-Robayo, 1997)
  • Pristimantis silverstonei (Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1996)
  • Pristimantis simonbolivari (Wiens and Coloma, 1992)
  • Pristimantis simonsii (Boulenger, 1900)
  • Pristimantis simoteriscus (Lynch, Ruiz-Carranza, and Ardila-Robayo, 1997)
  • Pristimantis simoterus (Lynch, 1980)
  • Pristimantis siopelus (Lynch and Burrowes, 1990)
  • Pristimantis sirnigeli Yánez-Muñoz, Meza-Ramos, Cisneros-Heredia, and Reyes-Puig, 2011
  • Pristimantis skydmainos (Flores and Rodriguez, 1997)
  • Pristimantis sobetes (Lynch, 1980)
  • Pristimantis spectabilis Duellman and Chaparro, 2008
  • Pristimantis spilogaster (Lynch, 1984)
  • Pristimantis spinosus (Lynch, 1979)
  • Pristimantis stenodiscus (Walker and Test, 1955)
  • Pristimantis sternothylax (Duellman and Wild, 1993)
  • Pristimantis stictoboubonus (Duellman, Lehr, and Venegas, 2006)
  • Pristimantis stictogaster (Duellman and Hedges, 2005)
  • Pristimantis stipa Venegas and Duellman, 2012
  • Pristimantis subsigillatus (Boulenger, 1902)
  • Pristimantis suetus (Lynch and Rueda-Almonacid, 1998)
  • Pristimantis sulculus (Lynch and Burrowes, 1990)
  • Pristimantis supernatis (Lynch, 1979)
  • Pristimantis surdus (Boulenger, 1882)
  • Pristimantis susaguae (Rueda-Almonacid, Lynch, and Galvis-Peñuela, 2003)
  • Pristimantis taciturnus (Lynch and Suárez-Mayorga, 2003)
  • Pristimantis taeniatus (Boulenger, 1912)
  • Pristimantis tamsitti (Cochran and Goin, 1970)
  • Pristimantis tantanti (Lehr, Torres-Gastello, and Suárez-Segovia, 2007)
  • Pristimantis tanyrhynchus Lehr, 2007
  • Pristimantis tayrona (Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1985)
  • Pristimantis telefericus (La Marca, 2005)
  • Pristimantis tenebrionis (Lynch and Miyata, 1980)
  • Pristimantis terraebolivaris (Rivero, 1961)
  • Pristimantis thectopternus (Lynch, 1975)
  • Pristimantis thyellus (La Marca, 2007)
  • Pristimantis thymalopsoides (Lynch, 1976)
  • Pristimantis thymelensis (Lynch, 1972)
  • Pristimantis tinajillas Urgilés, Sánchez-Nivicela, Nieves, and Yánez-Muñoz, 2014
  • Pristimantis toftae (Duellman, 1978)
  • Pristimantis torrenticola (Lynch and Rueda-Almonacid, 1998)
  • Pristimantis trachyblepharis (Boulenger, 1918)
  • Pristimantis tribulosus (Lynch and Rueda-Almonacid, 1997)
  • Pristimantis truebae (Lynch and Duellman, 1997)
  • Pristimantis tubernasus (Rivero, 1984)
  • Pristimantis tungurahua Reyes-Puig, Yánez-Muñoz, Cisneros-Heredia, and Ramírez, 2011
  • Pristimantis turik Barrio-Amorós, Rojas-Runjaic, and Infante-Rivero, 2008
  • Pristimantis turpinorum (Hardy, 2001)
  • Pristimantis turumiquirensis (Rivero, 1961)
  • Pristimantis uisae (Lynch, 2003)
  • Pristimantis unistrigatus (Günther, 1859)
  • Pristimantis uranobates (Lynch, 1991)
  • Pristimantis urichi (Boettger, 1894)
  • Pristimantis vanadise (La Marca, 1984)
  • Pristimantis variabilis (Lynch, 1968)
  • Pristimantis veletis (Lynch and Rueda-Almonacid, 1997)
  • Pristimantis ventrigranulosus Maciel, Vaz-Silva, Oliveira, and Padial, 2012
  • Pristimantis ventriguttatus Lehr and Köhler, 2007
  • Pristimantis ventrimarmoratus (Boulenger, 1912)
  • Pristimantis verecundus (Lynch and Burrowes, 1990)
  • Pristimantis versicolor (Lynch, 1979)
  • Pristimantis vertebralis (Boulenger, 1886)
  • Pristimantis vicarius (Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1983)
  • Pristimantis vidua (Lynch, 1979)
  • Pristimantis viejas (Lynch and Rueda-Almonacid, 1999)
  • Pristimantis vilarsi (Melin, 1941)
  • Pristimantis vilcabambae Lehr, 2007
  • Pristimantis vinhai (Bokermann, 1975)
  • Pristimantis viridicans (Lynch, 1977)
  • Pristimantis viridis (Ruiz-Carranza, Lynch, and Ardila-Robayo, 1997)
  • Pristimantis w-nigrum (Boettger, 1892)
  • Pristimantis wagteri (Venegas, 2007)
  • Pristimantis walkeri (Lynch, 1974)
  • Pristimantis waoranii (McCracken, Forstner, and Dixon, 2007)
  • Pristimantis wiensi (Duellman and Wild, 1993)
  • Pristimantis xeniolum (Lynch, 2001)
  • Pristimantis xestus (Lynch, 1995)
  • Pristimantis xylochobates (Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1996)
  • Pristimantis yaviensis (Myers and Donnelly, 1996)
  • Pristimantis yukpa Barrio-Amorós, Rojas-Runjaic, and Infante-Rivero, 2008
  • Pristimantis yumbo Yánez-Muñoz, Meza-Ramos, Cisneros-Heredia, and Reyes-Puig, 2011
  • Pristimantis yuruaniensis Rödder and Jungfer, 2008
  • Pristimantis yustizi (Barrio-Amorós and Chacón-Ortiz, 2004)
  • Pristimantis zeuctotylus (Lynch and Hoogmoed, 1977)
  • Pristimantis zimmermanae (Heyer and Hardy, 1991)
  • Pristimantis zoilae (Mueses-Cisneros, 2007)
  • Pristimantis zophus (Lynch and Ardila-Robayo, 1999)

Amphibia → Anura → Craugastoridae → Ceuthomantinae

†Proamphiuma Estes, 1969

[uredi | uredi kôd]

Amphibia → Amphiumoidea → Amphiumidae

Red †Proanura Romer, 1945

[uredi | uredi kôd]

Animalia → Chordata → Amphibia → Lissamphibia → Salientia

Probreviceps Parker, 1931 (6 sp.)

[uredi | uredi kôd]

Amphibia → Anura → Brevicipitidae , Proceratophrys , Procochleosaurus †


[uredi | uredi kôd]

Animalia → Chordata → Amphibia , Promastodonsaurus † , Prosalirus Shubin & Jenkins, 1995 † , Prosirenidae † , Prosirenoidea † , Prostherapis , Proteidae

Porodica Proteidae Gray, 1825; (8 sp.)

[uredi | uredi kôd]

Amphibia → Caudata , Proterogyrinidae Romer, 1970 † , Proterogyrinus Romer, 1970 †

Proteus Laurenti, 1768

[uredi | uredi kôd]

Amphibia → Caudata → Proteidae , Protohynobius


[uredi | uredi kôd]