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number Wikidata sitelinks nome immagine descrizione data di nascita data di morte
1 Q438469 19 Ingrid Ragnvaldsdotter regina di Norvegia 110s 1161
2 Q2616032 19 Christina Ingesdotter of Sweden
11th century 1122-01-18
3 Q2919957 19 Malmfred of Kyiv
110s No/unknown value
4 Q64231 19 Adelheid of Meissen 1160 1211-02-02
5 Q685306 18 Constance of Toulouse 1178 1260
No/unknown value
6 Q2482366 17 Christina of Denmark 1120 1170
7 Q2842845 17 Marguerite de l'Aigle
1104 1141-05-25
8 Q952175 16 Christina Hvide 1145 1200
9 Q1210372 16 Adela of Meissen 11th century 1181-10-23
10 Q1445064 16 Ingeborg of Kyiv 1100 1137
11 Q2128810 16 Helen of Znojmo
1141 No/unknown value
12 Q2183430 16 Benedicta Ebbesdotter of Hvide 1165 1199
13 Q2243803 16 Gertrude of Bochemia
1120 1150-04-08
14 Q2975930 16 Agafia of Rus
110s 1247
15 Q4792975 16 Philippa of Armenia 1183 120s
16 Q1934051 15 Helena of Sweden 1130 No/unknown value
17 Q1991150 15 Margaret of Sweden, Queen of Norway 1155 1209
18 Q2684042 15 Margarida de Clermont 1104
19 Q5954482 15 Terken Khatun
11th century
20 Q2718143 14 Ingegerd Birgersdotter of Bjelbo 1180 1230
21 Q3455783 14 Matilda of Flanders
1170 1210-10-16
22 Q3480086 14 Christina of Norway 1190 1213
23 Q642075 13 Kristin Sigurdsdatter 1125 1178
24 Q1842079 13 Cecilia Johansdotter of Sweden 1145 1193
25 Q2465089 13 Viacheslava of Novgorod
1125 1162
26 Q431272 12 Mathilde von Courtenay 1188
27 Q527308 12 Eschiva of Bures 1118 11th century
28 Q900258 12 Fujiwara no Tamako
1101 1145-09-10
29 Q1773738 12 Inga of Varteig
1185 1234
30 Q2731801 12 Adelaide of Hungary 1105-07
31 Q2925391 12 Brigida Haraldsdotter 1131 1208
32 Q3315855 12 Taira no Tokuko
1155 1214-01-25
33 Q3488841 12 Agnes of Rochlitz
1152 1195-03-25
34 Q7068897 12 Temulin 1170
35 Q394554 11 Agnes I, Countess of Nevers 1170 1193
36 Q468729 11 Ingrid Ylva 110s 1252-10-26
37 Q2709490 11 Princess Helena Sverkersdotter of Sweden 110s 1247
38 Q3112191 11 Helena 11th century No/unknown value
39 Q3331104 11 Grzymislawa di Luck
40 Q3486450 11 Eudoxia of Kyiv 1131 No/unknown value
41 Q3526361 11 Theodora Komnene, Princess of Antioch 1146 1182
42 Q122102 10 Guda
11th century 11th century
43 Q959494 10 Stephanie of Armenia 110s 1220-06
44 Q1924925 10 Adelheid van Eu 1180 1245-05-14
45 Q3156314 10 Yvette of Huy
1158 1228-01-13
46 Q3808923 10 Empress Renhuai; Empress Zhu
1102 1127
47 Q5507534 10 Fujiwara no Ritsushi 1192 1248-01-18
48 Q5507535 10 Fujiwara no Nariko
1117 1160-12-22
49 Q8005268 10 Yēlǜ Pǔsùwán 11th century 1177
50 Q12073490 10 Anna-Euphrosyne 1185 1253
51 Q463098 9 Sun Bu'er 1119 1182
52 Q510564 9 Claricia
11th century No/unknown value
53 Q867354 9 Tokiwa Gozen
1138 No/unknown value
54 Q3229284 9 Aisha Al-Manoubya 1199 1267-04
55 Q4754729 9 Branca of Portugal
1196 1240-11-17
56 Q5243147 9 Dayfa Khatun 1185 1244
57 Q5368838 9 Fujiwara no Tashi 1140 1202-01-19
58 Q5374523 9 Empress Gongsheng
