Mochrum is located in Dumfries and Galloway
Location within Dumfries an Gallowa
Cooncil area
Lieutenancy area
Sovereign stateUnitit Kinrick
Post tounNewton Stewart
Postcode destrictDG8
EU PairlamentScotland
UK Pairlament
  • Dumfries and Galloway
Scots Pairlament
  • Galloway and Upper Nithsdale
Leet o places
54°48′N 4°34′W / 54.80°N 4.56°W / 54.80; -4.56Coordinates: 54°48′N 4°34′W / 54.80°N 4.56°W / 54.80; -4.56
Mochram Veelage fae the Motte

Mochrum (/ˈmɔːxrʌm/) is coastal an ceevil pairish o the Kirk o Scotland in the historical coonty o Wigtounshire in Dumfries an Gallowa, Scotland. It kivers 22,000 acre an is aboot 10 mile lang an 5 mile wide. The pairish conteens the eponymous veelage o Mochrum, as weel as Port William an the clachan o Elrig.


Mochrum is recordit as Mochrumm in the Blaue atlas as a hill-name. It is a Cumbric name formt o the elements moch 'pigs, swine' an drum 'rig'. It is possible bit no likely that the name is Gaelic insteid o Cumbric, formt o the cognate elements muc-druim.[1]

Kirk o Mochrum

Mochrum kirk

Mochrum kirk wis built on the site o an umwhile kirk biggin datin back til the 12t century. The umwhile biggin wis maistly malafoustert bi fire in the 1770s, an the praisent biggin uised maist o the umwhile biggin's rectangular waws in its biggin in 1974, an wis substantious altert again aboot 1840.

The kirkyaird conteens ten war graffs, o whit fower male an ae female isna kent.


Sir John Dunbar o Mochrum wis kilt at the Battle o Flodden in 1513. He wis survived bi his guidwife Janet Stewart, an his third son Gavin Dunbar (1490-1597), that becam the Airchbeeshop o Glesga) in 1524. A fortifee'd medieval big hoose is locatit at Castle Island, kent an aw Drumwalt.

Myretoun McCulloch wis awnt bi the McCullochs, an in 1574 thay hid the 5-merkland of Balsalloch in the "Barony o Myretoun".[2] Myretoun Castle is on the Menreith Estate, on the mairch o Mochrum an Glasserton pairishes. It wis awnt bi Sir William Maxwell, an syne the Maxwells built Menreith Hoose. Myretoun Castle wis built on an earlier motte,[3] bit the war a castle an motte on the island an aw.


The remeens o Chaipel Finian

Mochrum is the site o a thrang o prehistoric forts, yirdwarks, staundin stanes, an crannogs.

Aboot ae mile fae Menreith is Barsalloch Pynt, whaur evident o human camps as early as 6000 BCE micht mak it the auldest dated sattlement in Gallowa.

The're the Barsalloch Airn Age fort at Mochrum, as weel as baith an early cross an a medieval cross.[4][5] The're anither Airn Age hill-fort at Doun o Mey hill-fort site.[6]

The foonds is aw that is left o Chaipel Finian, a 10t-11t century chaipel staundin on an auld hichtit strand at Corwall Port. It maist likely taks its name fae Saunt Finnian o Movilla that wis eddicatit at nearby Whithorn and dee'd aboot 579. The site wis likely a laundin place for Irish pilgrimers tae Saunt Ringan's shrine.[7] It is shawn on Timothy Pont's map in Blaeu's atlas as "Chappel finan".[8]

Druchtag Motehill is a brent-sidit mund an site o a 12-t century motte-an-bailey castle lyin aboot 330 fit nor'wast o Mote Brae.[9][10][11] The Auld Place o Mochrum wis built in 1368.[12]

A crannog is in Elrig Loch.[13] A staundin stane, the Carlin Stane, can be fund at Barhobble that is near the Hoose o Elrig.[14]

Leetit biggins in Mochrum



  1. James, Alan G. (2014). "Cumbric trev in Kyle, Carrick, Galloway and Dumfriesshire". Transactions of the Dumfries and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. 88. 31.
  2. Rodney L. McCulloh. "Myreton 1". Retrieved 18 Juin 2014.
  3. "Myrton Castle". ScotlandsPlaces. Archived frae the original on 20 Januar 2016. Retrieved 18 Juin 2014.
  4. "Barsalloch Fort Property Detail". Historic Scotland. Archived frae the original on 5 October 2013. Retrieved 18 Juin 2014.
  5. The Megalithic Portal and Megalith Map (28 October 2007). ": The Megalithic Portal and Megalith Map:". Archived frae the original on 28 November 2012. Retrieved 18 Juin 2014.
  6. "Site Record for Doon Of May, May Details Details". Archived frae the original on 4 October 2013. Retrieved 18 Juin 2014.
  7. "finian". Archived frae the original on 1 August 2015. Retrieved 18 Juin 2014.
  8. National Library of Scotland
  9. Rodney L. McCulloh. "Druchtag Motte - 1". Retrieved 18 Juin 2014.
  10. "Druchtag Motte Property Detail". Historic Scotland. Archived frae the original on 19 October 2014. Retrieved 18 Juin 2014.
  11. "Druchtag Mote Hill". ScotlandsPlaces. Archived frae the original on 20 Januar 2016. Retrieved 18 Juin 2014.
  12. [1] Archived Mairch 9, 2012, at the Wayback Machine
  13. "Loch Elrig Crannog".
  14. "Local St. Ninian Sites including St. Ninian's Cave, St. Ninian's Chapel and the Witness Cairn". Retrieved 18 Juin 2014.