Location o Buggenhout in East Flanders

Buggenhout is a municipality in the Belgian province o East Flanders in the Denderstreek. The municipality comprises the touns o Buggenhout proper, Briel, Opdorp, an Opstal. On Januar 1, 2011 Buggenhout haed a tot population o 14,167. The tot aurie is 25.25 square kilometres, whit gies a population density o 561 indwallers per square kilometre. The current mayor o Buggenhout is Tom Van Herreweghe, frae the (local) NCD pairty.

Buggenhout is the geometrical centre o Flanders: Gin ye tak a cairdboard cut-oot o Flanders, an balance it on a needle whaur Buggenhout is, the hale cut-oot wad be in balance.

Buggenhout is an aa kent for its forest, the "Buggenhout Bos", that is the lairgest forest o East Flanders.

Buggenhout haes twa breweries, Bosteels (kent for the "Tripel Karmeliet", "Deus" (a champagne beer), "Kwak") an De Landtsheer (kent for "Malheur").


The modren name "Buggenhout" stems frae the Middle Dutch "Bucghenhout" that on its turn stems frae the Auld Dutch "Bukenholt". Buken comes frae Proto-Germanic *bokjon (Modren Dutch: beuken, Auld Inglis: becen (beechs)), holt frae *hulta (Modren Dutch: hout (bos), Auld Inglis: holt (forest)). Thegither, thay wad form "Beukenhout" or "Beech forest". Buggenhout is still kent for its forest "Buggenhoutbos" (Buggenhout forest).

Freemit airtins

Coordinates: 51°00′55″N 4°12′08″E / 51.01526°N 4.20226°E / 51.01526; 4.20226