The coat o airms o Niger shows a fower-pairt banner drapin in the naitional colors orange, white, an green. In the middle, the state seal is arranged. On a white or gowd shield the fower golden seembols are shawn. In the middle, thare is a sun, tae the left thare is a vertical spear wi twa crossed Tuareg swuirds, tae the richt are three pearl millet heids an unnerneath is the frontal view o a zebu heid. Unner the coat o arms, thare is a ribbon bearin the name o the kintra in French: Republique du Niger. While the constitution o Niger stipulates the colour o the seembols upon the shield, thare is nae uniformity on the colour o the shield. The 1999 Constitution reproduces the text o earlier constitutions, makin a distinction atween the Seal o State (Le Sceau de l'État) for which nae shield colour is stipulatit an the Coat o Airms o the Republic (Les Armoiries de la République) for which Sinople is stipulatit as the shield colour.[1] Sinople is analogous tae Vert (Green) in heraldry, but offeecial biggins an documents dae no display green shields. Embassies an offeecial documents uise white, wi gowd emblems. The wabsteid o the Preses o Niger uises gowd or yellae wi daurk gowd or black emblems. The Naitional Assembly o Niger meets belaw a lairge coat o airms wi the shield coloured gowd an the emblems in a daurker gowd.[2][3]

Meanin o the colors an seembols

Thare hae been several meanings proposed for the colours o the Nigerien naition, but thare is nae constitutional reference tae these meanings. Commonly, these meanings are describit as


  1. Constitution de la République du Niger, Adoptée le 18 juillet 1999 et promulguée par le décret n°99-320/PCRN du 9 août 1999. Titre premier : De l’État et de la souveraineté. Article premier (First Section, First Article)
  2. See description and images at The Presidency of Niger Archived 2007-10-30 at the Wayback Machine and images of the Assembly chamber at The official site of the National Assembly Archived 2007-08-18 at the Wayback Machine.
  3. see Article 1 of the first section of the 1999 constitution: Constitution Du Niger Du 18 Juillet 1999 (Promulguée par décret N° 99-320 / PCRN du 09 Août 1999) Archived 2008-10-02 at the Wayback Machine, and the website of the Presidency of Niger Symboles du Niger Archived 2007-10-30 at the Wayback Machine, (consulted 2008-07-25).

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