Luc Ferrari
Ime u rodnom listuLucien Ferrari
Rođen/aPariz, 9. veljače 1929.
Umro/umrlaArezzo, 22. kolovoza 2005.
Žanr/ovikonkretna glazba, elektroakustička glazba, modernizam
Zanimanjeskladatelj, glazbenik, redatelj
Djelatno razdoblje1950.2005.

Luc Ferrari, rođen kao Lucien Ferrari (Pariz, 9. veljače 1929.Arezzo, 22. kolovoza 2005.), francuski je skladatelj talijanskoga podrijetla i pionir u konkretnoj glazbi i elektroakustičkoj glazbi.


[uredi | uredi kôd]

Luc Ferrari rodio se u Parizu 9. veljače 1929. godine. Od rane dobi bavio se glazbom. Sviranju klavira podučavao ga je Alfred Cortot, učitelj glazbene analize bio mu je Olivier Messiaen, a skladanju ga je podučio Arthur Honegger. Njegova prva djela bila su slobodnog atonaliteta. Zbog tuberkuloze u mladosti bio je prisiljen prekinuti pijanističku karijeru. Od tada se uglavnom koncentrirao na skladanje. Tijekom bolovanja počeo se služiti radioprijamnikom i preko njega upoznao se s pionirima poput Schönberga, Berga i Weberna.

Godine 1954. otputovao je u Sjedinjene Američke Države kao bi upoznao Edgarda Varèsea, čije ga je djelo Déserts koje je prethodno čuo na radiju impresiralo. To djelo veoma je utjecalo na njega, a dio s vrpcom Ferrariju je poslužio kao nadahnuće za korištenje magnetske trake. Godine 1958. osnovao je Groupe de Recherches Musicales s Schaefferom i Mâcheom. Ferrari je podučavao u institucijama diljem svijeta i radio je za film, kazalište i radio. Do rane 1960. počeo je raditi na Hétérozygoteu, djelu za magnetsku traku koje se služi ambijentalnim zvukovima iz prirode kako bi nagovijestila dramsku narativu. Upotreba ambijentalnih snimki zvuka kasnije je postala upečatljiva karakteristika Ferrarijeva glazbenog jezika.

Njegovo djelo Presque rien No. 1 'Le Lever du jour au bord de la mer iz 1970. godine smatra se klasikom te vrste. U njemu je Ferrari upotrijebio jednodnevnu snimku zvukova iz prirode s jedne jugoslavenske plaže, uredio ju i tako stvorio djelo koje traje svega dvadeset i jednu minutu. Na djelo se gleda kao na potvrdu Cageove ideje da se glazba stalno nalazi oko nas i da bismo to mogli shvatiti samo kada bi zastali i poslušali. Ferrari je nastavio skladati isključivo instrumentalnu glazbu i djela za vrpcu. Također je napravio veći broj dokumentarnih filmova o skladateljima suvremene klasične glazbe u probi, među kojima su Olivier Messiaen i Karlheinz Stockhausen.

Umro je u Arezzu 22. kolovoza 2005. godine u 76. godini života.


