The "Scots" that wis uised in this airticle wis written bi a body that haesna a guid grip on the leid.Please mak this airticle mair better gin ye can. (September 2020)
Bohai Sea
Hanyu PinyinBó Hǎi

Bohai Sea, cried the Bohai Gulf, Bohai, or Bo Hai an aa, is the innermaist gulf o the Yellae Sea on the coast o Northeastern an North Cheen. It is approximately 78,000 km2 (30,116 sq. mi) in aurie an its proximity tae Beijing, the caipital o the Fowkrepublic o Cheenae (PRC), maks it ane o the busiest seaways in the warld.

Major ports

Thare are five major ports alang the Bohai Sea rim, wi throughputs ower 100 million tons:

Cheenae MSA's Seaways Plan for the Bohai Sea. Planned routes follae closely the seaways currently in uise

The ports o Port o Dalian an Port o Yantai are tradeetionally considered pairt o the Bohai rim an aa, even tho strictly speakin thay lie ootside the leemits o the sea.

Major ceeties alang the Bohai Sea coast