Coordinates: 54°58′47″N 3°59′03″W / 54.97972°N 3.98417°W / 54.97972; -3.98417

Crossmickle Main Street.

Crossmickle (Scots Gaelic: Crois Mhìcheil) is a smaw veelage on the east side o Loch Ken in the historical coonty o Kirkcoubrieshire, in Dumfries an Gallowa, Scotland. Crossmickle is aboot 4 mile north o Castle Douglas. Crossmickle is the name an aw o the ceevil pairish.

Crossmickle wis first recordit in 1164 whan Gallowa wis a sequestrate laund.

Crossmickle his a public hoose, a shap, a marina, and a kirk wi a kenspeckle steeple.

The A713 road rins throu Crossmickle. The veelage is on the 520 bus route.

Tounheid o Greenlaw is ae mile til the sooth. The site o Greenlaw (National Grid Reference (NGR): NX 74800 64500) is said tae be a Roman haly-muild, and occupees risin grund.

A Roman fort aince existit til the sooth near Glenlochar barrage at Aibey Yaird.

Saxteen ither forts, motts, stane circles, an cairns aw lie within 3 mile o Crossmickle.

The kirk

Crossmickle Kirk an kirkyaird

The veelage name comes fae the Cross o St Michel, the patron saint o the oreeginal kirk.

The Pairish o Crossmickle is recordit as faur back as the 12t century. A biggin was believed tae be praisent afore 1547 as the earliest lair-stane beirs that date. The praisent kirk biggin dates fae 1751, bit includes the kenspeckle roond tour o an earlier date. Some evident suggests that the roond tour wis biggit aroond 1611 bi Sir Robert Gordon o Greenlaw, Crossmickle Pairish. The date on the bell (1611) in the roond tour seems tae confirm this. In 1852 the kirk wis remodelt bi the airchitect John Starforth.[1] The kirk ben conteens the Laird's Lofts o the local faimilys fae Danevale Pairk, Culgruff, an Mollance Hoose.

The kirkyaird his Covenanters graffs datin fae The Killin Times o the 1680s, a fine decoratit Gordon moniment [1757], a table stane wi an acrostic epitaph tae Rev Andrew Dick, an three war graffs.


Danevale Pairk, the Stables
Urr Valley Hotel (Ernespie House)

Namely fowk

Leetit biggins in Crossmickle


  1. "Dictionary of Scottish Architects - DSA Architect Biography Report". Archived frae the original on 7 Februar 2022. Retrieved 12 Julie 2019.