[uredi | uredi kôd]
Petite symphonie intuitive pour un paysage de printemps (1973.1974.)
Strathoven (1985.)
Presque rien avec filles (1989.)
Hétérozygote (1963.1964.)
BVHAAST 9009 Acousmatrix 3 – 1990
Unheimlich schön (1971.)
Coll. Cinéma pour l'oreille
Metamkine MKCD008 1993
Patajaslotcha (1984.)
L'Escalier des aveugles (1991.)
Xavier Legasa / Donatienne Michel-Dansac / Michel Musseau (song)
Ensemble Le Banquet, Dir. Olivier Dejours
Ina-grm ina c 2008/Musidisc 201302 – 1993
Music promenade (1964.1969.)
Presque rien No.1 – le lever du jour au bord de la mer (1967.1970.)
Presque rien No.2 – ainsi continue la nuit dans ma tête multiple (1977.)
Presque rien avec filles (1989.)
Ina-grm 245172 – 1995
Suite pour piano (1952.)
Antisonate (1953.)
Suite hétéroclite (1955.)
Visage I (1956.)
Fragments du journal intime (1980.1982.)
Comme une fantaisie dite des réminiscences (1989.1991.)
Christine Lagniel / Michel Maurer (Piano)
Auvidis Montaigne MO 782110 – 1997
Cellule 75 (1975.)
Place des Abbesses (1977.)
Chris Brown (Piano), William Winant (Perc.)
Tzadik USA – TZ 7033 – 1997
Interrupteur (1967.)
Tautologos III (1970.)
Ensemble de musique vontemporaine de Paris, Dir. Konstantin Simonovitch
Blue Chopsticks USA BC1, distrib. France : Chronowax – 1999
Chansons pour le corps
Elise Caron (Song), Carol Mundinger / Sylvain Frydman (Clar.), Christine Lagniel (Perc.), Michel Maurer (Piano.), Michel Musseau (Synthesizer)
Et si tout entière maintenant (1986.1987.)
Symphonic story. (Prix Italia 1987) – Text by Colette Fellous
Anne Sée (Voice), Nouvel Orchestre Philharmonique, Dir. Yves Prin.
Mode Records USA MODE 81 – 1999
Danses organiques (1971.1973.)
Elica mpo-3340 – 1999
vinyle LP Elica 4VL 3704 – 2003
Far-West news episode No.1 (1998.1999.)
Histoire du plaisir et de la désolation (1979.1981.)
Nouvel orchestre de France, Dir. Michael Luig.
Signature, France ASIN : B00005Q4KU – distribution Harmonia Mundi – 1999
Cycle des souvenirs – Exploitation des concepts No.2 (1995.2000.)
Blue Chopsticks USA BC8, distrib. France : Chronowax – 2002
Étude aux accidents (1958.)
Étude aux sons tendus (1958.)
Visage V (1958/59)
Tête et queue du dragon (1959.1960.)
Tautologos I (1961.)
Tautologos II (1961.)
Und so weiter for piano and tape (1965.1966.)
(works from 1959 to 1966) EMF and GRM
Gérard Frémy (piano)
EMF CD 037 – 2003
Performers and composers : Jean-Jacques Birgé, Francis Gorgé, Bernard Vitet and Luc Ferrari
Un Drame musical instantané "Opération Blow up" GRRR 2020 – distrib. France : Orkhêstra / Les Allumés du Jazz – 1992
Performers and composers : Noël Akchoté, Roland Auzet and Luc Ferrari
Blue Chopsticks, USA BC12 – distrib. France : Chronowax – 2004
Collection de petites pièces ou 36 Enfilades pour piano et magnétophone (1985.)
Jeu du hasard et de la détermination (1999.)
Michel Maurer (Piano.), Françoise Rivalland (Perc.).
Les empreintes digitales, France – distribution Abeille Musique (Nocturne) ED13171 – 2004
Les Anecdotiques – Exploitation des Concepts No.6 (2002.)
SUB ROSA SR 207 – 2004
Grand Prix 2005 Charles Cros in Memoriam
Archives sauvées des eaux – Exploitation des concepts No.1 (2000.)
Version for plastic, Milan 2004. By Luc Ferrari and Erikm
Angle Records, Italie CD 0008 – 2004
Grand Prix 2005 Charles Cros in memoriam
Presque Rien No.4 (1990.1998.)
Promenade symphonique dans un paysage musical ou Un jour de fête à El Oued en 1976 : (1976.1978.)
Saliceburry cocktail (2002.)
Sub Rosa, SR252 – 2006
Far-West news episodes 2 (svibanj 1999.)
Far-West news episodes 3 (lipanj 1999.)
Blue Chopsticks BC16 CD September 2006
Et tournent les Sons dans la Garrigue – Réflexion sur l'écriture No.1 (1977.)
Archives sauvées des eaux – Exploitation des concepts No.3 (2000.)
By the Ensemble Laborintus and Erikm
Césaré 06/03/4/2/1 France septembre 2006. Distr. Metamkine
Les ProtoRythmiques (2007.)
EriKm (Luc Ferrari) and Thomas Lehn
Room40 RM417/ May 2007
Rencontres fortuites (2003.) for viola, piano and memorized sounds.
Didascalies (2004.) for viola and piano
Tautologos III (1969.)
By Vincent Royer and Jean-Philippe Collard-Neven
Luc Ferrari facing his tautology – 2 days before the end,
a film by Guy Marc Hinant and Dominique Lohlé
Sub Rosa SR261 luc ferrari "didascalies" / cd+ dvd / May 2007
Passage pour mimes (1959.)
J'ai été coupé (1960.1969.)
Selbstportrait oder Peinture de sons ou bien Tonmalerei (1996.1997.)
Sonopsys 4 – Cahiers musique concrète/acousmatique. May 2007
Ellipsis arts...... EA500-4 USA
Madame de Shanghaï (1996.)
Michel Boizot / François Daudin Clavaud / Xavier Saint-Bonnet (Flutes)
Musique d'Aujourd'hui 9701 MDA M7 847 – 1997
Visage V (1958.1959.)
Sub Rosa SR200 – 2003
Tête et queue du dragon (1959.1960.)
Caipirinha CP219 USA – 2000
Étude aux sons tendus (1958.)
Étude floue (1958.)
Étude aux accidents (1958.)
Ina c 1032(2004) ADD – 750 – 276522
stereo tape.
in collaboration with Brunhild Meyer.
Digital on-line edition 2008
Room 40
for four soloists and sixteen instruments (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn, trumpet, trombone, 4 violins, 2 violas, 2 violoncellos, 1 contrabass. Soloists: 1 piano, 3 percussions.) recording from 1968 by the EIMCP dir. Konstantin Simonovich.
Robot Records, USA
for piano and memorized sound. by Wilhem Latchoumia
In Wilhem Latchoumia – piano & electronic sounds
Sisyphe 013
for 3 flutes and memorized sound
In Manuel Zurria repeat !
Die Schachtel, Zeit C01
Bonus-track (CD extra) for the first 2000 copies : « Slow landing » Luc Ferrari with Otomo Yoshihide, Camera: Miyaoka Hideyuki and Nishihara Tazz Miyaoka
Disc Callithump CPCD-001
LP Alga Marghen
Disque vinyle PLANA-F alga027 – 2009
Elica mpo-4301 – 2009
in partnership with La muse en circuit,
contains 10 CD Luc Ferrari’s works for memorized sound as well as film music.
stereo tape (1977.1978.)
in collaboration with Brunhild Meyer.
Ohm/Avatar – ohm 051
For two pianos and a third very strong instrument capable to uphold a very strong note.
Claude Berset and Jean-Philippe Collard-Neven, piano – Vincent Royer, viola
Recorded at La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland
Vinyl disc Sub rosa SRV 305- April 2010
by Brunhild Ferrari recomposing tapes from Luc Ferrari called "Exercices d'Improvisation”
vinyle disc ALGA MARGHEN – 2010 – plana-MF alga028
for tape and undetermined instrumentation
éphémère I – L'ordinateur ça sert à quoi ? Nov ; 1974
éphémère II – Lyon 75 Nov. 1975
ALGA MARGHEN plana f. 33 NMN 081 – 2010
Suite of exercices (5 to 7 min. each) – can be individual or collective improvisation for any instrument or instrument group (maximum 8). They are intended for amateurs, professionals or students and may take place in concerts.
By Gol and Brunhild Ferrari
Vinyl disc ALGA MARGHEN planam 5 (it) – 2010
Satoko Inoue piano & Toshiyuki Matsukura percussion
CONVERSATION INTIME (listopad 1987.ožujak 1988.) 19:33

