The "Scots" that wis uised in this airticle wis written bi a body that haesna a guid grip on the leid.Please mak this airticle mair better gin ye can. (Januar 2021)
Hoose o Habsburg
The auncient coat o airms o the Coonts o Habsburg.
KintraAustrick, Kinrick o Germany, Holy Roman Empire, Sicily, Naples, Spain, Hungary-Croatie, Empire o Mexico, Bohemie, Portugal an ither smawer heestorical states
  • Holy Roman Emperor
  • Keeng o the Romans
  • Keeng o Germany
  • Keeng o Italy
  • Keeng o Spain
  • Keeng o Sicily
  • Keeng o Naples
  • Keeng o Hungary
  • Keeng o Bohemie
  • Keeng o Croatie
  • Keeng o Portugal
  • Keeng o Galicie an Lodomerie
  • Keeng o Ingland
  • Keeng o Ireland
  • Keeng o Fraunce[note 1]
  • Grand Prince o Transylvanie
  • Airchduke o Austrick
  • Duke o Burgundy
  • Duke o Parma
  • Coont o Habsburg
Foondit11t century: Radbot, Coont o Habsburg
Final rulerSpainyie branch: Charles (November 1, 1700)
Austrick branch: Maria Theresa (November 29, 1780)
Dissolution1700:(Efter the daith o Charles II o Spain)
1780:(Efter the daith o Maria Theresa o Austrick)
EthnicityGermans, Spainyie
Cadet branches
  • Habsburg-Laufenburg
  • House of Kyburg
  • Leopoldian line
  • Albertine line
  • Habsburg-Lorraine (Descendants o Joseph II, son o Maria Theresa)
    (note: Because Joseph II haed no sons, his younger brother, Leopold II, succeedit him as heid o the Hoose o Habsburg-Lorraine)
  1. titular claim rather nor de facto

The Hoose o Habsburg (/ˈhæps.bɜːrɡ/; German pronunciation: [ˈhaːps.bʊʁk]), cried Hoose o Hapsburg,[1] or Hoose o Austrick[2] an aw, wis ane o the maist important ryal hooses o Europe.


  1. Siegal, Allan M.; Connolly, William G. (1999). The New York Times Manual of Style and Usage. Random House Digital, Inc. p. 154. ISBN 978-0-8129-6389-2. Retrieved 27 Apryle 2012.
  2. "The House of Austria – the Habsburgs and the Empire"