
[fontem recensere]

The purported clause "finem suam vitam magnae copiae aliarum linguarum" doesn't make sense. The original dubsig, in "adulescens magnae copiae? aliarum linguarum," was to call attention to the use of copia, as it seems strained to say "a big set of other languages," instead of, say, "many other languages." 17:28, 7 Ianuarii 2011 (UTC)

err, why shouldn't it be 'many other languages'? --Jondel 09:48, 8 Ianuarii 2011 (UTC)[reply]
It should be; that's the point. IacobusAmor 12:05, 8 Ianuarii 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Iacobus, I'm impressed by your emendationes, like Calcutae, acroases, etc. I obviously have far to go. Regarding copia. Is 'set' the only meaning in your Cassel's? I haven't googled ' magna frumenti copia ' yet which I know to mean a lot of corn. copia should mean plenty(as well as troops, resources etc). --Jondel 09:48, 8 Ianuarii 2011 (UTC)[reply]
'A big plenty of other languages' doesn't make sense either. Nor does 'a big abundance of other languages'. In some dialects, something like 'a big number of other languages', and even 'a big lot of other languages' might approach acceptability, but a copyeditor would probably reduce those to 'many other languages'. IacobusAmor 12:05, 8 Ianuarii 2011 (UTC)[reply]
You can argue frumenti is a resource (copia) but so is lingua. Let me change this to 'plus'(or maybe abundantia)so it won't cause any more confusion. I guess my latin orientation is different. One word can have many meanings. One meaning can have many words. Im happy you sort of respected my use of 'per' but I guess I would like to subscribe to a more standard latin and please do change it or let me know if you feel it would be better using the ablative form. finem vitam suam: towards the end of his life(he knew a quiet a number of other languages). How do you say: Towards the end of his life? --Jondel 09:48, 8 Ianuarii 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Latin can be so nice and simple: it's possible just to say "senex" in the nominative (because he, "as an old man", is still the subject of the clause) "senex et alias linguas nonnullas assecutus est", "as an old man he mastered several other languages too". I'll put that in -- but I bet Iacobus, or someone, will think of an even better exporession.
I'm really glad you started this page, Jondel. I can't think how we managed without it all this time ... Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 10:04, 8 Ianuarii 2011 (UTC)[reply]
That would be great! and Thanks! YOu're like the Flash(superhero) with Abhijñānaśākuntala! (I need to organize before I write)I work as a Japanese translator (by coincidence in ROHM Electronics like Rome!) now and sometimes there are criticisms so I have to tread the middle path of translating both literally and in a manner which doesn't invite confusion and is understood which is the way I try to do it here too. (I got in to so much trouble for the phrase 'quite a few' which means plenty but the Japanese misinterpreted as 'few'.--Jondel 10:15, 8 Ianuarii 2011 (UTC)[reply]
They weren't misinterpreting if you translated 'quite few' word for word, as 'quite few' means almost the opposite of 'quite a few'. IacobusAmor 12:05, 8 Ianuarii 2011 (UTC)[reply]
The Japanese understood 'few' when it should have understood plenty for "quite a few". My point is I will try avoid this types of confusion. Simplicity is the best policy. --Jondel 12:48, 8 Ianuarii 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I studied Sanskrit (a bit) and had to read some of that text. Hard work. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 10:20, 8 Ianuarii 2011 (UTC)[reply]
ughh. It is. It is a bit beyond me. I might stick to latin for a while.--Jondel 10:26, 8 Ianuarii 2011 (UTC)[reply]