for piano and percussion

VISAGE I (1956.) 7:21 for piano
SONATINE ELYB POUR PIANO (1953.1954.) – 7 :44 for piano
CELLULE 75 – FORCE DU RYTHME ET CADENCE FORCEE (svibanjstudeni 1975.) 32:45
for piano, percussions and tape
Recorded in 2004 – Hat(now)ART 165 – Jan. 2011 – harmonia mundi
VISAGE 2 (1955.1956.) – 10'02
APRES PRESQUE RIEN (2004.) – 31'47 (commissioned by Art Zoyd, Musiques Nouvelles and CCMIX)
MADAME DE SHANGHAI (1996.) – 15'22
By the Scottish Flute Trio and Ensemble Musiques Nouvelles, cond. Jean-Paul Dessy
Mode 228 – Feb. 2011
eRikm & Luc Ferrari – The night bird, Cap 15 and night bird, Tuchan, in Presque Rien N0 2
Vinyle disc Alga Marghen Planam 18 (it) – 2011
SUITE' (1952.)
piano : Elmar Schrammel – WERGO 67372
Radio composition for Hessischer Rundfunk. .
Ferrari (r)écouté
new compositions with sound material of Ferrari's JETZT tapes from:
Tiziana Bertoncini – Antje Vowinckel – Frank Niehusmann – David Fenech – Neele Hülcker
excerps from a radio conférence with Luc Ferrari (2000.)
produced by ZKM, Karlsruhe and WERGO. – WERGO ZKM milestones 2066.2 – 2011
Double CD
Luc Ferrari:
harpsichord: Elisabeth Chojnacka
DIDASCALIES 2 – (2005.)
for 2 pianos and a third very powerful instrument that can hold a very loud note : viola
Jean-Philippe Collard-Neven et Claude Berset : piano. Vincent Royer : viola
LES EMOIS D’APHRODITE – (1986.) Version 1998
for clarinet, piano, percussion, 2 samplers and memorized sound
by the ensemble MC BAND, dir. Mary Chun, San Francisco
Brunhild Ferrari – electroacoustic, with sounds from Luc Ferrari :
DERIVATIF – (2008.)
Sub Rosa SR363 AB – www.SUBROSA.NET
double vinyl discs
PRESQUE RIEN No. 4 – La remontée du Village
Recollectio GRM 2012 – REGRM 005 et éditions MEGO – INA GRM
UND SO WEITER for electric piano and tape
Gérard Frémy, Piano
MUSIC PROMENADE original mix
re-issue of the vinyl disc by WERGO from 1969 – WER 67752 – 2012

