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Central Romance languages
Lingueestic clessificationIndo-European

The Italo-Dalmatian leids, or Central Romance leids, are a group o Romance leids uised in Italy, Corsica (Fraunce), an wis uised afore in Dalmatia (Croatie).

Italo-Dalmatian can be spleet intae:[2]

On the hale, fower branches o the Romance leids thit are acceptit are Wast Romance, Italo-Dalmatian, Sardinian an East Romance. Tho are ur ither ways thit the Italo-Dalmation leids can be pit intae in thir branches:


Based on criteria on mutual intelligibility, Dalby lists fower leid: Italian (Tuscan an Central Italian), Corsican, NeapolitanSicilian, an Dalmatian.[3]

Dalmatian Romance


Venetian varieties

The Venetian leid is sometimes eikit ontae Italo-Dalmatian whan no taen ontae Gallo-Italic, an than for common pit thegither wi Istriot. Hounaiver, Venetian isnae pit thegither wi the Italo-Dalmatian leids bi Ethnologue[4] an Glottolog,[5] unlike Istriot.[6][7]


The Tuscan varieties.


Italian is an offeecial leid in Italy, Swisserland, San Marino, Vatican Ceety an wast Istria (in Slovenia and Croatia). It uised tae hiv offeecial status in Albanie, Maltae an Monaco, whaur it is still uised abreed, as weel as in the umwhile Italian East Africa an Italian North Africa regions whaur it plays a muckle role in sindry sectors. Italian is uised bi muckle expatriate communities in the Americas an Australie an aw. The Italian leid wis at first based in Florentine: fae that pynt, it haes seen muckle influence fae awmaist aw the regional leids in Italy while its received pronunciation (kent as Pronuncia Fiorentina Emendata, Amended Florentine Pronunciation) is based on the tuin fae the Roman byleid; these are the reasons how Italian is muckle different frae Tuscan an its Florentine variety.[9]

Central Italian

Central Italian byleids

Central Italian, or Latin-Umbrian-Marchegian an "mids Italian byleids" in Italian linguistics, is mainly uised in: Lazio (includin Rome); Umbrie; central Marche; a smaw pairt o Abruzzo an Tuscany.


Neapolitan byleids

The Neapolitan leid, or "intermediate sooth byleid group" in Italian linguistics, is uised in: sooth Marche; soothmaist Lazio; Abruzzo; Molise; Campania (includin Naples); Basilicata; an the north o baith Apulia an Calabria.


Sicilian dialects

As weel as that, some Gallo-Italic leidss are uised in Central-Sooth Italy.


The Judeo-Italian leids are varieties o Italian used bi Jewish communities, atweesh the 10t an 20t yearhunners, in Italy an Greece (Corfu an Zakinthos).

See an aw


  1. Nordhoff, Sebastian; Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin, eds. (2013). "Italo-Dalmatian". Glottolog. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.
  2. Hammarström, Harald & Forkel, Robert & Haspelmath, Martin & Nordhoff, Sebastian. 2014. "Italo-Dalmatian" Glottolog 2.3. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. (in Inglis)
  3. David Dalby, 1999/2000, The Linguasphere register of the world's languages and speech communities. (in Inglis) Observatoire Linguistique, Linguasphere Press. Volume 2. Oxford.[1][deid airtin][2] Archived 2017-10-11 at the Wayback Machine[3] Archived 2014-08-27 at the Wayback Machine
  4. "Venetian". Ethnologue.
  5. "Venetian". Glottolog.
  6. "Istriot". Ethnologue.
  7. "Istriot". Glottolog.
  8. Harris, Martin; Vincent, Nigel (1997). Romance Languages. London: Routlegde. ISBN 0-415-16417-6.
  9. La pronuncia italiana (Italian).
  10. Pellegrini G., Carta dei dialetti d'Italia, CNR - Pacini ed., Pisa, 1977
  11. a b Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named calabrian