Major current events:
Wreckage of the Japan Airlines Airbus A350 involved in the crash
Wreckage of the Japan Airlines Airbus A350 involved in the crash
  • At least 84 fowk ur killt in bombins in Kerman, Iran, durin a ceremony commemoratin the assassination o Qasem Soleimani.
  • Japan Airlines Flicht 516 (wreckage picturt) collides wi a Japan Coast Guard airplane at Tokyo's Haneda Airport, killin five on the latter aircraft.
  • Lee Jae-myung, the heid o the Sooth Korean opposition, is pit intae the infirmary efter a stabbin attack in Busan.
  • An earthquake hits the Noto Peninsula in Japan, lea'in at least 84 fowk deed an 179 ithers amissin.
  • In Nigerie, bandits kill at least 200 fowk in Plateau State.