1162-06-30 1233-01-18
59 Q5507541 9 Fujiwara no Shimeko 1131 1176-10-23
60 Q6137459 9 Sukeko principessa giapponese 1147 1216-04-27
61 Q7244792 9 Rishi-naishinnō 1197 1251-01-25
62 Q273808 8 Melisende of Tripoli 1143 No/unknown value
63 Q1593428 8 Hedwig of Brandenburg
1140 1203
64 Q2825474 8 Adele of Valois 11th century 11th century
65 Q3379244 8 Taira no Tokiko
politica giapponese 1126 1185-04-25
66 Q3512524 8 Maria of Rascia, Duchess of Znojmo
11th century No/unknown value
67 Q4686977 8 Adèle of Dreux 1145 12th century
68 Q4751904 8 Anastasia of Greater Poland
1164 1240
69 Q5286811 8 Dobroniega dari Polandia 1128
No/unknown value
70 Q5507524 8 Fujiwara no Kinshi 1134 1209-09-12
71 Q7244776 8 Noriko-naishinnō 1177 1210-05-06
72 Q7244872 8 Shushi-naishinnō 1141-12-07 1176-07-20
73 Q15614112 8 Shōshi-naishinnō 1195-09-18 1211-12-13
74 Q96074 7 Jutta of Thuringia aristocratica tedesca 1184 1235-08-06
75 Q120365 7 Heilika of Pettendorf-Lengenfeld
1103 1170-09-14
76 Q535528 7 Margaret of Scotland, Countess of Kent 1193 1259-11-25
77 Q659047 7 Lucia of Rügen 11th century 1231
78 Q2829274 7 Hafsa bint al-Hajj al-Rukuniyya 1135 1191
79 Q3510900 7 Hellicha of Wittelsbach 1160 1198-08-13
80 Q3610594 7 Lilavati of Polonnaruwa
11th century 12th century
81 Q4056989 7 Agnes of Poland
1137 No/unknown value
82 Q4268454 7 Philippa of Dreux 1192 1242
83 Q5374464 7 Empress Chengsui
1135 1203
84 Q5374524 7 Empress Gongshu 1165 1200
85 Q5374553 7 Empress Li Fengniang
1144 1200
86 Q5374620 7 Empress Wu
1115 1197
87 Q5507513 7 Fujiwara no Ikushi 1146 1173-09-23
88 Q5507528 7 Fujiwara no Kiyoko 1122 1182-01-10
89 Q5507536 7 Fujiwara no Reishi 1185 1243-11-01
90 Q6146408 7 Muneko-naishinnō 1126-08-13 1189-09-02
91 Q6442369 7 Kujō Ninshi 1173-10-31 1239-02-03
92 Q7881044 7 Umadevi 110s 1218
93 Q9023075 7 Liubava Dmitrievna Zavidich 1100 1167
94 Q13031421 7 Maria of Polotsk
1130 1194
95 Q20801714 7 Isabelle of Blois 1180 1249-11-25
96 Q100206 6 Mechtildis
1125 1160-05-31
97 Q3364492 6 Ragna Nikolasdatter 11th century 1161-02-03
98 Q3494473 6 Estrid Bjørnsdotter 11th century
99 Q3505610 6 Agnes of Bohemia
11th century 1228-06-07
100 Q4281726 6 Maria Shvarnovna
11th century 1205
101 Q4965708 6 Maria 11th century 110s
102 Q5374463 6 Empress Chenggong 1136 1167
103 Q5374640 6 Xing Bingyi 1106 1139
104 Q7199764 6 Checheyikhen figlia di Genghis Khan 1194 1237
105 Q12845604 6 Selcan Hatun 1195 1244
106 Q16851447 6 Kalyanavati of Polonnaruwa 11th century No/unknown value
107 Q23733458 6 Indradevi 11th century
108 Q27916899 6 Alam al-Malika 11th century 1130
109 Q57446991 6 Suswani Mata
110 Q354864 5 Adelaide of Riedenburg 11th century 12th century
111 Q544235 5 Ildegonda
santa 1170-03 1188-04-20
112 Q546165 5 Sophia 11th century 1065
113 Q1986188 5 Nicola de la Haye 110s 1230-11-20
114 Q2994841 5 Constance of Portugal I 1182-05
115 Q3129996 5 Helvis of Lusignan 1190 1218
116 Q3514643 5 Tamar 11th century 1161
