Baptists is Christians wha staun in a "Radical" tradeetion. Wi regairds tae the main doctrines they gree wi the ither kirks, but wi regairds their ain kirk they hae their ain insichts. They believe that the kirk is made o believers, bodies wha lippen an trou Jesus Christ. Sae they believe Baptism shoud be gien tae fowks wha ken they believe, nae tae bairns. They believe in the "Priesthuid o aw believers". They believe that the kirk shoud be independent o the steit an ilka local kirk free tae rule its ain affairs athoot meddlin frae the steit, beeshops's Presbyteries or Kirk Cooncils. Baptist kirks hauld meetins o aw their members for tae govern their affairs. Maist Baptist kirks haes a commattee o Deacons or Elders wha leuk efter the weel-bein o the kirk wi the meenister gif they hae ane.

For ordinair there wed be the singin o hymns an mair modren sangs, there wed be prayers an a Bible readin an sermon. Whiles thair wed be tide for fowks tae get prayed for, an in some kirks fowks wed hae the scowth tae speak oot wi the Speerit gies them tae spaek.