CD i DVD objave

[uredi | uredi kôd]
Rencontres Fortuites (2003.) pour alto, piano et SM.
Didascalies (2004.) pour alto et piano
Tautologos 3 (1969.)
by Vincent Royer, viola and Jean-Philippe Collard-Neven, piano
Luc Ferrari face à sa tautologie – 2 jours avant la fin
Film by Guy-Marc Hinant and Dominique Lohlé
French version, with English sub-titles, recorded while the rehearsal of Tautologos III.
"that would be Luc’s last one in this beginning of July 2005.
Sub Rosa SR261 luc ferrari "didascalies" / cd+ dvd / mai 2007
This Box was rewarded with the « Coup de Coeur Charles Cros – musique contemporaine printemps 2008 » and the Grand Prix from the festival "Filmer à tout prix", Brussels in 2008
Film by Jacqueline Caux and Olivier Pascal – with Elise Caron – eRikm – Christof Schläger. 2004.
Robot Records 2008
Forced Exposure; Métamkine, Fr.; Die Schachtel, It.; Mimaroglu Music Sales; Die Stadt, Germ.; A-Musik, Cologne, Germ.; Empreintes Digitales, Montreal Can.; Disk Union, Tokyo, Jap.
Luc Ferrari with Otomo Yoshihide.
« Slow Landing » Luc Ferrari with Otomo Yoshihide, Camera: Miyaoka Hideyuki and Nishihara Tazz Miyaoka
Disc Callithump CPCD-001

Nedavno izdane knjige

[uredi | uredi kôd]
book by Jacqueline Caux. Discussion with Luc Ferrari.
Editions Main d’œuvre, Nice – January 2001
translation into Japanese by Ryosuke Shiina (Tokyo, 2006.)
Luc Ferrari to hotondo nanimo nai.
Editions Gendaishichô-shinsha (2006.), Tokyo, Japan.
translation into English by Jérôme Hansen.
Almost Nothing with Luc Ferrari. Editions Errant Bodies (2013.)
Cahiers Musique Concrète / Acousmatique, published by Licences (French – English) – 2007
by Alexandre Yterce and Florence Gonot
supplemented edition by GRM / INA – 2007 –
in Sound Commitments (Oxford University Press, 2009).
P. 145-166. Pdf to download on the website on “bibliography” 2009 page 9
Toward a Non-Cochlear Sonic Art
by Seth Kim- Cohen. (Continuum, 2009). "Sound-Out-Of-Itself" p. 175-185.
Pdf to download on the website on “bibliography” 2009 page 9
Editions de l’Eclat, Paris. Pages 333–337 (2009.)
the Radio of Luc (and his listeners)
Chantal Dumas – François Parra – Irvic Oliver – José Iges – Götz Naleppa – Lucien Bertolina.
Contributions collected and conducted by Etienne Noiseau. Edited by Etienne Noiseau
Magazine TBA No 2 July 2010-07-03 containing the score of
Monologos (for solo voice and électroacoustic device) – 1970 – as well as
Concepts (3 excerpts of Jacqueline Caux’ book: Presque Rien avec Luc Ferrari
éditions nuitdencre galerie 64 rue jean-pierre timbaud – 75011 paris
Magazine TBA No 3 – 2011
10 photoengraving-works by Luc Ferrari


[uredi | uredi kôd]

Ed. S. Fischer – Frankfurt 1971, p. 37 – 59

Stephan, Rudolf (Hg.): "About music and language. Seven Attempts about the Newer Vocal Music" Mainz (Schottt) 1974, p. 30 – 31

By Hansjörg Pauli Reproduction in Beiträge zur Musikwissenschaft, Heft 4, 1977, p. 260 – 269

In Revue musicale No. 314, 1978, p. 65 – 69

– UN PUEBLO NUMERO 11350 por Luc Ferrari In Arte Nuevo 1, Universidad Veracruzana 1978, p. 10 – 13