117 Q4189502 5 Zvenislava of Tjernihiv 11th century 1155
118 Q4681828 5 Adelaide of Poland
110s 1211-12-08
119 Q4953376 5 Helena Guttormsdatter 1170 1230
120 Q4958289 5 Katarina Eriksdotter 11th century
121 Q5261384 5 Derbforgaill principessa irlandese 1108 1193
122 Q5545491 5 Ludmila 11th century 1210
123 Q5549396 5 Jadwiga 11th century 1249-12-29
124 Q5989593 5 Mafalda de Castilla 1191 1204
125 Q9380429 5 Vysheslava Yaroslavna 1167 No/unknown value
126 Q11486690 5 Kenreimon-in Ukyō no Daibu poetessa giapponese 1157
127 Q11623362 5 Empress Dowager Shichijō-in 1157 1228-10-15
128 Q11668218 5 Gongye 1109 1183
129 Q11977195 5 Inger Eriksdatter
1100 1157
130 Q13052921 5 Tamta 1195 1254
131 Q18214689 5 Ermessinde de Castelbon 11th century 1229
132 Q19684144 5 Kambuja-raja-lakshmi 11th century 12th century
133 Q20101075 5 Zulema de astroloog 1190 No/unknown value
134 Q20390056 5 Afifa Farfani 1116 1209-10
135 Q20858608 5 Anna Polovetska 11th century 1111-10-07
136 Q21032185 5 Mirosława 11th century 1240
137 Q95184 4 Bertha of Lorraine 1116 No/unknown value
138 Q516503 4 Isabel de Warenne 1136 1203-07-12
139 Q523863 4 Božislava 1197 13th century
140 Q582572 4 Mathilde von Andechs-Meranien 11th century 1245
141 Q813302 4 Beatrix of Limburg No/unknown value
142 Q1593081 4 Halldóra Tumadóttir politica islandese 1180 1247
143 Q3129994 4 Helvis of Ibelin 1182 No/unknown value
144 Q3356246 4 Orgueilleuse de Harenc 11th century No/unknown value
145 Q3528132 4 Tiburge of Orange 1105 1173
146 Q4056711 4 Agafia of Chernigov
1195 1238-02-07
147 Q4693146 4 Agnes of Essex 1151 No/unknown value
148 Q4803797 4 Ascelina 1121 1195
149 Q4877223 4 Beatrice of Béziers 11th century
150 Q5882687 4 Guntroda Pérez politico spagnolo 1110 1186-06-26
151 Q6077812 4 Isabel de Bolebec 1165 1245-02-03
152 Q6582141 4 Eshin-ni
1182 1268
153 Q6698603 4 Lucy of Bolingbroke 11th century 1138
154 Q7179034 4 Petronilla de Grandmesnil, countess of Leicester 110s 1212-04-01
155 Q8258183 4 Chengmu Impress 1125 1156-06-28
156 Q8266181 4 Yang Miaozhen 110s 120s
157 Q9035685 4 Muhja bint al-Tayyani 11th century No/unknown value
158 Q9091997 4 Urraca Díaz de Haro
badessa e beata cattolica spagnola 1192 1262
159 Q9212996 4 Durancie 11th century No/unknown value
160 Q9255749 4 Eufemie Olomoucká 1115 No/unknown value
161 Q9324407 4 Ryksa Odonówna 1190 No/unknown value
162 Q10296409 4 Sophie von Böhmen
1150 1195
163 Q10928538 4 Bōmon Hime 1145 1190-05-25
164 Q11061157 4 Taira no Shigeko 1142 1176-08-14
165 Q11064499 4 Pokjan 1112 1195
166 Q18110553 4 Yeli'andun 11th century 12th century
167 Q18176337 4 Matilda de Percy 11th century 120s
168 Q20005883 4 Matilde de Borgonya 1150 1192
169 Q24563600 4 Anna of Turov
1157 1205
170 Q24970671 4 Taqiyya Umm Ali bint Ghaith ibn Ali al-Armanazi 1111 1183
171 Q26327689 4 Ragnhild Skoftesdotter 11th century 11th century
172 Q48791541 4 Agnes von Staufen 1116 1151
Fine della lista autogenerata.