In Art Press International, No. 26, March 1979, p. 18

In L'Improvisation Musicale, Editions J.C. Lattès 1981, p. 4 – 7

In 20 Analyse Musicale, Paris June 1990, p. 47 – 49

Conseil Général de la Creuse – December 1993, p. 69 – 77

In Ars Sonora, No. 3, March 1996, p. 7 – 15

In Jahrbuch der Bayrischen Akademie der Schönen Künste 11. 1997, p. 391 – 399

In La musique du XXe siècle Editions Hachette (Pluriel), p. 221 – 223

In Eigageijutsu, No. 383, Japan 1997

In Musée – a shape of miles – Tower records – Vol. 12, Japan, March 1998, p. 14

U.F.R. de Musique et Musicologie du XXe siècle – Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne, Oct.1998

In Computer Music Journal, Vol. 22, No. 3 – Autumn, p. 8 – 16

Peace Warriors No. 10 – January

In 20th Century Music, San Anselmo CA., USA, December, p. 3 – 10

Interview by Jacqueline Caux – French / English In Art Press International, No. 252 – December 1999, p. 49 – 52

In SAN Journal of Electroacoustic Music, London, p. 36 – 44

PORTRAITSPIEL 27. Karl-Sczuka-Preis 1988, p. 184–190 VERIRRT. EIN LABYRINTH In Akustische Spielformen SWR SchrifteNoeihe « Grundlagen 1 » Spring 2000

JEU DE SOCIÉTÉ OU LA THEATRALISATION DU CONCERT (Stakes, functions, methods parlour game or the THEATRALISATION in the concert by Radosveta Bruzaud Harmattan – Logique Sociale, p. 137 – 174

In Poetry and Criticism: Eureka 5 / 2000, p. 39 – 51

In Die Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts Insel-Verlag, Leipzig, p. 332 – 335

260 pages with photographs. Author: Jacqueline Caux. Discussions with Jacqueline Caux Publication January 2001 Editions Main d’Oeuvre, Nice Tel./Fax 04 93 92 42 49

In Bulletin of Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture Vol.19 Doshisha Women’s College, Japan, March 31/2, 002

In Les INoockuptibles August 14 to 20, 2002 No. 351, p. 58 – 59

U.F.R. de Musique et Musicologie – Université de Paris IV – Sorbonne, December. 2004

The chance with determination. For his 75th birthday... By David Sanson et Pierre Yves Macé In Mouvement Musique Action, Cahier Spécial, May 18–29, 2005, p. 10–12

"Joueurs Aspendiens" a cura di Gabiele Bonomo, p. 56–60

« Always Unconventional» Remembering Luc – Peter-michael Hamel. « The Composer, Radio Play and Film Producer Luc Ferrari » Tatjana Böhme-mehner. « An Alternative to the Opera. Luc Ferrari About Music Theater » – Jacqueline Caux. « Sounds, Sounds… The Pieces of Almost Nothing» From Luc Ferrari – Daniel Teruggi. « The Drama of Even the Life». Luc Ferrari’s « Cellule 75 » – Monika Lichtenfeld. « What Would Be, If? Stravinsky Meets Beethoven In Luc Ferrari’s Studio» – Klaus Mehner. « The True Or Untrue Story Of Cahier Du Soir» (1991–1992) » – Luc Ferrari. « Each Time… », « The City Of The Future», Autobiographies From Luc Ferrari. In memory of Luc Ferrari. « “Committed observer of the reality, Luc Ferrari » – Daniel Caux.

By John Palmer – Guilherme Vaz – Hildegard Westerkamp In Soundscape Vol. 6 No. 1

By Carole Rieussec, David Grubbs, Alessandro Bosetti, Li Ping Ting, Jean-Christophe Camps, Jérôme Noetinger, Chantal Dumas, eRikm, Jean-Baptiste Favory In revue & corrigée No. 67, March 2006

Book by Jacqueline Caux. Discussions with Jacqueline Caux Published in January 2001 Editions Main d’Oeuvre, Nice Tel./Fax 04 93 92 42 49 Published in Japanese by Ryosuke Shiina, Tokyo, March 2006

Cahier Musique Concrète / Acousmatique by Florence Gonot and Alexandre Yterce, Edition LICENCES. Publication at the moment of the premiere of Morbido Symphonie in Paris on May 11, 2007. Art-book with CD.

By Toshiharu Osato in "nobody", critic film-, music-, literature-review Published May–June 2007 No. 25, Japan. Pages 47–57:


[uredi | uredi kôd]
  1. Ferrari, Brunhild ca. Mitte 20. Jh./Anfang 21. Jh. Luc Ferrari : complete Works. ISBN 9781787601536. OCLC 1090451861. Pristupljeno 14. lipnja 2019.

Vanjske poveznice

[uredi | uredi kôd]